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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. A bit warmer and a bit easier to come Have you see the place where it is? I think without a car it will be really hard.
  2. Two French fans asked Mika on Sunday night after the concert about the Vars gig. Mika is not sure now if it will take place. He didn't explain why. So if it's cancelled - don't be surprised.
  3. Vanity Fair 25/10/2021 https://www.vanityfair.fr/culture/article/mika-envoute-la-philharmonie-de-paris Mika envoûte la Philharmonie de Paris Le chanteur pop a investi la somptueuse Philharmonie de Paris, pour offrir une version symphonique, avec orchestre et chœur, de ses tubes. Vanity Fair a assisté à ce concert-événement. La tentation était trop forte pour les dizaines de groupies venues voir leur idole : s’il avait été précisé, en début de soirée, qu’il était formellement interdit de sortir son smartphone pour prendre photos et vidéos, le concert s’est pourtant terminé avec une marée d’écrans bleus et de flashs jaillissant de la foule. La grande salle Pierre Boulez de la Philharmonie avait rarement connu une telle frénésie, mais il faut dire qu’elle n’accueille pas tous les jours des popstars. Mika, chanteur célèbre aux quatre coins du globe, particulièrement adulé en Italie et en France, avait donc choisi ce temple parisien de la musique classique pour revisiter ses tubes à la sauce symphonique, ce samedi 23 octobre. Et quand l’artiste a une idée, il ne fait pas les choses à moitié : pour ce concert exceptionnel, il est accompagné des 95 musiciens de l'orchestre national d’île de France, d'une cinquantaine de choristes, de la soprano Ida Falk Winland, du chanteur Max Taylor et du guitariste Thibaut Garcia. Le tout sous la baguette de Simon Leclerc, chef d'orchestre habitué des grandes productions hollywoodiennes. Le résultat, sur scène, est impressionnant. Une fois l’orchestre installé, Mika entre sous les hourras. Fidèle à son goût de la fantaisie, il scintille dans un costume argenté, qui fait l'effet d'une boule à facettes avec les nombreux projecteurs. Le concert commence doucement avec une version de « Toy Boy » puis d'« Underwater », magnifiée par les violons. Puis, première surprise : « Boum Boum Boum », morceau très acidulé aux paroles presque grivoises, est ici repris avec le chœur à la manière d'un « Carmina Burana ». On ne peut qu'en avoir la chair de poule. Après l'entracte, les hits s'enchaînent : « Happy Enging », « Origin of Love », « Elle me dit », et bien évidemment « Grace Kelly », le morceau par lequel la carrière de Mika a commencé. Aux premières notes, il est toujours difficile de les reconnaître, tant cette nouvelle partition symphonique leur apporte une autre ampleur. La soirée se termine dans une ambiance plus proche des concerts habituels, de ceux que Mika aurait pu faire à l'Olympia ou à Bercy. Pour le dernier titre, l'entraînant « Love Today », les spectateurs se lèvent, tapent dans leurs mains… On sent alors Mika complètement électrisé. Lui qui aime tant danser ne se retient plus et nous offre un déhanché endiablé. Le public est presque en transe, les applaudissements redoublent. Toute en humilité, le chanteur ne salue pas seul, mais main dans la main avec ses camarades, Ida Falk Winland, Max Taylor et Simon Leclerc. Malgré les rappels nourris de la foule qui demande une autre chanson, Mika doit retourner dans sa loge, où il est attendu pour un duplex dans l'émission The Voice, dont il est l'un des jurés. En allumant la télé, quelques minutes plus tard, on le découvre en effet en direct sur TF1, remaquillé, superbe dans un costume rose flashy, et prêt à assurer de nouveau le show dans ce télé-crochet ultra-suivi. Assurément, la Philharmonie avait rarement accueilli une telle popstar. ENGLISH TRANSLATION Mika captivates the Philharmonie de Paris The pop singer has taken over the sumptuous Philharmonie de Paris, to offer a symphonic version, with orchestra and choir, of his hits. Vanity Fair attended this concert-event. The temptation was too strong for the dozens of groupies who came to see their idol: if it had been specified, at the beginning of the evening, that it was strictly forbidden to take out your smartphone to take photos and videos, the concert nevertheless ended with a tide of blue screens and flashes spurting out from the crowd. The large Pierre Boulez room at the Philharmonie had rarely seen such a frenzy. But it must be said that it does not host popstars every day. Mika, singer famous around the world, particularly adored in Italy and France, had therefore chosen this Parisian temple of classical music to revisit his hits in a symphonic style, this Saturday, October 23. And when the artist has an idea, he does not do things by halves: for this exceptional concert, he is accompanied by the 95 musicians of the Ile de France national orchestra, about fifty choristers, the soprano Ida Falk Winland, singer Max Taylor and guitarist Thibaut Garcia. All under the baton of Simon Leclerc, conductor accustomed to major Hollywood productions the result on stage is impressive. Once the orchestra is installed, Mika walks in with cheers. True to his taste for fantasy, he sparkles in a silver suit, which looks like a mirror ball with the many spotlights. The concert begins slowly with a version of "Toy Boy" then "Underwater", magnified by the violins. Then, the first surprise: “Boom Boom Boom”, a very tangy piece with almost saucy lyrics, is repeated here with the choir in the style of a “Carmina Burana”. We can only get goosebumps. After the intermission, the hits follow one another: "Happy Enging", "Origin of Love", "Elle me dit", and of course "Grace Kelly", the track with which Mika's career began. With the first notes it is difficult to recognize them, so much this new symphonic score brings them another dimension. The evening ends in an atmosphere closer to the usual concerts, to those that Mika could have done at the Olympia or Bercy. For the last title, leading it “Love Today”, the spectators get up, clap their hands… We then feel Mika completely electrified. He who loves dancing so much does not hold back and offers us a frenzied sway. The audience is almost in a trance, the applause redoubled. All in humility the singer does not greet alone but hand in hand with his comrades Ida Falk Winland, Max Taylor and Simon Leclerc. Despite heavy reminders from the crowd asking for another song, Mika must return to his dressing room, where he is expected for a duplex on The Voice, where he is one of the jurors. By turning on the TV, a few minutes later, we discover him live on TF1, make-up, superb in a flashy pink suit, and ready to perform again in this ultra-monitored tv program. To be sure, the Philharmonie had rarely hosted such a popstar.
