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Can't stop crying


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My condolences. I am very sorry to hear your misfortune.


Maybe he will make it after all???


Poor violetsky.


Poor Mika, always sick. He must be very unwell to disappoint his fans so much, i'm sure he wouldn't do it for some small reason.

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awww you sound as disappointed as I was about the TBA gig, I was just getting over the feeling then saw all the pics vids and buzz on here tonight and it got me down a 2nd time :( we shall have a big virtual hug together. I will keep my fingers crossed that a miracle happens and he gets over his ear infection fast and is able to go at the last minute and surprise you all *wishing really hard now*

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Oh Violet, I'm really sorry! This is awful. :emot-sad: I'm also really concerned that Mika seems to keep pulling out of festivals and gigs at all the Northern European countries--this is not fair!! It almost seems like they are being treated as disposable. I hope that's not so, but it really begins to seem that way--which is all the more reason for Mika's schedulers to really revise their strategy and allow for more recovery time between shows. This is not good PR.


Again, I'm really sorry Violet. :sorry:


The only thing I can say is that it's true that Mika will be around for a while yet, surely, and so other chances will come up... but I know that probably doesn't help much right now.



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Oh Violet I am so sorry, and feel really guilty that he was able to play Glastonbury and now is pulling out of St Gallen.

It must feel so unfair, and maybe it is time for his management to pull back and think about how hard they are pushing him. And if this ear infection should be a cause for concern as it keeps re occuring.

I know that for me, although I would have been sad that he wouldn't have played, the Glastonbury experience wouldn't have been diminished too much as it is an institution of its own and always has many great artists playing there, so I would have enjoyed it anyway.

So go to the festival and embrace the other artists that are playing, especially if they are artists that Mika himself admires, then you will feel close to him that way.

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Ohhhh, violetsky, I am so, so sorry this untimely cancellation had to happen to you, Sweetie. My heart REALLY goes out you!


******HUMONGOUS VIRTUAL HUG******* :huglove:


There are so many compassionate, caring and practical suggestions on this thread. A few have suggested that you attend the festival anyway..... I think that idea ROCKS BIG TIME!!! Get out - enjoy the rest of the music, see old friends, make new ones...... totally beats staying home and crying (altho' that does not sound like your shpiel, AT ALL!!!!) Put on a crazy costume as well as colourful makeup, go crazy and dance like a demented lunatic!!! Works every time!!!


Also - Mika is in his prime - there will be many, many more concerts until he calls his retirment performance!!! Have no fear....


What DOES concern me, however,is the rate in which he's becoming ill, picking up all these little bugs and viruses and god know's what. With his brutal work schedule, meeting with fans, interviews, signings and appearances, it's a real possibility that he could compromise his immune system. I am quite sure when I say to all MFCers here in this forum that people have to be living on Planet Mars NOT to have been worried about Mika and the recent detirioration of his health.

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I can imagine how you feel right now as that cancellation in Switzerland scares me a lot...I fear I could be feeling the same way tomorrow if he cancels the concert at the Olympia in Paris!:sad:

Keep in mind that he could be announcing plenty of dates near you anytime soon...but before doing that he really should take a long vacation!

What's important right now is that you prepare your trip thinking of all the bands you would never have gotten to see live if it wasn't for Mika who you will surely see anytime soon!:thumb_yello:

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as i told you before violetsky, i am so sad for you, i really am. i can only imagine how you feel now... there's something wrong in all this organization thing. cmon, it can't be that at 10,45pm MIKA himself and the band were talking about going to switzerland the day after and then the festival they were supposed to perform in is canceled. there must be something we just don't get..:blink:

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