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Sooo I'm definitely new the the boards! I actually was lurking for a few days and decided that I had to join! :wub2:


Okay, so to clear things up. My name on here is PhotoJenic, and no it's not because I love to take pictures of myself and what-not haha. I love photography and plan on being a photographer/graphic designer someday and I loved how I could mess around with the word 'photogenic' and insert my nickname in there. I was surprised to find out that the screen name hadn't been taken yet!!


So, long story short on how I fell in love with Mika's music. Back in April, a few months before college let out for the summer, my computer decided to crash a couple of days before my birthday. I lost all my pictures, music, everything. I was sick at the time too and lost most of my voice the day before my birthday! What a week! :boxed: One night a friend came up to campus to visit a group of us and he had a CD that we HAD to listen to. I recognized the song 'Love Today' from one of my friend's Myspace profiles. I fell in love with his music that night and my friend let me borrow his CD so that I could have some music to listen to! I started to listen to his whole CD everyday non-stop because that's all I had besides the tv!


When I found out that Mika was having a concert in Boston my friend and I bought tickets and went. It was amazzzzing! I'd type all about it right now but it would be super long hahaha! Lets just say that I got to meet him for a few seconds. :biggrin2: Buuuut I made a slight fool of myself because of my clumsy/nervousness so I didn't even get to say a word to him because I was so speechless that I was getting to meet him and that he signed my CD. Then the seconds came and went so fast. *sigh* Oh well, next time I'll get out at least the word 'hi!'


Anyway, I can't wait to start reading the threads and posting!!! : )

I probably won't be on again until tomorrow night sadly!

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Thanks! I'm not one for joining message boards/fan clubs, but I couldn't resist this one! : )


I know exactly what you mean...:wink2:


But this place is dangerous!!! :shocked:


It drags you in and never let you go anymore...:roftl: :roftl:

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I know exactly what you mean...:wink2:


But this place is dangerous!!! :shocked:


It drags you in and never let you go anymore...:roftl: :roftl:



Haha oh I know! When you're not a member you can only see some threads and that was enough to get me hooked and coming back for more!


Hi and thanks Freddiesdouble and BexxY! : )

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Thanks so much everyone for the very warm welcoming! I know I'm going to have a great time here with you all! I'm looking forward to tonight when I get off work because I'll finally have some time to look around!!!!


:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

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