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yeah I know a LOT of irish based in america are very proud to be irish I can see why to an extent


yea, i would really like to travel there, and all around the UK, for that matter, but im also only 13 at the time, lol!:naughty: i may have to wait a while :(

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so what's everyone's plan for the bank holiday?


Hey Stephanie! how're you? oh not much really, just gonna relax, take it eaaassyyy :naughty: you?


im guessing thats something in ireland???????? lol


haha yeah it's like a day where everyone takes a holiday, we have a few of them during the year and it's always on a Monday, there's no school or work or anything :thumb_yello:


hello everyone I decided I would join in with the chat on this thread (being part irish myself) I was born in Hull but have an irish mother. I would love to visit Ireland one day (I hope later this year) Is there anywhere that you guys would recommend I visit? & places I should avoid (I know even in the lovliest of countries there's places you should avoid)


Hello! welcome to the thread :thumb_yello: It's lovely to see someone so proud of their Irish heritage! :)

Well I would recommend Killarney, Co. Kerry - it's one of the biggest tourist spots in Ireland and has really nice scenery, and the cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare is a great place to visit too!

Places to avoid? hmm.. well don't bother coming to Limerick cos there's nothing to see here :naughty: plus there's a bit of a bad reputation in the city that it can be dangerous but it's not that bad :naughty: other than that most places are fine! :thumb_yello:

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every1 here in the states is super proud of being irish if they are! ive always wanted to go there, we have this books full of pics of ireland, and i would just read the captions and look at em


aaw that's really sweet Dev! :)

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Hey!!!!!!!!!!! Wow it's been forever!! How's everyone here!! Welcome to the newbies! :thumb_yello:

DarkLight (sorry, I don't know your real name), I can imagine that must've been annoying to hear that all your life, but I think it comes from the whole history between Ireland and England...sometimes some Irish people need to feel that they're not inferior (cos that's what the English wanted Irish people to believe) so it comes out as The Irish are the best, or I'm proud to be Irish or whatever.....I think it's unavoidable. But in my opinion (and this is coming from one of the least patriotic people ever, lol) there are so many more things to be proud of than your nationality. Things you have to work for and achieve by your own talents and efforts are much more significant than where you were born.

Sorry, is this a bit heavy fora Sunday afternoon? lol.

It's great to be back!

Stephanie, I added you on facebook :wink2:

Sheree, how were the exams?

Debbie, aaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm too excited!!! :woot_jump:


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Aaw, well said Niamh!

Good to see you, how've you been?? :D

Meh, the exams were ok, I didn't like a few of em though but I'm not gonna worry about em for the time being anyway! :naughty: I'm just making the most of being home and carefree for now! :D that is, before the results come in :naughty:

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Aaw, well said Niamh!

Good to see you, how've you been?? :D

Meh, the exams were ok, I didn't like a few of em though but I'm not gonna worry about em for the time being anyway! :naughty: I'm just making the most of being home and carefree for now! :D


Yay! Good idea, put them out of your head :wink2: Any plans for the summer?

I'm grand, have had a busy few weeks...can't believe I've only 3 weeks left here and then back to Galway! weirdness.....

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Yay! Good idea, put them out of your head :wink2: Any plans for the summer?

I'm grand, have had a busy few weeks...can't believe I've only 3 weeks left here and then back to Galway! weirdness.....


Hm a few ideas but no real plans yet! Have to try and get some work first before I can start to afford to do anything :naughty:

Aaw lovely exotic Galway eh? :wink2: haha aaw it will be good to be home though! are you going back to Madrid again in September?

What date are ye going to Amsterdam actually?

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Hm a few ideas but no real plans yet! Have to try and get some work first before I can start to afford to do anything :naughty:

Aaw lovely exotic Galway eh? :wink2: haha aaw it will be good to be home though! are you going back to Madrid again in September?

What date are ye going to Amsterdam actually?


Lol yeah "exotic" Galway.... :mf_rosetinted:

Goin to Amsterdam on July 5, the gig is on the 8th. I can't wait! Oh, I need to learn a few words of Dutch between now and then, lol. Then I'm going to the gig in Madrid on July 19th (lol, I know...but the call of Mika, Madrid and Spanish MFC friends was too much to resist.....)

