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I Respect Mika (Part dos)


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Yeah, I agree with that for sure.


I totally agree, I do post some naughty stuff about Mika but its only for fun and I wouldn't want to offend him in any way, I love his music and as I have said on other message boards before I think he has been a breath of fresh air to 2007, at least he does write, produce, play instruments etc etc himself, unlike alot of the artist that are in the UK charts at the moment, and he is so different aswell, I think that why some people love him and some people don't, but life would be so boring if we were all the same.

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If we want to talk about him shaking his ass on MFC it ranks as totally irrelevant, if Mika has any sense. Whether he is sensible or not, I'm sure he doesn't know 99% of what is said here anyway.


I can barely keep up with about 10% of the threads and I'm here all the time. He's got more important things to do whether he appreciates us or not.


Very right. And in case he didn't have that proper sense (which I am sure he DOES have), the lack of sense would definitely be substituted by the lack of time.


Hell, it is simply impossible to keep up with even 50% of the threads if you are not online for 50 hours each day (I am aware days don't have 50 hours). It was just yesterday that I saw another MFCer here that had more than 3,000 posts and I swear I had never seen that username before :blink: and this was not the first time. There must be a gigantic underworld of other threads I have never been to where people harvest a great number of posts :blink: (I am really suspecting the Aussi-threads to have something to do with this :naughty:).


Anyway, I should get back to work now :boxed: Good night everyone! (In case someone read my post till its very end.)

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I just don't think people should contemplate who he ranks as important and unimportant...IT's not very healthy... There are different variations and moments in his life where I'm sure he appreciates someone more than someone else.


Fans are important for an artist though, not comparing them to family and friends :We made the difference.:glasses2:



I agree with you!!! We can't know who is important or not for him. And independent of that, we are all humans. I don't think that Mika is some kind of God who is not affected by other people's talking about him (remembering his childhood). Showing middle fingers do not show what goes into his heart. Everybody knows that Mika reads this forum, and it is so good to be kind and gentle, to see positive sides, to be polite with every people, why not with Mika?

I'm not saying that every joke that is here in MFC has to stop. It's so nice to laugh and play. I'm sure Mika is good humored to deal well with it.

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  • 1 month later...
I just thought it might be an idea to reactivate this thread as there has been so much hassle in the last weeks :boxed: .


Whaaaa? Have I misses all this hassle? What are you talking about? Did anything specific happened? :shocked:


I'm really sorry, would you mind explaining me why? :blush-anim-cl: I seem to be really lost.

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Whaaaa? Have I misses all this hassle? What are you talking about? Did anything specific happened? :shocked:


I'm really sorry, would you mind explaining me why? :blush-anim-cl: I seem to be really lost.

*points at london reviews-threads*


People mobbing him and so on. Or people not respecting others, not only Mika. It's a mess. (IMO)

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Hi, I just want to say that this is a really nice respectful thread for Mika, and I think it goes without saying that I respect him.:wink2: Sure most of us here heard his music before ever seeing him. So the fact that he is beautiful too is just a bonus:naughty:

Mika desrves nothing but respect, but it is obvious to us all that he uses innuendo and does drive us mad with his "suggestive" dancing. :naughty:

So really, I think Mika had an incling that this kind of thing would happen, where we get a bit carried away.

That said, I definitly don't agree with people being downright rude about it all, (like you said people screaming those things). thats just not respecting him!!

But we are a fan club of a talented young handsome singer, who likes to cha cha on stage. So yeah.. thats all I've to say..:)

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*points at london reviews-threads*


People mobbing him and so on. Or people not respecting others, not only Mika. It's a mess. (IMO)


Oh yeah...I totally avoided reading any more when I noticed there was such a problem...


but you are right. It's good to bump this thread and have a little reminder sometimes. :thumb_yello:

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Thanks, Petra...yeah. There was a total lack of respect at that afterparty, and in the thread. Needs to be re-instated on here!

Still, I must admit, when I was at the Vanvouver gig, especially in the line-up (if you can call it that) for merchandise, I did a fair bit of shoving. I could justify it by saying that if I hadn't I would never have got to the front of the line, which I probably wouldn't, but I feel bad about it. In what's meant to be an orderly queue, however, or when it's been specified that you don't need to, that you have time and will get your turn, it's more of a problem...IMO.

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  • 2 months later...
just thought id bump this.

there have been some new members added since the last time this was posted in and i think everyone should get the chance to look through it.



I bought a Bowie song to see what it sounded like and I love it! :biggrin2:

Sorry that was off topic!

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I definetly respect Mika, and I really like this idea and the fact that this thread is on the MFC...earlier today we had some issues with that and thank you to purplegrape for stepping in :)


there are lines and sometimes they do get crossed, and it is nice to know that we have such a large number of people who do respect Mika and are not just screaming fangirls saying how hott he is or telling him to get naked, which I find repulsive. However, I do post some chickeny things about him myself from time to time, but it is all for fun and I think as long as most people can read it and laugh or not walk away totally disgusted it is fine.

