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NIBE is sueing MIKA? .. Or threatening with it at least


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New update, July 20:


They won't sue him, even tho...

- His medical statement was "weak" and it comes very late.

- He played the secret gig, and the two festivals in Scotland and Ireland.


Mika is now recovering from a chestinfection (that again?) .


Suspekte Mika-aflysninger


Nibe og Roskilde Festival blev snydt, mens popsangeren fint magtede en hemmelig koncert i det engelske


Af Pelle Sonne Lohmann


Som vi har beskrevet det her på GAFFA.dk, aflyste den unge, engelske popsanger Mika sine koncerter på Nibe Festival onsdag den 4. juli og Roskilde Festival fredag den 6. juli.


Afbuddet til Nibe Festival tikkede allerede ind i løbet af tirsdagen (den 3. juli).


Forklaringerne gik på stemmeproblemer og lungebetændelse, men nu viser det sig imidlertid, at Mika tilsyneladende gav en ganske udmærket, ”hemmelig” intimkoncert (arrangeret af 2tenfm.co.uk) i Reading selv samme tirsdag aften.


Arrangørerne af Nibe Festival luftede forleden overvejelser om et sagsanlæg mod Mika, men trak stikket ud, da man mente, at sangeren da virkelig måtte være sløj, når nu han også så sig nødsaget til at aflyse sin Roskilde-optræden.



Suspiscious Mika cancellings

Nibe and Roskilde festival were cheated, while the pop singer had no trouble giving a secret concert in England.


As we wrote before on GAFFA.dk, the young English singer Mika cancelled his concerts at Nibe festival wednesday the 4th and Roskilde festival the 6th of july.


The cancellation for Nibe came already on tuesday (3rd of July)


The explanations were trouble with the voice and pneumonia, but now it turns out that Mika apparantly gave a secret intimate concert (arranged by 2tenfm.co.uk) in Reading same tuesday night.

The people behind Nibe festival told the other day about considering to sue Mika, but pulled back again when they thought the singer had to be really ill when he also had to cancel his performance at Roskilde festival.




Translation UNDER article :)


Nibe Festival truer Mika med sagsanlæg


Det står at læse i dagens Nordjyske Stiftstidende, forholdet er dog i bedring melder festivalformand Peter Møller Madsen.


Af Troels Frøkjær


Topnavnet Mika svigtede Nibe Festival, og nu også Roskilde, hvor han skulle have spillet i dag.


"Afbuddet til Roskilde to dage efter han skulle være gået på scenen her i Nibe får os til at tro på, at Mika virkelig har det skidt, og antageligt lider af lungebetændelse", siger festivalformand, Peter Møller Madsen."


I dagens Nordjyske Stiftstidende truer Nibe Festival ellers med sagsanlæg, hvis Mika ikke straks sender en lægeerklæring. Mika er Nibe Festivalens dyreste navn og det store pengebeløb var allerede indbetalt da afbudet til Nibe indløb mandag.


Nu mildner Nibe Festival dog tonen. "En mand med lungebetændelse skal naturlig ikke gå på scenen," siger Peter Møller Madsen


Koncertarrangører venter nu med spænding på weekenden, hvor Mika efter planen skal give to koncerter i hjemlandet Storbritanien.


Svenske The Ark afløste Mika på Nibe Festival onsdag aften.



Koncertarrangører venter nu med spænding på weekenden, hvor Mika efter planen skal give to koncerter i hjemlandet Storbritanien.






They're sueing MIKA if they not prove that he's ill now. They still havent got the medical certificate stating that he's sick.


They are very exited to see what happens to the two concerts in the UK (Oxegen and T in the Park)



They believe that he's sick, since he cancelled Roskilde (which is very serious stuff :) ) And they fully understand that a man with pneumonia can't go on stage (which we all do. Be well soon Mika :) )


Mika was the most expensive singer they got this year.


Mika cancelled Nibe last Monday



This is not stupid. He cancels the show, plays a secret concert, doesn't prove his ill, cancels Roskilde and he hasn't cancelled Oxegen.


I have only translated the important parts. We'll keep you updated, and of course they don't end up suening him. Things will work out, and he'll get a happy ending. (My opinion)


Please don't turn against Nibe. They're not saying that they hate Mika. They just want the proof. OK? They JUST WANT THE PROOF.


Oh - AND ABOUT US, THE DANES: Noooo - It's NOT the cancelling we're mad about, it's just the secret gig and the "lies(?)" .. So, relax ! :cheerful_h4h:

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Thankyou soo much for translating!


Awww...Thank goodness..he wont get sued!