Nope I won't be back in Spain next year....to be honest I've no idea where I'll be; I'm looking at jobs all over the place...I have a hankering to go to the Middle East...I'm thinking Bahrain or the UAE. But these are just ideas, lol.

Are you going into 2nd or 3rd year in Sept.?

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Lol yeah "exotic" Galway....

Goin to Amsterdam on July 5, the gig is on the 8th. I can't wait! Oh, I need to learn a few words of Dutch between now and then, lol. Then I'm going to the gig in Madrid on July 19th (lol, I know...but the call of Mika, Madrid and Spanish MFC friends was too much to resist.....)

Nope I won't be back in Spain next year....to be honest I've no idea where I'll be; I'm looking at jobs all over the place...I have a hankering to go to the Middle East...I'm thinking Bahrain or the UAE. But these are just ideas, lol.

Are you going into 2nd or 3rd year in Sept.?


haha in comparsion to Spain :bleh:

Oh ye'll have a few days there so might as well make the most of the trip, ye'll have a blast! :D

hahaha you're a Mika gig addict if I ever saw one! :naughty:

Aaw you'll be sad leaving so :( oh well it's exciting though getting to work and see so much of the world at the same time, I want to do that :bleh: loads of places speak French too so .. :mf_lustslow: haha I've loads of time before i need to worry about that yet though, am going into 2nd year in september :thumb_yello:

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hahaha your Dustin teddy!!the crater, I never knew he was such a softie

He did indeed! I love the one with Bob Geldof!

"Dustin take a walk, take a walk, talk a waaalk,

Geldof take a wash, take a wash, take a wash"


Oh I forgot about that!:roftl: Oh and remember his Christmas tree song, I "wonder how, I wonder why, Santa and the reindeers know how to fly":naughty: I know that too well. lol


so what's everyone's plan for the bank holiday?:)


I'm not up to much, just have to a lot of maths and other than that just taking it eeeeassssayyy:bleh: How about you?


hello everyone I decided I would join in with the chat on this thread (being part irish myself) I was born in Hull but have an irish mother. I would love to visit Ireland one day (I hope later this year) Is there anywhere that you guys would recommend I visit? & places I should avoid (I know even in the lovliest of countries there's places you should avoid)


Hi and welcome:)

cool you like Ireland etc, I hope you like this thread:)

And yeah, I definitly recommend Co. CLare or Kerry, really lovely scenery. The north is lovely too, The Giants Causeway, etc.

And about places to avoid, I don't really know. But probably the midlands, because well its very boring here,lol.

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Hey!!!!!!!!!!! Wow it's been forever!! How's everyone here!! Welcome to the newbies! :thumb_yello:

DarkLight (sorry, I don't know your real name), I can imagine that must've been annoying to hear that all your life, but I think it comes from the whole history between Ireland and England...sometimes some Irish people need to feel that they're not inferior (cos that's what the English wanted Irish people to believe) so it comes out as The Irish are the best, or I'm proud to be Irish or whatever.....I think it's unavoidable. But in my opinion (and this is coming from one of the least patriotic people ever, lol) there are so many more things to be proud of than your nationality. Things you have to work for and achieve by your own talents and efforts are much more significant than where you were born.

Sorry, is this a bit heavy fora Sunday afternoon? lol.

It's great to be back!

Stephanie, I added you on facebook

Sheree, how were the exams?

Debbie, aaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm too excited!!!



Niamh!:D Hi I hope your well, I'm good!

I like what you said, very interesting:wink2:

And like you I'm so so so so excited, only one month and one week left!:D


lol! every1 loves there irish:wink2: lol


Hi Dev, how are you:)

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Oh I forgot about that!:roftl: Oh and remember his Christmas tree song, I "wonder how, I wonder why, Santa and the reindeers know how to fly":naughty: I know that too well. lol


hahaha and remember this one (the only one I liked) "32 counties and 40 shades of green, St. Patrick plays the bodhrán, the likes you've never seen..." lol so catchy!


