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Everything posted by Loo

  1. I loved his khaki jacket, his embroidered T-shirt and this great view:
  2. C'est fait mais j'hésite encore pour les couleurs définitives. Et je me rends compte que je suis incapable de dessiner des chaussures; alors je laisse encore à Mika le soin de se chausser chez Louboutin même si dorénavant c'est moi qui l'habille!
  3. http://www.purepeople.com/article/mika-blesse-se-devoile-platre-c-est-pas-ideal_a278197/1
  4. https://www.telestar.fr/people/photo-blesse-au-poignet-mika-ne-peut-plus-jouer-au-piano-336188
  5. Il est un peu désert mais on peut le rendre plus vivant en s'y mettant tous!
  6. http://www.directfm.fr/2018/03/16/the-voice-7-tentez-de-gagner-votre-place-pour-assister-a-lemission/
  7. http://www.directfm.fr/2018/03/16/the-voice-7-tentez-de-gagner-votre-place-pour-assister-a-lemission/
  8. https://www.voici.fr/news-people/actu-people/photo-mika-blesse-au-poignet-il-inquiete-ses-fans-644853
  9. https://www.20minutes.fr/culture/2238891-20180316-mika-blesse-poignet
  10. http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/spettacolo/mika-l-infortunio-al-braccio-documentato-sui-social_3128771-201802a.shtml
  11. Hello Míriam and welcome to the forum! For the moment this young man is having fun hitting tables with his new plaster cast; the concerts are likely to be a little backwards!
  12. Tapping wood with a plaster cast may be a new method of rapid healing. It's hard inactivity for a hyperactive! Fortunately this one is ambidextrous, it's the right time to make his other side work!
  13. At least he's home in Miami and not under a bridge, that's appreciable! The poor others!
  14. He's always beautiful in a suit! Now he was sick, poor thing.
  15. Non credo che ne parlerà per evitare polemiche. Ma sarebbe interessante sapere cosa pensa veramente, perché siamo dei curiosi!
  16. Il contesto può essere facilmente riassunto: ragazza rivolta, tweet sconsiderati, ascesa dell' estrema destra, razzismo, grandi somme di denaro in gioco--> squalifica. Non sono sicuro che Mika abbia davvero il diritto di prendere una decisione importante al riguardo. Lo fanno i produttori.
  17. https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/news/mika-crie-pendant-prestation-de-norig-mouche-a-bien-pu-piquer-coach-2196265.html All these expressions in a single performance! And more:
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