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Maria :)

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Maria :) last won the day on January 30 2018

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About Maria :)

  • Birthday 02/12/2002


  • Bio
    The voice 🎤🎹🎸🎶

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    France 🇫🇷
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    I love Mika, the dance, the rhythmic and sportive gymnastic, the photography and the music. 🎶

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  1. Bonjour @ girls !

    How are you ? :flowers2:

    The question I'm going to ask you can seems strange but... :blink:

    Do you believe in the true friendship ?? 

    Do you think the people can stay friends during a very very long time ? 

    Or do you think our friends will leave us a day without news ? 

    Sorry for my questions... 


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    2. Maria :)

      Maria :)

      @Lilyen   oh ... Bonne chance !! 😙

      Vous pouvez me répondre tomorow , je serai heureux de connaître votre opinion. 💝

    3. emilyb


      @Maria :) Thank you so much!! You can say "I hope you will succeed" or "I hope you do well". Switch the You and will around so it says "will you tell me (how you do)". I will post on here as soon as I am done! The test starts at 10:00 and we have 1 hour to take it!

    4. Dominika


      I'm very sceptical about this topic. I had best friend just like Emily. She was my neighbour and we were like sisters for 15 years but one day our ways just split out, I don't even remember why and we don't have any contact now. My second best friend went with me through very hard time in my life, we spent a lot of time together, share the same interests, going to the same class etc, but since I went to another city to study and she stayed in our hometown our contact loosened up. I don't know if it will change when I finish my studies and return to my hometown, we'll see how the things will go, but for now we're living in two  too different worlds. In general my circle of close friends is quite small, probably because I have difficulties with making new friends, I don't like sending text messages or calling, I prefer real contact with the person, but once you really know me I'm friend for good and bad times. I'm also the person who is trying to gather all friends together, planning trips and stuff but it very often fails and it's getting me sad, but even though I'm still trying. So my conclusion is: if someone would like to stick with me it will be fine but the effort must comes from both ways and definitely I don't want to be left without any friends at all.

      OMG I just literally wrote the story of my life but I've never been so open about myself like on this forum  :blush-anim-cl:

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