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She's taking it too far!


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I know there already is a thread about this, but this is an article from yesterday that totally shocked me, and it had something new in it, something I'm not pleased with AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!






'Ik ben de echte Mika'

Brusselse Sophie Michalakoudis eist artiestennaam op


BRUSSEL - 'Ik was de eerste, dus de echte Mika ben ik.' De 40-jarige Brusselse reggaezangeres Sophie Michalakoudis eist de artiestennaam Mika op. 'Desnoods laat ik het concert van die andere Mika in Vorst via het gerecht verbieden.'



Al twintig jaar timmert Sophie Michalakoudis aan haar carrière als reggaezangeres. Het is niet evident als Belgische, maar ze is er naar eigen zeggen toch in geslaagd een beetje naam te maken in de reggaewereld. Ze komt af en toe op televisie, kan nu en dan naar het buitenland en brengt om de zoveel jaar een nieuwe cd uit. 'Altijd onder de naam Mika. Voor mij was dat een logische keuze, want zo noemde iedereen mij als kind al. Dat is de naam waarmee ik mij vanuit een achtergesteld gezin een weg naar boven heb geknokt.'


En toen was er plots die andere Mika - 'Mika Bis noem ik hem' - die vanuit Groot-Brittannië en gesteund door het grote label Universal begon aan zijn verovering van de wereld. Met hits als Grace Kelly bestormde hij de hitlijsten, ook in België. En op 13november staat hij in Vorst op het podium, voor een nu al uitverkochte zaal. Tenzij Sophie daar een stokje voor steekt.


Een kleine Belg


'Ik ben er niet op uit die jongen zijn carrière te saboteren, ik wil gewoon dat er een oplossing komt. Door het mediageweld rond die tweede Mika dreig ik niet meer aan de bak te komen. Ik word gewoon weggedrukt, krijg mijn nieuwe cd nergens gesleten en geraak niet meer aan optredens. Ik vraag alleen dat zij ervoor zorgen dat de verwarring rond die artiestennamen verdwijnt. Doordat die andere Mika zijn naam verandert, of op een andere manier.'


Sophie wacht al maanden op een voorstel tot oplossing, maar er komt niets. 'Ik heb nu al maanden geduld. Ach, ik ben een kleine Belg en ik heb de indruk dat ze mij willen negeren. Maar dat zal niet lukken. Desnoods stap ik naar de rechtbank om dat optreden in Vorst tegen te houden.'


Om geld is het haar niet te doen, verzekert Mika. En ze wil ook niet meesurfen op het succes van die bekendere naamgenoot. Het is een kwestie van overleven. 'En het is ook iets psychologisch. Het voelt alsof een deel van mezelf werd gestolen. Iets waaraan ik jaren heb gewerkt en gebouwd.'


Zware strijd


Of er kwaad opzet in het spel is, weet ze niet. 'En dat kan mij eigenlijk ook niet schelen. Toen die Britten voor de naam Mika kozen, hadden ze moeten weten dat die al in gebruik was. Even surfen op internet en ze zouden het geweten hebben.'


Ze beseft dat het nog een zware strijd kan worden. 'Maar er hebben al eerder Davids gewonnen tegen Goliath', zegt haar advocaat Fabrice Hambersin. 'En in principe is dit een eenvoudige zaak. Sophie was eerst.'





‘I’m the real Mika’

Sophie Michalakoudis claims stage name


BRUSSEL - 'I was the first one, therefore the real Mika.' The 40-year old reggae singer from Sophie Michalakoudis claims the stage name Mika. 'If I have to, I’ll make sure the concert of the other Mika gets forbidden by court.


For 20 years now, Sophie Michalakoudis is working on a career as a reggae singer. It’s not easy being a Belgian artist, but according to her she succeeded in getting somewhat famous in the reggae-business. She appears on television every now and then (oh really??? Half my friends are totally into reggae and no one ever heard of her…), sometimes gets to go abroad and releases a new album every now and then. 'Always under the name of Mika. To me that was a logical choice because everyone called me like that since I was a child. That’s the name I used to get out of a broken family and make my way to the top.’ (….??)


And all of a sudden there was this other Mika - 'Mika Bis I call him' – who came from Great-Britain, was supported by the huge record label Universal and who started to conquer the world. With hits like Grace Kelly he conquered the charts, in Belgium as well. And he will be performing at Vorst at 13/11 in a sold out venue. Unless Sophie gets in the way.


