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Female First.co.uk (11-07-2007): Mika's teacher torment


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It's on the Chat about Mika forum, thread "Why don't they leave him alone"


If you can't find it I'll post the link.


I will look for it, thanks:thumb_yello:


If I ever find these girls and I will, then...then...I'll throw a marsmellow at them, hah!:mf_rosetinted:

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If you mean just the school bulling thing, I doubt this. I think alot of children have been bullied at some point in their lives; I know I have. But I've made a number of vows to myself, after the things I've witnessed and experienced and maybe some of those are slightly unhealthy, but I'll make sure I never turn out a mess. I'll have a happy enviroment for my kids, if I ever have them.

But if you mean the whole kaboodle, I suppose it depends what kind of person you are:wink2:


i mean the whole classroom and his teacher treat him that way, it seems nobody is on his side, somehow it will turn out to be very negative-mind and filled with resentment, and as Blue Sky said there is profoundly negative effect.

maybe i also watch too much japanese bully school drama too, it is quite extreme :biggrin2:

luckily i never have any bully thing in my school life as i must fight back if they provoke me:naughty:

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The best revenge is to live well. If the bullies could only see him now...


Oh wait, they probably have! Mika has definitely had the last laugh.


I know the best revenge for the bullies. Put them on the programme, "I'm a Celebrity Get me out of here!!!!!"

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It's a sad fact, but he's not the first person I have encountered with this problem. My youngest niece had the same problem with a teacher in her school until my sister put her foot down. And just today I was talking to my 88 year old aunt about bullying and she told me that a teacher bullied her in school, but no one ever helped her. So Mika has a kindred spirit out here.

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It's awful that this kind of thing happens but I do know how it feels.


It was my Science teacher, I was bullied majorly at school but when she added to it life became hell.


I even tried to kill myself...bad times.


But I've come thro it and can smile again.


It's great that Mika can talk about these things hopefully some young people in the same situation will be inspired by this.


Love you Mika.


Thanks for posting Pamette

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It's awful that this kind of thing happens but I do know how it feels.


It was my Science teacher, I was bullied majorly at school but when she added to it life became hell.


I even tried to kill myself...bad times.


But I've come thro it and can smile again.


It's great that Mika can talk about these things hopefully some young people in the same situation will be inspired by this.


Love you Mika.


Thanks for posting Pamette


AWWW Mikafish, BIG hugs for you, we love you here.

We can only hope that enough people out there know about what Mika went through and can find the strength to reach out to get help.

I know that we here would have jumped at the chance to protect Mika back then (I would have done the same for one of my best friends as he went through exactly the same thing as Mika), but as that is done and we can't change it, what we can do is be on the lookout for it with others and help them. And don't forget it's not just children who get bullied, it's tragically on the rise the workplace too.

We should we vigilant to help stamp it out.

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I can imagine what Mika has gone through. :tears: I was bullied by other pupils for nine years. NINE YEARS! I couldn't do anything about it for I was too shy. That wasn't fun at all. :thumbdown:


At least I can comfort myself with the thought that I wasn't alone... Mika is one year older than me so he was bullied at the same time.

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wow, you all seem to have some horrible school-teacher experiences. :boxed: I definitely didn't/don't have a ball of a time but I mostly got along with everyone. I actually talked back to my teachers (still do, when necessary) :bleh: and I think it's so important to do that, because I've had enough bull from other aspects of my life to take beatings from some abusive lowlife who thinks they have power over me.


Poor Mika. I'm glad he's out of it now and can't be hurt by her.


actually, i think it's too late for that now. :emot-sad:

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