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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. I am not sure if this video with 15 minutes interview for Europe 1 has been posted. https://fb.watch/oZy4fb07vk/
  2. Le Grand Studio RTL. Mika sings C'est la vie. https://fb.watch/oZxLl59kLY/
  3. The same song/music is used in another video with Carluccio about Piedmont cuisine. But I don't see young Mika in it. In the final credits they mention the music from Crocodile Music which is the name of the YouTube account with the video you posted. It looks like a music created for Carluccio's series about Italian kitchen. There is a playlist on Dailymotion channel. Each part starts with Mika's voice. https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x284at And another one for Lombardy. Hmm, it looks like embedding the links doesn't work. And another one.
  4. OMG! I can't believe this video exists! With Mika's name on the screen 😍😍😍😍😍😍
  5. Mika in France Bleu 10 December 2023 https://www.francebleu.fr/emissions/le-mag-loisirs/le-nouvel-album-de-mika-que-ta-tete-fleurisse-toujours-integralement-en-francais-6469091
  6. The boys are in Nice. A story from Vincent. Looks like it's his last gig with Mika. YouCut_20231209_162135266.mp4
  7. Another text in Polish media about Mika's new album. I like it pretty well written 9even if small errors occur) https://musiclife.pl/mika-wydal-pierwszy-w-karierze-francuskojezyczny-album-odsluch/?fbclid=IwAR3J2FymxGa4JBRnxUcK6Us9N3DaS63V0x7g2KBJlC-cmAmREZ0TbcX5baM Translation into English: MIKA released the first French-language album in his career, "Que ta tĂȘte fleurisse toujours". The Beirut-born artist spent the last few months writing and producing the album, devoting a lot of time to collaborating with young representatives of the French scene. This liberating experience had an amazing effect. At the age of 40, MIKA took the risk of starting over, as it were, by deciding that his sixth album would be his first fully French-language release. Growing up, among others in Paris, the musician gave the French language a universal dimension. For the artist, it became the key to talking about his intimacy, and it also allowed him to change his attitude towards melody. MIKA faces his fears without inhibition, presenting them in full light. Love, sex, aging, death - the artist sings about it all, dancing to his own amazement. The new album returns the emotional fireworks of his colorful pop music, combined with sensual and at the same time humanistic poetry. A successful mix of pop music from the 80s and 90s and French chanson perfectly corresponds to sincere lyrics that encourage the listener to engage in a little self-reflection. – It's a birthday present. A head in full bloom of creativity that expresses its heritage with the caption: "May your head always bloom," says MIKA. The artist took the theme of his rebirth and the title of the new album from a drawing and words sent to him by his mother shortly before her death. MIKA writes and composes with an open heart, there are no taboos for him. On the album, which is a message of love for her mother and an ode to the passing of time, he opens up to new horizons, looking for joy in sad circumstances. MIKA - angel or devil, celebrates "l'Apocalypse Calypso". In search of bodies burning with desire, he dances until the morning to "Sweetie Banana" and its phenomenal rhythms. In "30 Seconds" he talks about the moments when everything explodes. It touches on the theme of risk, love at first sight that strikes without warning, and a choice that changes your destiny, leaving you committed to a relationship for the rest of your life. In "Je sais que je t'aime" he traces the beauty of passion in the remains of life as a couple. In "Moi, Andy et Paris" he talks honestly as never before about his 18-year-old love for his partner. Emotions run high and make arguments a thing of the past in the city of love: Paris. The spirit of Jane Birkin, her elegance, freedom and uniqueness hover over the entire album. Echoing her British accent, MIKA pays tribute to the artist in a song titled simply "Jane Birkin", written before her death. "Bougez" is an ironic manifesto against punishment for pleasure, as well as the paradoxical dictates of consumer society. The pop star is calling for resistance in these high-pressure, awkward times. Perhaps MIKA is taking revenge on his abusive teacher who tied him to a chair. MIKA lives many lives, speaks many languages, has many passports and belongs to many places. The artist's multiple identities and his desire to explore, never-satisfied curiosity and crazy energy driving him to act around the world became the inspiration for "Passager", which is a reference to Georges Moustaki. “Que ta tĂȘte fleurisse toujours” is a prayer and a call to creativity, showing us once again that MIKA never stops blooming.
