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Glastonbury festival: the five tribes of Glastonbury


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I was about to say that Patrick's piece just kind of rambles off into space, which shows what you get when you ask musicians to write articles I suppose, but that the first article was cute enough, and I assumed it was by one of the staff writers... and then I saw that it's supposedly by Mika. Hah. Okay fine, Mika, you can write articles too.




(P.S. I like Patrick, and his article was fun, but it really didn't have much of a point!)

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LOL you know, it's funny, i was expecting to hear something ABOUT Mika, and when i didnt, i was like "why was this posted?" and then it noticed Mika wrote it! hahaha. he's so great with words, LOVE him! :D:wub2:

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I really, really like Patrick Wolf .... I love how he hears music, if it's possible to say it like that. His blog made me laugh ...


...but those white Converse are just not going to cut it this weekend ....:roftl:




PW's set was shown on BBCi, it was qwaite goood. But I still like the Magic Postion best, which was vairy goood.:thumb_yello:

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You know I have to thank Jack so much!

I read that and thought my parents were never trendy enough to go to Glastonbury never mind taking me with them!! and never realised it was written by MIKA!

Did anybodyelse see Patrick last night? he was only on for about 10 mins which was a shame as he was good. Shame he has copied the Tigger dance from Meeks but hey they are both bouncy people I suppose!

Just hope MIKA doesn't copy him when he put his hand down his shorts and then smelled his hand-Too Much Patrick!!! Then MIKA is more demure than Patrick!!

Looking forward to seeing MIKA!! Why he wasn't on the footage last night is beyond me!!



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Hey I'll defend Patrick :roftl: I really hate the guy's music, but if I were to follow a blog written by either him or Mika (supposing he actually wrote the first one:blink: ) then I'd sure as hell read Patrick's :mf_rosetinted:

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Ok, I just read about Patrick's hand visiting some place in a public display of??:confused: ...whatever its supposed to be...Yuck!! :thumbdown: In any case I didn't "witness" it (thank God!) so can't really comment on the context that it was supposed to be taken in ...

As for writing skills, if we're comparing...I agree with Kata, Patrick's hand at writing, (that is!!) is much more amusing to read then Mika's...I didn't see it as rambling, as he was being descriptive of his surroundings and his thoughts, perhaps lacking in being definite- but that doesn't translate as being pointless- it seemed to be more personal...whereas Mika's thoughts weren't transparent or personal or even amusing to read; it was well written but just boring I suppose… He won't give anything away that boy!!:naughty:

There were also comments on Patrick's performances mimicking Mika's- I don't agree with it, but I would say that both their performances are elaborate, colourful and entertaining in that way. As I said I didn't see Patrick's performance at Glastonbury, but I have seen his videos- and he has his own style of performance having been perfected over the last couple years. This man is very articulate, talented and has had his own struggles, which he has overcome. Read his blogs on myspace- they are thoughtful, intelligent, full of insight, honest, reflective…I could go on…:thumb_yello:

His music on the other hand I can’t really get into apart from Magic position that is…:wink2:

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