Niamh!:D Hi I hope your well, I'm good!

I like what you said, very interesting:wink2:

And like you I'm so so so so excited, only one month and one week left!:D


I know eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Mikatastic!! lol.

It'll be great to meet up again! xxx

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Oh I forgot about that! Oh and remember his Christmas tree song, I "wonder how, I wonder why, Santa and the reindeers know how to fly" I know that too well. lol


aaaaah! :naughty: "and all that I can see is just another Christmas tree" :roftl:

all that and he's still only 10! :roftl:


im doing good, taking quizes online, just found out that Universal Studios (IN LA, California) is burning as i speak

and i have golf in 20 minutes (pouty)


WTF!!!?! :shocked::shocked: oh no! that's awful! :shocked::blink:

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hahaha and remember this one (the only one I liked) "32 counties and 40 shades of green, St. Patrick plays the bodhrán, the likes you've never seen..." lol so catchy!


I know eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Mikatastic!! lol.

It'll be great to meet up again! xxx

Oh yeah, I remember that!:naughty: lol

yeah, its gonna be too much fun! Sam Sparro is the support act:mf_lustslow: really, that doubles my excitement, I love Sam!:D


im doing good, taking quizes online, just found out that Universal Studios (IN LA, California) is burning as i speak

and i have golf in 20 minutes (pouty)

Oh I heard about that!:shocked: And the King Kong part is gone? and the film vault or somehting? Its weird because I saw the King Kong set thing last year...and now its gone...really strange.:tears: Is back to the Future ride gone?! that was really cool, I hope its not:(

its a pity, because its such a cool place!


aaaaah! "and all that I can see is just another Christmas tree"

all that and he's still only 10!


Oh yeah he's ten!! I forgot about that:roftl:

"Go on ye good thing!"lol

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How did the fire start I wonder? :sad:


Haha go on ya good thing :naughty:


I remember I had a tape of his before, but I can't remember what songs were on it now, all I remember from it was "I've never been to Meath" and it always used to make me sad cos it was really sad music :naughty: it was like I've been to all these random places over Ireland like "I've been to Ballyfermot but I've never been to Meath" :naughty:

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How did the fire start I wonder? :sad:


Haha go on ya good thing :naughty:


I remember I had a tape of his before, but I can't remember what songs were on it now, all I remember from it was "I've never been to Meath" and it always used to make me sad cos it was really sad music :naughty: it was like I've been to all these random places over Ireland like "I've been to Ballyfermot but I've never been to Meath" :naughty:

I dunno, sounds strange though...


Yeah, I really wanna hear the tape now, because there's so much of it I forgot:naughty:

I don't remember that though,:naughty:

my eyes are tired, and I still have to do some maths.

(I've dropped down even further:blush-anim-cl:) but I had a good reason to, I think I'll be in Tallaght next year, and they won't accept ordinary level, but will accept foundation...weird, but if it has to be done...it will be.

I wanna go there so badly!

how are you?

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I dunno, sounds strange though...


Yeah, I really wanna hear the tape now, because there's so much of it I forgot:naughty:

I don't remember that though,:naughty:

my eyes are tired, and I still have to do some maths.

(I've dropped down even further:blush-anim-cl:) but I had a good reason to, I think I'll be in Tallaght next year, and they won't accept ordinary level, but will accept foundation...weird, but if it has to be done...it will be.

I wanna go there so badly!

how are you?


Really?! they only accept foundation level? that is weird! would they not let you in if you did ordinary level? :boxed:

Tallaght IT is it? cool, I know someone there! what course is it there? I hope you get in, I'm sure you will! :thumb_yello:

I'm good now thanks! watching the Brady Bunch haha :naughty: and you? don't wear yourself out with the maths now, take it easy today its a bank holiday! :D

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Really?! they only accept foundation level? that is weird! would they not let you in if you did ordinary level? :boxed:

Tallaght IT is it? cool, I know someone there! what course is it there? I hope you get in, I'm sure you will! :thumb_yello:

I'm good now thanks! watching the Brady Bunch haha :naughty: and you? don't wear yourself out with the maths now, take it easy today its a bank holiday! :D

yeah, its really weird:boxed:, I mean I've been in and out to the guidance councellor and everytime she called they said the same... maths is really not important to the course, so I dunno...its weird though. But at least I've no worries at all now.


yeah, tallaght IT, Its creative digital media...I HOPE I get it now...so much thinking in the past few months.

