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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. It looks like he burned his hand and this violet thing is a antiseptic medicine. Or he hit himself and it's a big bruise. I can see a hole in his skin. Not nice. I hope he will not play piano in Philharmonie. I don't understand what they say. "Stay here"...
  2. Or he went to the railway station to pick up his friends/cooperators for dinner at home? I can see at least 3 plates on the table.
  3. Yes, this is what I understood while watching the show. Covid restrictions for Westphalia.
  4. Yes, it looks like he took the photo in from of the wall of his house in Tuscany.
  5. It's a Miramikati hoodie. https://www.farfetch.com/pl/shopping/women/mira-mikati-squirrel-embroidered-patch-hoodie-item-16696492.aspx?size=21&storeid=12481&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_keywordid=140045227&utm_shoppingproductid=16696492-5248&pid=google_search&af_channel=Search&c=10270215326&af_c_id=10270215326&af_siteid=&af_keywords=pla-297226413299&af_adset_id=102865871232&af_ad_id=441541944618&af_sub1=140045227&af_sub5=16696492-5248&is_retargeting=true&shopping=yes&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3InHxbm98wIVpRJ7Ch094wdKEAQYBCABEgJJNfD_BwE
  6. Yes, but she said it in the way we sometimes say "I am going to kill myself' . She was pregnant at that time so for sure her hormones jumped up because of the disappointment. Me too I was shocked when the public didn't vote for Al.Hy. But it's the game. You have to follow the rules.
  7. She left to talk to Al.Hy not to leave the show. Press of course finds a drama everywhere to write some b******t.
  8. Thank you. Now I have to go to bed. I am working tomorrow. Goodnight
  9. Just look at this photo!!!! The famous HOPE necklace which has been broken in Paris at Amex concert @mellody @holdingyourdrink
  10. I can't say if I like it or not. But he has something very special in his voice. I need more time and more songs .
  11. I have posted the short video with Emma. So you will understand what it's about
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