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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Yes. You can see it at the end of the show - Mika is running to a group of fans on the left. He told them not to wait for him. And another group of French fans was waiting outside and they didn't see Mika. (They were on the right side of the studio so they didn't here Mika's message).
  2. 5 podcasts are already available!!!!! https://www.francemusique.fr/emissions/les-larmes-de-mika
  3. Yesterday Mika didn't stop while leaving the studio. And he told fans at the end of the show not to wait for him. So I think it is very very probable he will not stop on Saturday after the final.
  4. If you want to travel a lot during one day, you can pay 7,50 EUR for Navigo day Pass. It sounds interesting for the price of a half carnet (5 tickets) you can travel the whole day. And you can download tickets to the airports. But not for regular RER trains (yet). https://insidr.co/paris-navigo-easy/
  5. So you can buy single paper tickets. In most of the metro station they are still available.
  6. The 10-tickets carnets are still available in the machines where you can buy paper tickets. For Navigo Easy passes more information here: https://www.ratp.fr/en/titres-et-tarifs/passe-navigo-easy
  7. I've checked the information concerning paper tickets in the metro. So starting the 14th of October on some metro stations you will not be able to but paper tickets. But it's in the stations in the north-west and south parts of the city. There you will be able to buy a plastic card to charge with money (sort of Oystercards in London). On this photo you can see the stations where you can't buy paper tickets. Starting from January 2022 there will be much more stations with the only option - a plastic card. But if you have spare paper tickets you will be able yo use them even later. Here I am talking only for tourists and not for people using standard Navigo cards. You can buy a plastic card Navigo Easy in vending machines or in the ticket counters for 2 EUR and recharge them in the vending machines or via your mobile.
  8. There is only one exit from the studio. So Mika just does not stop while leaving it in his car. And usually he leaves the studio as the last one. So you should be ready to wait till maybe 1am - 1:30 am. Without being sure if he stops.
  9. Ah, OK. I thought about this word VOSSTANOVLENIE which means "restauration"
  10. It's not "restaurant" but "restauration" (recuperation in French). It's the connecting page. You have to enter you family name you used to create the account..
  11. The 19th of October at 8pm Mika will be on France Musique Radio https://www.francemusique.fr/emissions/les-larmes-de-mika?fbclid=IwAR20ZRtV9Ujb9Eh5wCqydnIeX3kJc3yx0BX5_xnsOo4gdNqIoVgvij_D2w4 Les Larmes de Mika L'équipe de l'émission : MikaProduction Arnaud ChappatteRéalisation Marjolaine Portier-KaltenbachCollaboration En prélude à ses concerts à la Philharmonie de Paris le 23 et 24 octobre prochains avec l’Orchestre National de France, France Musique propose une carte blanche à Mika... Dans l’intimité du studio, seul au micro, il nous fait partager ses coups de cœur en musique classique et en jazz et offre aux auditeurs de France Musique sa programmation idéale. The show team: Production: Mika Director: Arnaud Chappatte Collaboration: Marjolaine Portier-Kaltenbach As a prelude to his concerts at the Philharmonie de Paris on October 23 and 24 with the Orchestre National de France, France Musique is offering Mika carte blanche ... In the privacy of the studio, alone at the microphone, he shares his favorites with us in classical music and jazz and offers France Musique listeners his ideal programming.
