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Pink won't get to post pictures of her box and I made it all lovely :tears:

I've got her on MSN. *wonders if Pink will log in tonight*

And we still have MySpace! then you can post them!!!


I've PMed a mod and we might be moving to the old new thread or to another thread soon!

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Why dirty??? It isnt! You should see mine! (the one i posted is my old one... my "new" laptop keyboard is .. well, you cannot really see all letters anymore



I'll PM someone asap :thumb_yello:

hahah!!! post it post it!!!:naughty: the dirtiest competition!!:mf_rosetinted:




aww! :wub2: WOW! you've had a damn lot of work with that box :blink:!!!


Everyone: Don't forget to post pictures when you receive your parcels!!!!


*wonders why also Ana's keyboard has a QWERTY and not a QWERTZ*

*has the feeling that her keyboard is the only lonely one* :boxed:


ooooh!!!, i'll post a pic of Petra's parcel...i'm also proud of my decorating...but until it arrives...


*wonders what QWERTY and QWERTZ is*

*germans have the Z in the top*

Edit: i went to the toilet and now i get it...duh!! (Z)

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I've got her on MSN. *wonders if Pink will log in tonight*

And we still have MySpace! then you can post them!!!


I've PMed a mod and we might be moving to the old new thread or to another thread soon!


I never thought that someone could actually get banned from MFC forever.. it's just so harsh! You don't have as any people to talk to and imagine how hard it would be to keep up on Mika news :boxed: What is her MSN? I got it before, but lost it :thumbdown:

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Sorry to interrupt but I see that Ina has also sent you some Frutabela's and I'm just wondering if you liked them too?:biggrin2:


I haven’t tried them al, but I definitely like the one with apricot.:biggrin2::wink2:

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*thinks Ana should do that*



Ok guys, we have a probem because as far as I've heard, our leader is banned for longer.


I'd volunteer myself to take over Humphy and MM again until Pink comes back! I'm not sure whether we need a new thread for Humphy (or we could just let a mod re-open the "old" one I made when Pink left for the first time (:sneaky2:)) right now because up to now, we do have a schedule for Humphy which should last a while :thumb_yello:.


But it might be necessary to have a new thread for Mika Mail :sweatdrop:. So we either open a new one (prob. the easiest version; doesnt MM need a new thread soon anyway due to the number of posts?) or we ask a mod to open the other one I made when Pink left for the first time.


So what shall we do?


*walks of to post the same in MM*




sorry to change topic ... so is petra now in charge of MIKA mail??

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Ok then folks...


pack your bags!





Here is the "new" thread!



Please have alook at your names & the colour they are in! PM me if there are any problems, ok? I just copied it from this thread and havent had the time yet to "controll" it :boxed:. I'll PM a mod now to close this thread here!



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Oh well, Niki27 was pretty fast. I couldnt even edit the typing mistakes in my post :boxed: :boxed: *wonders if niki has been stalking her and waited until she posted in MM1* :blink:




Welcome back!


Have a cookie, sit down, post pictures of your keyboards, your parcels and everything else!

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*tries with difficulty to haul bags up stairs*

*leaves bags at bottom of stairs*

*enters thread bag-less*


16) Oakie Doke - Petra




Oh well, Niki27 was pretty fast. I couldnt even edit the typing mistakes in my post *wonders if niki has been stalking her and waited until she posted in MM1*




Welcome back!


Have a cookie, sit down, post pictures of your keyboards, your parcels and everything else!


*has a cookie*

*sits down*


I have to post a picture of my keyboard again?


I miss Pink I've decided that Im just going to have to make the rest of the MFC depressed, so that they'll have to unban Pink



*copies Petra's custom user title*


*glares at everyone who posted in the old un-MQable thread while she was away from MFC*

*attempts weird copy and paste quote system*



I finally made my phone to send the pic to my laptop! YAAY

so those are my socks! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them!!


Yay! They are so funny looking :-) :P


Ana was my first MM partner and I got that Mexican doll pn my window sill from her!!!


Ooooh - she's cuuuuttte!


meaning: if I send my parcel "first class" (if this is first class in germany), then a parcel with up to 5kg costs the same (which I didnt know before *feels bad because she just sent two kilo parcels to ana and bellatrix*


Oooh, okay. But isn't first class the really expensive one?


But that is the American way Pb&J=LOVE

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zP366iqCv7g <-Just made me laugh a bit


Loooooollll! *looks for a funny video she has*


lol! This is really really old, but I forgot how relevant it is to mikamail! It's me and my friend trying american sweets :roftl: We try and are completely revolted by Reeses at about half way through


depends on how much vinegar you put on them...have you ate those vinegar crisps think they're Lays or something...delicious!! but we don't have them here


I don't mind 'crisp'-chips salt and vinegar flavour, but vinegar on hot chips - yerghhh.