Brady Bunch! Is it the George Glass one?:lmao: thats all I can think of from it right now,lol

It's June already!!?!

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yeah, its really weird, I mean I've been in and out to the guidance councellor and everytime she called they said the same... maths is really not important to the course, so I dunno...its weird though. But at least I've no worries at all now.


yeah, tallaght IT, Its creative digital media...I HOPE I get it now...so much thinking in the past few months.

Brady Bunch! Is it the George Glass one? thats all I can think of from it right now,lol

It's June already!!?!


Wow! haha maybe they want you to use the right side of your brain to the full, which means your not allowed think about maths or be good at it :naughty:

Have you to get familiar with the foundation paper now though? aah it shouldn't be too hard to get to know anyway :thumb_yello:

Ooh, that sounds so interesting! :mf_lustslow: I'm sure you'll get into it no bother don't worry! The wait for the results and offers is so annoying though :thumbdown:

They seem to have a lot of media type courses there, I know someone doing TV and radio or something like that there!

Hahaha George Glass!! nah it's the one where the family nearly lose the house and Jan runs away, bless her! :naughty: I love the Brady Bunch though, so funny!

I know! last month did go pretty slow for ME though :naughty: I remember being here this time last month thinking I wish I could just skip this whole month and go to June already :bleh:

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Wow! haha maybe they want you to use the right side of your brain to the full, which means your not allowed think about maths or be good at it

Have you to get familiar with the foundation paper now though? aah it shouldn't be too hard to get to know anyway

Ooh, that sounds so interesting! I'm sure you'll get into it no bother don't worry! The wait for the results and offers is so annoying though :thumbdown:

They seem to have a lot of media type courses there, I know someone doing TV and radio or something like that there!

Hahaha George Glass!! nah it's the one where the family nearly lose the house and Jan runs away, bless her! I love the Brady Bunch though, so funny!

I know! last month did go pretty slow for ME though I remember being here this time last month thinking I wish I could just skip this whole month and go to June already


maybe, I dunno, its really odd:naughty:

yeah, thats the annoying part actually, I've to dumb down the maths that I actually did know..so I make everything more complicated than it actually is...I just hope I don't go blank and forget my basic maths or something!:blink::naughty:

cool, twill be fun!

yeah, I didn't even do C.A.O. last year, so I've no idea really what to expect...oh well

Oh yeah! I love that one! and when she gets the giant afro wig (in a dream or something) :fro: lol

Oh no, well then you'll be happy to know its June! I hope your enjoying your time off!

the weather is so nice though, weirdly nice....global warming maybe...

I have to go do maths for a bit....eventually...:naughty:

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maybe, I dunno, its really odd

yeah, thats the annoying part actually, I've to dumb down the maths that I actually did know..so I make everything more complicated than it actually is...I just hope I don't go blank and forget my basic maths or something!

cool, twill be fun!

yeah, I didn't even do C.A.O. last year, so I've no idea really what to expect...oh well

Oh yeah! I love that one! and when she gets the giant afro wig (in a dream or something) lol

Oh no, well then you'll be happy to know its June! I hope your enjoying your time off!

the weather is so nice though, weirdly nice....global warming maybe...

I have to go do maths for a bit....eventually...


Or maybe they are scared by people that are good at maths.. haha! :naughty: at least you'll never need to look at it again after this week eh? :D

Oh no, that won't happen! you're sure to pass it anyway! :thumb_yello:

Oh they send you your offer in a really measly paper envelope thing! you'd expect something a bit more grandiose haha, you'd nearly throw it in the bin before seeing it! :naughty:

That's the one! haha :roftl:

Yeah it's lovely, I need to go out and get some kind of a colour, I'm so pale I look sick :boxed: haha, anyway good luck with the maths so! and the exam if I'm not talking to you before then! :thumb_yello:

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