  12. https://business.ladn.eu/news-business/actualites-startups/maison-divie-vente-cbd-bhv-marais-chanvre/ Divie, Maison Française, installe sa gamme de produits au CBD au BHV Marais dès la fin du mois d’août avec un pop-up store spécialement dédié au Bien-Être. À partir du 30 août 2021, Divie sera au 2ème étage de l’emblématique BHV Marais, pour faire découvrir ses huiles et infusions issues de l’agriculture biologique de nos régions. Divie est déjà disponible dans plus de 130 pharmacies et parapharmacies de France. Du 13 septembre au 10 octobre 2021, les produits Divie seront également à l’honneur dans la vitrine du BHV Marais, rue des Archives à Paris. L’occasion de faire connaître les bienfaits du Chanvre. De plus, c’est cet été que la jeune marque diffusera ses deux premiers spots publicitaires à la télévision et sur les réseaux sociaux. Réalisés par Germain Chauveau, ils seront diffusés plus de 200 fois sur les chaînes du groupe Mediawan du 15 au 30 juillet 2021 puis du 1er au 15 septembre 2021. Un chanvre de qualité 100% français Divie crée son histoire au cœur de l’Aveyron et récolte naturellement un chanvre de qualité 100% français, cultivé sans engrais ni arrosage artificiel. Par souci de transparence totale, toutes les huiles sont tracées à chaque étape de la production comme gage de qualité et sont analysées par trois laboratoires indépendants. Et pour aller encore plus loin dans cet engagement, le fondateur de Divie, Alexandre Perez, également membre et porte-parole du Syndicat Professionnel du Chanvre, permet aux consommateurs de retracer les huiles Divie sur le site internet, grâce au numéro de suivi du produit. English translation: Divie, Maison Française, is setting up its range of CBD products at BHV Marais at the end of August with a pop-up store specially dedicated to Well-Being. From August 30, 2021, Divie will be on the 2nd floor of the emblematic BHV Marais, to showcase its oils and infusions from organic farming in our regions. Divie is already available in more than 130 pharmacies and drugstores in France. From September 13 to October 10, 2021, Divie products will also be in the spotlight in the window of BHV Marais, rue des Archives in Paris. The opportunity to promote the benefits of hemp. In addition, it is this summer that the young brand will broadcast its first two commercials on television and on social networks. Produced by Germain Chauveau, they will be broadcast more than 200 times on the channels of the Mediawan group from July 15 to 30, 2021 then from September 1 to 15, 2021. 100% French quality hemp Divie creates its history in the heart of Aveyron and naturally harvests quality 100% French hemp, grown without fertilizer or artificial watering. For the sake of total transparency, all oils are traced at each stage of production as a guarantee of quality and are analyzed by three independent laboratories. And to go even further in this commitment, the founder of Divie, Alexandre Perez, also a member and spokesperson of the Professional Hemp Union, allows consumers to trace Divie oils on the website, thanks to the product tracking number. .
  13. Yes, Anne. I think the most important in all of it is that you don't take CBD for a pleasure. You take it when you need it. I can't even imagine now that Mika fans start to buy CBD just to try it. It's not a drink or a cigarette. It's something that helps you with your health problems.
  14. I think it's not a question of success. The company existes for several years. But Mika's experience with his mom's for long years illness made him sensitive to alternative ways of healing. Here is what I found about the owner Alexandre Perez: Pour le fondateur de DIVIE Alexandre Perez, la découverte est plus tardive, mais surtout plus personnelle : deux ans après que sa mère a été soignée d’un cancer du sein, l’une de ses soeurs, Sophie, lui parle de CBD. Conscients de la fragilité de la vie et soucieux du bien-être futur de leur mère, ils lui proposent d’essayer. “Chaque soir, avant de se coucher, elle prenait quatre gouttes d’huile de CBD. Au bout de quelques jours, elle voyait déjà les effets positifs. De semaine en semaine, ces gouttes sont devenues son rituel. Son moment à elle. Un geste simple, dédié à son bien-être, apaisant et réconfortant.” English translation: For DIVIE’s founder Alexandre Perez, the discovery comes later, but above all in a more personal way: two years after his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, one of his sisters, Sophie, talked to him about CBD. Aware of the fragility of life and concerned about their mother’s future well-being, they suggested she try it. “Every night, before going to bed, she was taking four drops of CBD oil. After a few days, she was already seeing positive effects. From week to week, these drops became her ritual. Her own moment. A simple gesture, dedicated to her well-being, soothing and comforting.”
  15. I wonder if his mom used to take this sort of medicine as a painkiller or tranquillisant?
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