A tiny Belgian


'I’m not in it to sabotage that boy’s career, I just want to see a solution. Because of the media hype around that second Mika, there’s the risk I won’t get a job anymore. I’m being pushed aside, can’t get my record to sell (hmmm, is that really the fault of a name?????) and I can’t get any more gigs. I only ask that they make sure that all the confusion (what confusion??) involving the stage name disappears. Through the other Mika changing his name, or in another way. (let me guess, money???)


Sophie’s been waiting for months for a preposition to get a solution, but nothing happens.

'I’ve been patient for months now. Oh well, I’m a tiny Belgian and I get the feeling that they want to ignore me. But that won’t work. I’LL GO TO COURT AND MAKE SURE THEY STOP THE GIG IN VORST.'


It’s not about the money (yeah right), says Mika. And she doesn’t want to profit from the success of the more famous Mika. ‘It’s a question of survival. And it’s also something psychological. It feels like a part of myself was robbed. Something I worked and built on for years.’


Hard battle


She doesn’t know if there was any malicious intent involved (oh pppuuhleeeaasse). 'And frankly I don’t care. When those Brits chose the name Mika, they should have known that it was already been used. Just a quick browse on the internet and they would have known it.


She realizes that it can become a very hard battle. ‘But it wouldn’t be the first time a David won from a Goliat’, says her attorney Fabrice Hambersin. 'And actually this is a very simple case. Sophie was first.'


LIFE2_G1B1GP10V.1+NBN_LF2_mika2.jpg :rocket:




I'm very angry about this. Who does she think she is? I mean, what good would it do to make him cancel the Belgian gig?? The only thing she does with that, is hurt his fans!! Like me! I mean, this may sound harsh, but what would Mika care if Vorst is cancelled? He has enough gigs. One little gig won't do it for him. But us the fans are going to be affected!


And this really doesn't set a good name to Belgium either! Everytime he will now think of Belgium, he'll think like oh yeah... That's where that ***** that wanted to sue me came from! I don't think this has a good effect for further Mika gigs in Belgium :tears:


BTW, I never knew about this woman, it wasn't untill I knew our Mika, that I knew who she was cause her name kept popping up online. So if anything I think this has done her good! Oh my god!!!!


*runs off to practice some voodoo*

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Pshhh, like that nobody will be able to pull off Mika's gig in Vorst....whoever's throwing that gig would never sacrifice the money they are going to be making because of (The) Mika, that would be stupid. She'll end up exactly as she is, no one. Geez, she needs to let this go.

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this is soooo weird and silly...


i said she should sue mika's mom for giving mika his name :bleh:


i dont think she can do anything....


oh and micheal jackson should sue micheal buble now to :naughty:

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I will write this in very small, light coloured letters so you don't see it: I actually can feel for the belgian Mika a bit. Just you place yourself in her position...:wub2:


this thing could help her actually....

and i think she said it to make a noise and get more famouse..

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this thing could help her actually....

and i think she said it to make a noise and get more famouse..

I agree...

After all none of us had heard about her before, and the same goes for a lot of people. And suddenly shes getting her name into international news, which is bound to make a few people curious enough to do a search for her. More and more people will now know who she is through this, even if it isn't for exactly for good reasons.


Added to this is the fact she is highly likely to get money out of this.

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to b honest i don't think she'll get anywhere with it , there not even based in the same countries , shell probs get laughed out of court , besides why has it taken almost a year to realise an artist has the same name as her ? ....



maybe she's a bit skint :mf_rosetinted:

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why she wasn't reply when mika appeared. but she just thought wait and see. if he will be more famous i'll attack so i can be famous too. she's a nothing. never ever heard of she and sorry but regge music is loosing slowly. i don't like at all this kind of music, sorry for the ones that love it. this woman is nothing but a ********** . sorry again but this really fire me up.

mika, don't give up without a fight!

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Ok, wait. She got the name "Mika" because her last name is Michalakoudis, and our Mika got his name because his real first name is Mica, same pronunciation. Her first name is Sophie; he's basically using his real first name.

Let's think about that one, shall we? Hmmmmm....


I don't even know what to say.

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When I lived in London this summer , one of my classmates was a girl called Mika Newton (her nickname).She is a famous singer in Ucrania,and she doesn't matter that Mika has got her same name. Even, she likes Mika's music, and envied me cause I went to his concert.

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