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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. Look at him holding two drinks!! That is me at every party šŸ¤£ (hence my handle: @holdingyourdrink šŸ˜†)
  2. Iā€™m btw loving the playlist. Not every song necessarily, but I can tell we are from the same generation šŸ™ˆ (Heā€™s only one year older than me.)
  3. I could imagine heā€™s back in Greece? Itā€™s quite an act to transport dogs with all the paperwork and maybe someone who has to escort them.
  4. So I was trying to figure out who won The Voice France 2020 and I clicked on the English Wikipedia page... and what do I see, the judges for season 10 have already been revealed?? Mika Zazie Pascal Obispo Lara Fabian Can anyone confirm this????
  5. Haha! Although Iā€™d much rather be the chicken than the prune šŸ¤Ŗ ANYWAY šŸ˜… Good to see that he is/was in France. Wonder if it was only to visit family/friends or maybe talk about participating again as a coach in The Voice France? šŸ¤”
  6. Look at us, only prunes on our minds! Weā€™re such a naughty bunch šŸ˜†
  7. I totally misread that as Jardin de Prunes... prunes have become way too sexy for me šŸ™ˆ
  8. That was very cute how they did that with the person walking in with a huge screen serving as his face šŸ¤£ hopefully we can see it here in Germany @mellody!
  9. Hopefully his neighbour finally allowed him to play the piano! I wonder if heā€™s like ā€œyay, itā€™s Mikaā€ or ā€œugh, itā€™s Mikaā€ šŸ™ˆ But yeah, maybe he just took the break to focus on other things... weā€™ll know more very soon.
  10. So this has probably been misheard before, but Iā€™m listening to Grace Kelly (live from Brooklyn Steel) and I have always thought he sang: ā€œI can be brown, I could be blue, I could be violent sky.ā€ Yeah, I can not unhear it anymore šŸ™ˆ always thought when I heard the song ā€œwow there, no need to get violent! That escalated quickly.ā€
  11. so true re: hygiene for a show like XF. On the other hand: football season has started in Germany again (without audience, the players and staff are quarantined a week prior to the game) and that is going well so far. If there is (lots of) money involved, they will make it happen.
  12. Wow thank you so much for providing those links! And like I said: anything that isnā€™t subbed is more the reason for me to learn Italian šŸ˜Š Iā€™ve wanted to learn a new language anyway and this would be a great reason!
  13. You know what, I would love to see him on the Italian X Factor! And any other TV project for that matter. If we wonā€™t be able to see him live anytime soon then this is the next best thing, isnā€™t it? And with Stasera Casa Mika he was able to perform within his world, his universe that he created around his music. And itā€™s a very good reason to start learning Italian šŸ˜‰ (I know that they will be subtitled here at MFC by the subtitling teams, but it never hurts to have an extra motivation to learn something new!)
  14. I guess with everything going on in the world, people have put social media (even more) as a center of their attention. With no other distraction, waiting for your favorite person to respond feels even longer and some get very impatient. Letā€™s be kind to one another and have more patience šŸ˜Š I think you guys are right about Mika putting a lot of thought into this, because thatā€™s what it reflects, including making it look pretty and colorful. (Loved that!) Bad thing about being in the spotlight like him, you canā€™t do everyone justice. There were several posts that highlighted that he has less followers now, but in the end, you would want the people that see and appreciate you to stick around, not the ones that are upset with every little thing you do (or donā€™t do, in their respective timeline).
  15. Although I found it fantastic that he posted the links to the different organizations and articles to read up on (and to also combine Pride Month with BLM!) I wonder if he was pushed to do this (because of the negative backlash of #blackouttuesday), or that he was reading up on it already and just wanted to post the next day after careful consideration? Not that it matters much, because the effect is still the same, but I would hate to think that he was bullied into it.
