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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. When I saw this guy on stage I thought "he is a mix of Gjon's Tears and MB14" from previous seasons. From far he looked like Gjon's Tears. And sounded like MB14. It was crazy!
  2. Another teaser. The song sounds familiar YouCut_20240204_105028036.mp4
  3. They are beautiful!!! And I love the color.
  4. Congratulations @TinyLove_CJ and @CharlotteL
  5. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1163360604709822 https://www.instagram.com/p/C24b6lPtr6M/ YouCut_20240203_134608519.mp4
  6. Thank you. I've checked seats available: about 110 in the circle zone and about 120 in the stalls zone. But the middle part in stalls is grey - so maybe it's for families and friends of the participants?
  7. A teaser for today. TF1 account on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C20CO5WKYMa/?igsh=MW85OXAxMGk2aTQwdg== YouCut_20240201_190000627.mp4
  8. And another teaser. This time with Mika as a star https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2xcljZqmG6/ YouCut_20240131_190711294.mp4
  9. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2xRl4WNQY5/ Another teaser of The Voice on ITV Studios account. YouCut_20240131_180512888.mp4
  10. Yes, yesterday there was 4 (four!) seated places in Bercy. Today only standing ones.
  11. The recording have been done in November 2023. Your link is just a teaser released by the producers. The first episode will be aired the 10th of February. It's not a direct program.
  12. This night an idea for a fan action came to me. I think about small flags of countries the fans come from. Paper or fabric made of. I mean small flags (not bigger than A4 format and without a stick of course!). I had this idea - which is not new - and then it recalled me this situation which happened years ago in the UK when Mika sung one of his French songs and he heard one English fan complaining about it. It hurt Mika a lot. But at the end of the concert fans prepared this fan action with international flags. So this time Mika will sing several (a bigger part) songs in French and it would be a great parabola joining these two gigs after so many years. Now he has been invited to the UK to sing in French! London is this special place where fans from all over the world come so if we bring our flags it should make a big effect. And (I think) people will not throw them on the floor after the concert so no problem with leaving garbage in the venue. And I thought about the song Passager for this fan action.
  13. Oh, I understood from his story that it is Miguel to be back. We haven't seen him for months 🤣🤣🤣 He was speaking with Miguel voice 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. Well, if you talk with security some time before the show and they don't agree to let you in with the box maybe as a plan B someone can put it in her/his car (if parked near the venue) or leave it in a hotel room (if near the venue) ? And right after the show bring the box back... Well, just an idea... But if a miracle happens and Mika agrees for a Meet and Greet, it is not a good plan B.
  15. I have now about 20 flowers that I will distribute before the concerts. My two first venues are in Lille and Rouen. Meanwhile I will make or buy some more for my next two dates for Grenoble and Lyon. So I will see how it works. YouCut_20240128_201635461.mp4
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