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Everything posted by QueenBigFat

  1. Same! For any concert! In fact, mods, would it be possible to have a space to announce any official full concert recordings of Mika performing and when/where they might be streamed or viewed, across the world? (Bec what is recorded over there can take a while to get to the US). The only only reason I know about Mika was that I accidentally stumbled across a late night showing of an old concert, on a station I had never watched. Viewing alerts would be fantastic.
  2. Sooooooo….today we watched Oppenheimer. It was so mumbly and badly produced that we had to use closed captions. Which we followed by watching the recorded episode of Sunday Morning from earlier today, which featured a segment about… how often people need to use cc for movies these days, especially for movies such as Oppenheimer, whose producer, Christopher Nolan, is famous for his unintelligible movies.
  3. Aaaaaaaaaand another one…. in a conversation on another thread a **couple** of days ago I posted about an electrician who was doing work on my old house when the power went out, years and years ago. And then we discovered that the power was out on the whole block. And in total seriousness he raised his hands in the air and said, I didn’t do anything! It was funny at the time. It was even funnier when we discovered that the power was down in the entire Northeast US. *****Today***** in the local paper:
  4. Because watching the news and paying attention to what is going on around us is intolerable ?
  5. Some of you know about the coincidences or psychic experiences I have, sometimes involving the fan club. What happens is I think about an extremely obscure person, place, or thing (meaning, long ago or very rare or far from anyone's consciousness) and within a moment it is prominent in the news or elsewhere. In fact CJ got involved in one long one about the song Suddenly Seymour and Venus Flytraps (check out her newly revised bio) from Little Shop of Horrors. (Even Mika played a role in that one!) . So….recently I posted about Yul Brynner, here and in another forum, as you can see a few posts earlier. AND YESTERDAY, on a daily talk show in the US, Rita Moreno was a guest. Talking about her first role, which was in…the King And I. But what they wanted to talk about, of course, was Yul Brynner.
  6. And it is not a replacement for a vacation, or an explanation for how Mika is roughly 56 times as productive as ordinary humans with as much energy and creativity as a whole village put together. Which is the interesting story!
  7. I am very glad that you took the risk. The thing that batters our self esteem the worst is the shame that is protected by not revealing how human we are. In recovery programs they say “you are only as sick as your secrets” but this is not only about sickness. It is about self doubt which mostly is a women's battle. For me it is always a relief when others disclose the very human struggles that like mushrooms grow in the darkness. We feel we are the only one. We virtually never are.
  8. For me sometimes it is the same words but different inflection: I made that?!? Especially years or decades later.
  9. I understand. I used to go through something a bit similar, empty and drained and a bit lost. I called it post-partum. My creation was different—writing non-fiction does not come in an explosion of creativity, euphoria or colors and shapes! but it can come in an intellectual rush of ideas and creativity. Ironically, I needed to stay away for a while before I could see the flaws in my work!
  10. It really is hard to be all the way over here, watching Mika storm Europe and places in Asia, while no one here even knows who he is. It’s like being in a weird separate world. And while I think America would not appreciate him, necessarily, and while I think the way he conducts his concerts would actually be a bit dangerous for him, I wish he weren’t so far away.
  11. I’m on my second nap of the day today after days of awful half-assed sleep. This is getting old.
  12. Although American translations of anything are very welcome!!! (I would say English translations but sometimes I need translations of what those Brits say)
  13. To be clear I meant when his songs are gonna be on American tv
  14. Zen @SILVER! I put my iphone in my lap and did some stuff and looked down and—look who checked in! (swear to god I did not type that word on purpose with my fingers while looking at the screen)
  15. Doncha hate Doncha hate it when you’re awake at night and your brain starts shuffling through your mental files looking for something to feel anxious about?!
  16. PleasepleasePLEASE post about it in English when you find out more specifics!
  17. I made myself laugh when I posted this because all I could think of was how many people on this site were seeing what was there and going , who is that bald guy? And why is she talking about him?
  18. It sure is! In another forum I was talking about having been a Broadway junkie (when B'way was B'way, not jukebox performances) and I talked about being fortunate to see many wonderful shows, but the best experience was that I saw King and I in his last tour before he died. He did it with one lung. Magical.
  19. Yep. Plate. I collect ones of wild animals (and a german shepherd as you can see in one of the Blake pictures I sent you). Her mother bought this one around the time we saw him on Broadway.
  20. Oh CJ, AGAIN…. Hunny went to her childhood home to get some stuff and came home WITH THIS….
  21. Silver, I swear, every time I see this picture it stops me in my tracks and a quiet little oh! Falls out of my little open mouth.
  22. Oh, silver, one of the best pix of his gorgeous self that I have seen!!!!
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