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I definetly respect Mika, and I really like this idea and the fact that this thread is on the MFC...earlier today we had some issues with that and thank you to purplegrape for stepping in :)


there are lines and sometimes they do get crossed, and it is nice to know that we have such a large number of people who do respect Mika and are not just screaming fangirls saying how hott he is or telling him to get naked, which I find repulsive. However, I do post some chickeny things about him myself from time to time, but it is all for fun and I think as long as most people can read it and laugh or not walk away totally disgusted it is fine.


your welcome. and its great to have you here.


chickeny things are wonderful as it is that i think mika wants us to find him sexy. you can see the teasing in his eyes and in the way he moves. he knows what we like and what we want from him so he tries to give it to us.


but tough that gives us permission to comment on it it doesnt give us permission to go too far. to treat him like an object of our pleasure. he might be that, but he is much more too.


just try to remember that as you have fun.:thumb_yello:

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chickeny things are wonderful as it is that i think mika wants us to find him sexy. you can see the teasing in his eyes and in the way he moves. he knows what we like and what we want from him so he tries to give it to us.


but tough that gives us permission to comment on it it doesnt give us permission to go too far. to treat him like an object of our pleasure. he might be that, but he is much more too.


just try to remember that as you have fun.:thumb_yello:


*gives a try to write down her feelings in crappy English*


Ok, I totally agree with you on this!

I do sometimes get a little obsessive with the man, although I would never say something disrespectful. It's nice there are some people like you hanging around to give me a virtually slap in the face, I guess I need that sometimes! :naughty:

But (and I think you already understood this) it's just for fun. Now I understand some people don't think it's funny at all. I'm sorry if I offended somebody, that was never my intention (of course).


I respect Mika with all my heart! I love him for his great music and performances! And of course I love him because of his great moves and looks too! :wub2::naughty:

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*gives a try to write down her feelings in crappy English*


Ok, I totally agree with you on this!

I do sometimes get a little obsessive with the man, although I would never say something disrespectful. It's nice there are some people like you hanging around to give me a virtually slap in the face, I guess I need that sometimes! :naughty:

But (and I think you already understood this) it's just for fun. Now I understand some people don't think it's funny at all. I'm sorry if I offended somebody, that was never my intention (of course).


I respect Mika with all my heart! I love him for his great music and performances! And of course I love him because of his great moves and looks too! :wub2::naughty:


i feel like i need to explain myself a little.


my little rant in the mikagasmic thread came off a bit rougher than i had meant for it to, i think. i didnt mean that you had gone too far, i wouldnt have joined myself, but i thought you were fine. i just remembered when we had had some problems before and i didnt want the chance of it happening again. i even think some jokes about "uzzo", "nessie" or "rocketship" as it was known for a while in the thread 3...2...1...Blast off; which i started myself, are okay. i used to be rather bad about it myself (just look through the blast off thread, lol :naughty: ).


i dont think anyone had done anything wrong and i didnt mean to be a killjoy. im sorry if i was.

i love the mikagasmic thread.

i love mikagasmic pictures.

i love mikagasams.:wub2:

i have a huge collection of pics.

i think mika is sexy.:mf_lustslow:

he has a great body.

i fantasize.

ive gotten in trouble a few times for writing waaaay to juicy fanfics like the one im writing now.


so have your fun please.

again, im sorry if i killed the fun.:blush-anim-cl:

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I definetly respect Mika, and I really like this idea and the fact that this thread is on the MFC...earlier today we had some issues with that and thank you to purplegrape for stepping in :)


there are lines and sometimes they do get crossed, and it is nice to know that we have such a large number of people who do respect Mika and are not just screaming fangirls saying how hott he is or telling him to get naked, which I find repulsive. However, I do post some chickeny things about him myself from time to time, but it is all for fun and I think as long as most people can read it and laugh or not walk away totally disgusted it is fine.


hello Ankmet! I respect him highly! he is just like one of us ...we all deserve respect.

as an outsider and musician...I very much identify much with his life and career.


so good to see you here!

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Allright, I understand you now. (I think I did understand you before too) :naughty:


We were (and still are) aware of our naughty talk, and I guess we were aware of the line of going to far.. I don't think we would have crossed the line though.. we're still some decent, adult people. But it's okay for just warning us because of what happened in the past! :thumb_yello:

Don't worry for being a partypooper or something, I guess that's kinda impossible to be. We will always have fun in that thread, with or without Nessie! :naughty:

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hello Ankmet! I respect him highly! he is just like one of us ...we all deserve respect.

as an outsider and musician...I very much identify much with his life and career.


so good to see you here!


:) same here! Hello to you too!

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  • 1 month later...

Hey ya people!


I've just discovered this thread. Let me tell you some things... hahaha


I've posted two times on the Mikagasmic thread, cause I thought it would be FUN. It wasn't... I've realised I didn't want to talk about Mika in that way. I really really really don't want to offence the usual Mikagasmic posters, it's just the way I feel:thumb_yello:.


I understand why some people like talking about Mika in that way (like he's a piece of meat, though I think this idiom is a bit too strong for that matter, but anyway). He's like you and I. We know it. But it's hard to have this in mind all the time. He's famous and somehow unreachable. I guess it feels good for some people to post "dirty" comments about him (though I think dirty is too strong too... sorry, it's hard to express properly what I mean in English...) because they feel he's nearer. I personally feels he's nearer when I talk about his songs and humour lol.


I think it's Mika's personality that really matters. Let me tell you something. When I started listening to Mika, I didn't find him very attractive; he was OK. Then, I discovered bits of his personality, interviews and all that stuff, and I started finding him good-looking. It's a whole!


Mika is a great artist. He touches me with his music, he makes me laugh etc. I respect him.

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