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Mika on German TV (WDR) 21.6.


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OK, I managed to watch it with the sound turned on now. The commentary is Scheisse (and again I hate the dubbing) but Mika is lovely as ever. I am sure he has impressed the 70+ population with his charming appearance! :naughty:


Thanks for posting! :original:

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well it seems to me generally as if the german media doesn't really know what to do with mika. they just don't understand him, maybe they are bothered that he's not someone you can pigeonhole. and i somehow have the feeling that his german record company also doesn't really know what to do with him, otherwise they wouldn't place him in shows like this or the NDR one. luckily he doesn't need the media to be successful, his music speaks for itself... relax entered at no. 6 of the german single charts. :biggrin2:



What the f*** did they say about him??? *argh* I'm getting more and more angry on German media...Wanna stay here in France - it's so much better here *sigh* :biggrin2:


Anyway, number 6 is quite good...although I can't understand why there are songs ahead of Mika which are really sh**...Wellwell, maybe it will get better...

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:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


...man muss nur gut klauen können... was soll das denn? :blink:


...also ich fang immer mit so Pieptönen an.... :lmao:


Oh Gott!


Danke Mellody! :wink2:

(good I missed it on my TV - could have been dangerous for the TV - LOL)



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Gah I hate dubbing.


Anyway I tried to translate/transcribe. Some things I couldn't make out (keep in mind, I'm not German). Feel free to correct me!


I think you all get the beginning (a little bit Beegees, little bit Queen and a bit of insanity mixed together makes Mika) The song Grace Kelly made him an overnight popstar.

"It's weird to think that a year and a half ago I was at the Royal College of Music studying Schubert, Brahms and Mozart and now I'm singing songs about Big Girls, lollipops and Grace Kelly." Grace Kelly is a revenge song addressed to his first record company who told him his music was unmarketable. As he a response he wrote this 3 minute opera song. "Ok I will start with this big pompous (I think you get the rest of this lol)" The song became number 1 in the entire world. "It's all about building things from really simple building blocks, like making art with lego. That's what songwriting is. I think the more ambitious a ?? statement is trying to make.. if you're trying to make ambitious statements, great but the only way to make them effective is to make them with the simplest ingredients because then they're accessible." Mika is born in Beirut during the war. His family flees to Paris and later London. At age 12 Mika is barely able to read or write. But he sang Strauss in the choir at the Royal Opera House. Mika started his pop carreer with singing in commercials."There's a lot of like, little beep sounds aswell. And underneath there I was like [sounds]." Maybe that's his secret. (Like small melodies sung in the shower (??), he blasts out his songs. Then he rambles something about his fanbase comparing them to those of the Beatles and stuff.. He says they're shameless and there's a lot of them I think.. not sure about this bit).

In the UK Mika is already more loved than Robbie Williams

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