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Status Updates posted by Prisca

  1. Happy Birthday @virgi :yay:



    1. silver


      Have a great day!


      Happy Birthday Chocolate Cream Cake – The Cake Town

    2. virgi


      Thank you!! 🥰 @Prisca @silver 

  2. grafik.thumb.png.e12f009940a60c095e68e6089531f24d.png


    For people who don't understand German:


    What is the Australian name for a tropical cyclone?





  3. It's my granny's birthday today. :wub2:


    She is 97. :grandma:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prisca


      Wow, she has the same day of birth as Mika. :wub2:


      Yes, the same with my granny. She is very independent for her age. :original:


      One of her brothers joked last year at her birthday that she must have a motor in her rollator, because she walks so fast. :lmfao:


      She lives in a nursing home with her three siblings who are still alive. She is the oldest. And she seems to be happy there. :original:


      I often say that when I get old, I want to be like her. :yes:


      I think it's nice that when you're as old as your mother or my grandmother, you can still enjoy your life. :original:

    3. Mikasister


      Generally people of these ages are usually women. They are stronger than men. Women have the power


    4. Paoletta



  4. I have about one fly in my flat. I have decided to let it live. It is only a fly, but it also has the right to live. :yes:


    So far so good. Then when I went to bed, it started buzzing around my head. This went on for half the night and also in the morning. What is this? After all, she's not a dog and doesn't have to warn me about anything! :overreact:

    What have I done to deserve this? That's neither nice nor fair! :no:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikasister
    3. Prisca


      No fly tonight. Don't know where it was tonight. I don't care, as long as it leaves me alone. :yes:

    4. Starlight


      Maybe it felt sorry for what it had done to you :naughty:

  5. Switzerland has just kicked France out of the European Football Championship. :jawdrop:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Prisca


      I don't know if two miracles happen in a row. :lmfao:

    3. Mikasister


      Who knows. As many coaches and players say, football in unpredictable. Fingers crossed for Switzerland.  :crossed:

    4. Starlight


      It's really cool! :biggrin2: I've been supporting them anyway! :wink2:

  6. I went yesterday evening in the cinema after a break of two years. :cheer:


    I went with a friend and the film already started at 5.15. pm and so there were just the two of us and two other people in the whole cinema hall :lmfao:, but we didn't mind. :fangurl:

    What else was exciting that happened yesterday?


    Ah yes, I saw a man in a Santa costume in the city. :lmfao:My friend saw him to, so I didn't have hallucinations (we were both sober, no absinthe :bleh:).


    1. silver


      Well, it's only 188 days until Christmas.

    2. Prisca


      Yes, it's very soon. :yes:

      And the ski range I also already translated, so we're ready for the winter some months in advance. :lmfao:

  7. I might not have cicadas in my region like @dcdeb but instead an invasion of maybugs this year. :facepalm:


    Fortunately, I haven't seen any of them so far (I don't go out so much), but the farmers don't enjoy them and so many maybugs are not good for the protection forests either. And I wouldn't have thought it, but when there are so many in a bunch, they can apparently get quite noisy. :aah:


    Fortunately, it seems we are over the worst now. :original:








    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. holdingyourdrink


      Oh god, straight out of a horror movie like those cicadas :sweatdrop:

    3. Mikasister


      :shocked: Looks like a Hitchcock film arrrgggg 

    4. Starlight
  8. I just happened to find out that Rufus Wainwright is giving a concert just a bit more than an hour away from me in July. :yikes:

    1. Mikasister


      Are you planning to go?

    2. Prisca



      No, I don't think so. I prefer to spend my money on Mika concerts. :naughty:

      However, I didn't expect this at all. :yikes:

    3. Mikasister


      Wise girl :thumb_yello:

  9. grafik.png.6e7899b1e8ccbc0b8e4383c05a21cf48.png



    Wow, I actually had the most likes on 19 March.


    Thank you everyone. :fangurl:

    1. Starlight


      It's cool, isn't it? :biggrin2:

  10. Happy birthday Sara! :yay::flowers2:

    1. sara09


      Thanks a lot! :D

  11. I just found out that this year I will have my birthday on Good Friday for the third time in my life. :lol3:


    Let's see if I will be a good Catholic and not eat meat on that day. :teehee:


    The last two times I have stuck to it. :yes:  I promise. :lol3:

  12. Today is my name day. Not that it actually has any meaning in my country, but still nice to think that all Priscas in the world have their name day today. :original:

    1. x_adoring_mika_x


      That's great, I didn't know that!:)

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