  4. Mika wrote it as a joke. And he always sings it with a big fun And violins sound great!!!
  5. Yes, I agree with you. Erio is a big favorite. But you know, when the audience is voting anything can happen. We've already seen favorites leaving before finals. I like a lot Nika Paris. And listening to Mika's comments he likes her a lot too. Every time he talks about her he stresses her boundless international culture and boldness in finding her own way. Although I have read some unpleasant tweets - some Italians don't like that she is singing in French. But hello! X Factor is not a San Remo Italian Song competition!!!!! And some are singing in English. People sometimes are looking a pretext to be rude. But it's true this year artists are very independent, they write their own songs. They are not looking for covers. As Mika said - this year karaoke doesn't work.
  6. If you manage to understand it would be great. When Mika was speaking he didn't do it very loud - a shy guy
  7. Hi everybody, as @crazyaboutmika posted the audio from the Sunday concert I put here the audio from the Saturday one. Of course it's a very poor sound quality but it would bring us back to Philharmonie de Paris. With the beautiful Ouverture to start 668829436_01PhlilharmoniedeParis23102021.mp4 1783021593_02PhlilharmoniedeParis23102021.mp4 955927089_03PhlilharmoniedeParis23102021.mp4 650062959_04PhlilharmoniedeParis23102021.mp4
  8. Behind the scenes from the photo session. Instagram Nima Benati YouCut_20211029_220255002.mp4 YouCut_20211029_220332966.mp4
  9. It's a add time at X Factor. DDLZAN is a low against homobitransphobia. There is a huge discussion in the Parliament. From Internet: DDL Zan, the bill against homobitransphobia, has been shelved by the Senate. With 154 votes in favor, the request was approved not to examine the law article by article and to proceed by secret ballot. Furthermore, the text will return to committee no earlier than six months. But what are the opinions of Italians regarding the Zan DDL, the problem of gender discrimination in Italy and the rights of the LGBT + community?
  10. To watch live X Factor on TV8 https://webserver.one/Live/Tv_8_Online.php
  11. Mika on TikTok live ran by X Factor 28/10/2021. They talked with all judges and Mika was the last one. And - of course - lhe talked much longer than others
  12. Mika was in TikTok Live on the X Factor account. Two journalists from the pre-show part: Pietro Morello and Shinhai Ventura. They were talking with all judges and Mika was the last one. I am converting the video as I was filming my mobile's screen. I posted it on YouTube.
  13. French fans waiting for the AMEX concert by Salle Pleyel missed him in the street even if they were expecting to see him
  14. Great!!! I recorded the audio on Saturday evening. I have to check this Sound Cloud - never heard about it before.
  15. Dwa wywiady dla włoskiego Corriere i francuskiego Le Journal du Dimanche są już w wersji polskiej https://mikapopolsku.com/cytaty/
  16. I can't believe what I read!!!! Please tell me I am not dreaming
  17. Actually this post belongs here. This is Mika's speech before BLUE on Sunday evening. Here is the part before BLUE (the second video below) WARNING!! Please prepare MIKA tissues. It was hard to write all this with tears in my eyes. First Mika translates the lyrics into French. "... Blue is deep and boldBlue is like no otherspiritual old We like watching the blue water of the sea - it makes us dreaming But when it's raining - blue is falling from the sky And all this to tell you that what ever happens in your life.. I promise you I will love the sun, yellow, green, red... even violet I will promise you that even in the hardest and dark moments I will love the blue in you too This song I dedicate tonight to a person which brought me here (on stage) and which brings me from up there, and which brings me here tonight... This song is for my mother..."
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