My boyfriend has marmalade and sausages/bacon

in a roll!!!!




i heard someone has yogurt on bread





haha...what we think it's weird maybe normal to other countries....

i love this thread !!!!


Me too!


*walks of to post the same in MM*


*giggles to self because this was in MM*



*~Ana~'s keyboard picture*


Woo! Our's are almost the same! But my @ key is on the 2, and my " is next to enter. *QWERTY HIGH FIVE!*


*Ina's package*


:wub2: What is the thing with the smilie faces?


*wonders why also Ana's keyboard has a QWERTY and not a QWERTZ*

*has the feeling that her keyboard is the only lonely one*




Pink won't get to post pictures of her box and I made it all lovely


I've got her on MSN. *wonders if Pink will log in tonight*

And we still have MySpace! then you can post them!!!


Yes, someone'll have to post them for her :tears:


ooooh!!!, i'll post a pic of Petra's parcel...i'm also proud of my decorating...but until it arrives...




*wonders what QWERTY and QWERTZ is*

*germans have the Z in the top*

Edit: i went to the toilet and now i get it...duh!!




I never thought that someone could actually get banned from MFC forever.. it's just so harsh! You don't have as any people to talk to and imagine how hard it would be to keep up on Mika news What is her MSN? I got it before, but lost it


I knowwwwwwwwwwww! She wasn't purposefully trying to annoy anyone or anything at all... (I'll pm it)

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*is also confused*


ok please help me im confused! Ive clicked link by link by link and went round in a circle...ended up back here!


1. is there a round 3 of MM?


2. why does this thread link to the other thread which is closed and that one links to here, and the Mika mail 2 thread links to that page which sends me back here?!?!


OMG *holds head* so confusing...so I still need to email Pink...



I dont know if I can handle this...its all happening too fast...and what with easter in the middle of it all Im broke and I havent even sent to my second partner yet!

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:wub2: What is the thing with the smilie faces?



It's spherically shaped chocolate, filled with cream!:wink2:


ok i'm confused....this thread says to go to the other thread, that Pink is back, but the other thread is closed to replies?


I think i'm in the newest round of MM....?


You should check out the dates when the posts are made...it should make it more clear to you. The posts that say that Pink is back is from january!:wink2:

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...there are obviously a lot of people that I havent PMed simply because they weren't on the current list of Mika Mailers. I'm sorry for that and as soon as I have time, I will read all the PMs in my box (it's damn full, just like my schedule for uni at the moment :boxed: ) and so on and so on.


The reason why we are here again is the following (:boxed:):


Pink, our leader, our think tank, our creative mind, has been banned from the MFC forever (or until something is done) and so we need a new thread so that we can change the list in the thread starter and so on. As I had volunteered to take over MM and Humphy (*points at signature*) when Pink left for the first time (which was her own decision then), I just took over again now. I hope that nobody minds that and if yes, just PM me because Senior Members who organise everything Are always welcome! :thumb_yello:


As I had created these new threads here (MM 2) and the Travelling Elephant) back in... when was it? January? , it was decided (...) to just use them again instead of making new new threads.


I have a DAMN load of work for uni at the moment so please forgive me if certain things (like the list or the colour your name is in) are not perfect yet. Pink left very abruptly. :boxed:


*again supports another member's idea to use something Pink-related as your Custom Title*

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That is very nice of you Petra to take over after pink.:thumb_yello: You must have very much to do now, I honestly don’t want to switch place with you.:blink:

But way did pink left? I don’t understand that:boxed:

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Thanks again Petra :roftl:


I miss Pink :tears: I've decided that Im just going to have to make the rest of the MFC depressed, so that they'll have to unban Pink :wub2:



:tears: :tears: :tears:


clueless in Seattle....


forever as in ETERNITY? I didn't know they were so powerful. (blah blah blah) - fill in the blanks

Wow, I don't think I even want to know.... but I will cry along with you all!

ps....thank you Petra

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I knowwwwwwwwwwww! She wasn't purposefully trying to annoy anyone or anything at all... (I'll pm it)


she just cant control herself swearing like mika............o_O

That is very nice of you Petra to take over after pink.

yup, Petra had experience :punk:

You must have very much to do now, I honestly don’t want to switch place with you.:blink:
me too :boxed:

But way did pink left? I don’t understand that:boxed:

they do it so harsh coz it's her third time..........?


forever as in ETERNITY?

:tears: :tears: :tears:

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