  8. Instagram story Posted as well on Tiktok YouCut_20231208_202008878.mp4
  9. I think it's a version he sung at NRJ awards (or very similar) with 100 Voices of Gospel. I am happy he said recently that he would like to record again new versions of his songs after the tour - with arrangements evolving through the tour. Oh yes, I want it too!!!! And his "morning" voice sounds like a frog (it's his words!)
  10. A link to watch. No VPN needed. https://www.canalplus.com/divertissement/en-aparte/h/16928081_50001
  11. Thank you for the link in the MAX interview. I've read only the first shorter version.
  12. Oh really? Do you remember which interview it was? I am trying to read and listen to all possible interviews but it seems I missed this one
  13. Yes, it looks like. But he is a "recent" fan. There is a few small mistakes in his text but they are not very important. Core fans would find it easily. He lives in Amsterdam and he has already a ticket for the show He contacted me saying he would like to write another text about Mika's songs. It would be fantastic!!!!
  14. I agree with you that actually it doesn't matter if we know or not. I don't think that each word is reflecting the real life. it's not an autobiography. And looking for understanding of each word makes to loose the beauty of the whole song. It can be a song about "all" women in his family: mum, Paloma, grandma... And this line "may life forgive us if God abandons us".... When you are watching your beloved suffering and dying each day sometimes you loose your faith, you don't understand why it happens, you think that God left you with all this. So if God abandoned you (maybe does not exists) only life stays something to hold on.
  15. There is as important announcement on the Facebook page of Festival de Carcassonne. Specially if you managed to buy your tickets before 10am at the PAC website! There was a technical issue and the system started to sell tickets at midnight instead of 10am. For more some tickets in carre or (100 tickets) had a wrong price. So please check you email box and your account on PAC sales website. Le Festival de Carcassonne communique : Nous vous informons qu’un bug informatique est survenu cette nuit sur le site de rĂ©servation du Festival avançant l’ouverture de la billetterie du Festival Ă  minuit au lieu de 10h du matin comme prĂ©vu. Dans ce bug, une centaine de personnes se sont vues attribuer des places « carrĂ© or » Ă  des tarifs erronĂ©s, ce qui nous a amenĂ© Ă  procĂ©der immĂ©diatement Ă  leur annulation et leur remboursement. Ces personnes peuvent prendre contact dĂšs demain avec le PAC BILLETTERIE (TĂ©l. 04 68 115 915) afin de se voir proposer des solutions. DĂšs Ă  prĂ©sent, nous avons averti notre fournisseur de billetterie de ce grave problĂšme et diligentĂ© une enquĂȘte pour savoir d’oĂč est survenu ce bug. Tout est dĂ©sormais rentrĂ© dans l’ordre. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour ce dĂ©sagrĂ©ment. English translation: The Carcassonne Festival communicates: We inform you that a computer bug occurred last night on the Festival reservation site, bringing forward the opening of the Festival ticket office to midnight instead of 10 a.m. as planned. In this bug, around a hundred people were allocated “golden square” places at incorrect prices, which led us to immediately cancel and refund them. ⚠ These people can contact the PAC TICKETS (Tel. 04 68 115 915) tomorrow in order to be offered solutions. We have now notified our ticketing provider of this serious problem and have launched an investigation to find out where this bug occurred. Everything is now back to normal. 🙏 We apologize for this inconvenience.
  16. I think you are not the only one. One French fan I know has the same problem. But she said she didn't see any option to chose e-ticket or a another one option (with fees). I had this option and I chose e-ticket.
  17. The rehearsal with Mika is available on MyTF1. Mika's part starts at 13:30 min https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/star-academy/videos/star-academy-2023-quotidienne-du-3-decembre-2023-43999742.html
  18. I didn't order from YoMika.com as the postage was almost as high as the CD price. (courier company 24h) On Amazone.fr it's only 3 EUR ! But it takes more time to deliver. Anyway I managed to order it in Polish store (sort of FNAC in France) to collect in the local shop so free of charge.
  19. 100 Voices of Gospel story YouCut_20231202_234758222.mp4
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