Complete idiots! lol


Thankyou xxxxxx



No no no - If he plays tonight, then there will deffinetly be consequenses! :thumbdown:

So look out for any news about Oxegen

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oh for the love of -


this is taken way out of proportion IMO.

cant people leave the man alone?!


then again...


if he was the most expensive singer they got....and he cancelled...they'll wanna get the money back somehow i suppose, so i guess it's understandable....after all if you bought some expensive top or something and something about it was faulty...you'd expect to get a full refund, right?

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lol and so will all his other fans!!


how are they so stupid to do that!!


This is not stupid. He cancels the show, plays a secret concert, doesn't prove his ill, cancels Roskilde and and he hasn't cancelled Oxegen.


I understand what's wrong. Mika isn't cheap (he's actually very well dressed )

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Just when i want to get away from this issue, another thread pops up about it...aaarrgghhh... i must get out of here soon.... I would actually like to see Nibe take action.... (might not necessarily be a bad thing) don't think it'll happen though... probably they'll settle it before it gets anywhere, is usually the case. But i will most definitely like to follow the progress... keep updating us on this... great! Thanks...:thumb_yello:

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Can't people leave the man alone????? Did I read that?


They pay him for something and he fails to deliver it, of course they should sue him if he doesn't have a good reason! And no, a secret concert in Reading is not a good reason to cancel a festival! If he isn't ill then they shouldn't say he is! They are playing with fire and I would like to see someone put a stop to this!

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Just when i want to get away from this issue, another thread pops up about it...aaarrgghhh... i must get out of here soon.... I would actually like to see Nibe take action.... (might not necessarily be a bad thing) don't think it'll happen though... probably they'll settle it before it gets anywhere, is usually the case. But i will most definitely like to follow the progress... keep updating us on this... great! Thanks...:thumb_yello:


I'll keep you updated...!


I better update the original post before you all turn against me

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If it ends up with Mika being sued, you have to understand it won't be MIKA who will be sued but the mysterious person who is behind all the planning stuff or Universal - Island Records (the music company)... We would at last have some part of the answer saying who is responsible... And your little dear Mika is safe... No need to make a fuss out of that.


And that would be totally normal : they cancel Nibe for a fake reason since the reason they gave wouldn't have allowed him to do that famous secret gig (i think this is their biggest mistake :naughty: He should have stayed home with friends that night :naughty: ), then cancel Roskilde so that could give him some credit but don't cancel Oxegen and T in the Park. That's pure logical and no matter who it concerns (Mika or any other singer), i would sue him the same. The thing is that no other singer do that :naughty:


But i'm pretty sure Universal has convincing arguments and that it will end veeeeeeeeeery quickly... Maybe they'll get a lesson out of that ? Nooooooooooo... :thumbdown:

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Under the given circumstances I think it is fully understandable that the Nibe organisation wants to see a medical statement.


And I hope the people who are responsible for Mikas planning will learn from it. At least I hope.

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mygod, can the guy be sick?! let him be..

Allright it might not be the best thing to cancell something because you're ill, but you do play another gig, that doesn't make sense at all. But SUEING him? Naaahh, insane.

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Can't people leave the man alone????? Did I read that?


They pay him for something and he fails to deliver it, of course they should sue him if he doesn't have a good reason! And no, a secret concert in Reading is not a good reason to cancel a festival! If he isn't ill then they shouldn't say he is! They are playing with fire and I would like to see someone put a stop to this!


did u read the rest of my post? lol :)

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mygod, can the guy be sick?! let him be..

Allright it might not be the best thing to cancell something because you're ill, but you do play another gig, that doesn't make sense at all. But SUEING him? Naaahh, insane.


What do you want them to do ? A slap on the hand ? "Bad Mika !! Bad bad !! Don't do that again, ok ?"


The real world is different from CareBear Land...

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If it ends up with Mika being sued, you have to understand it won't be MIKA who will be sued but the mysterious person who is behind all the planning stuff or Universal - Island Records (the music company)... We would at last have some part of the answer saying who is responsible... And your little dear Mika is safe... No need to make a fuss out of that.



That is so true. It's not MIKA as a single person... It's THEM! The Others.. Let us give them a name




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Yes I did LOL, that's why the first part really confused me :insane:


oh right okay! lol!

i type very strangely. i type as i think...even if my opinion changes halfway thru. i still post it anyway. i think because sometimes it shows two sides of a coin. not that my previous post was very important or informative lol..

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What do you want them to do ? A slap on the hand ? "Bad Mika !! Bad bad !! Don't do that again, ok ?"


The real world is different from CareBear Land...


That's a bad bad Mika! Go up to your room at stay there! no more TV and computer for a MONTH!

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Okay, I have just checked out everything I can

for oxegen and there is no word on any cancellation yet, he is due on stage (stage 2) at 7:40pm, so, we wait and see......

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