  16. Hee! Wat leuk dat je zo leuk hebt geantwoord!! Ik heb mijn potloden even neergelegd en ben in mijn YouTube tunnel, haha. En ik hoop zo dat er weer optredens plaats gaan vinden en ik naar een optreden in NL kan komen. Op YouTube zag ik inderdaad dat ze wat kleiner en intiemer waren en ik denk dat zoiets mij meer aanspreekt dan zoā€™n groot stadion! (Hoewel als het even kan ik eigenlijk ook wel naar zijn grote show zou willen gaan, die lijkt mij ook geweldig!) Heb je de kans gekregen in februari om hem dichterbij te zien of te spreken? En stond je helemaal vooraan bij het optreden??? Kan mij voorstellen dat het wel erg lastig helemaal vooraan te kruipen! Waren er ook veel mensen van de MFC aanwezig?
  17. You guys are very sweet, thank you all!! @mellody that my drawing was reposted was such an honor! Having a platform like Instagram makes the threshold to those you admire not as big as it used to be 2 decades ago (oh man, different times... haha!). I knew it was a step closer for Mika himself to maybe see it (and hopefully like it). Who knows, maybe one day šŸ˜Š Oh but you know, I LOVE the live and acoustic version of Grace Kelly. Wish I wouldā€™ve heard them before the ā€žradio versionā€œ! Alas, Iā€™m here now šŸ˜œ
  18. Ohhh, mag ik maar 1 liedje kiezen? Onmogelijk! Ik maak een top 3 šŸ˜† ā€œPopularā€, lekker cheesy ā€Dear Jealousyā€, want die herkennen we allemaal! Helaas. ā€Rainā€, als ik zin heb om te dansen. Wat zijn die van jou?
  19. @krysady I agree! Better late than never! And @Florine, I understand what you mean. Discovering all that he did (speaks so many languages, was on French and Italian tv and of course his music) doesnā€™t cease to amaze me. I really enjoy to just stroll around YouTube and discover yet again a new video! And thank you for your kind words, you too, @sara09!!!!
  20. @mellody Freut mich fĆ¼r dich, dass du endlich was Entlastung hast und die kleine in der Notbetreuung gekommen ist. Da hast du aber eine Herausforderung, Hut ab, dass du das soviele Wochen durchgehalten hast!! Wir wohnen in Deutschland, deshalb gilt die Deutsche Regelung. Ich bin systemrelevant, aber da unseren Kindergarten so klein ist und viele Erzieher zu Risikogruppe gehƶren, kriegen nicht alle Kinder ein Platz. Wir haben ja dann auch direkt 3 Kinder abzugeben... zum GlĆ¼ck macht mein Mann Homeoffice und kann er was Ć¼bernehmen. Ideal ist es nicht, aber da sind wir wohl nicht die einzigen, deshalb will ich auch nicht zuviel meckern. Da hast du es zB echt wirklich viel schwerer gehabt die letzten Wochen!! @Starlight das tut mir wirklich leid zu hƶren... ich hoffe, deine Freundin hat die Mƶglichkeiten um ihr Vater da zu unterstĆ¼tzen und zu helfen...
  21. Haha! You noticed that huh šŸ˜œ the more the merrier!!
  22. Hi everyone! Thanks for the welcome!! And @Mikasister thank you for pointing out where the international forums are, I am going to reach out there as well!
  23. Een Nederlandse thread!! Ben net nieuw en heb ook net Mika ontdekt (tijdens de lockdown). Wat enorm balen, de maand ervoor was hij gewoon in Nederland!! Voor degenen die bij de optredens in Nederland waren, wat een geluk.. vraag me af, wanneer er Ć¼berhaupt weer concerten plaats gaan vinden en in welke vorm. Ik ben Nederlandse, maar woon in Duitsland! Waar zitten jullie zo allemaal en hoe gaat het in Nederland met de lockdown? Geen mondmaskers in de supermarkt had ik gehoord, in Duitsland is het in alle winkels verplicht. en de belangrijkste vraag: hebben jullie nog genoeg toiletpapier??? Haha.
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