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OMFG, I'm back and it seems like I missed SO much!

LOL, I'm so tired and I've had a horrible day but I'm still going to get awards at prizegiving so that's something right?

Although I can't imagine what I've done to desearve them, youd think I drove everyone crazy with that "ONE DAMN WORD" (as quoted by Dana) what was it again???

Oh yeah, MIKA! :D


Anyway, I didn't go to school yesterday, I ditched and went with my mother to the nearest city (An hour and a bit's train ride) and sat through 2 an a half hours of advanced, 6th year acounting degree calculus.

We covered 4 lessons in 80 minuts with a 10 minute break in between and then we went to the music store and I got the LICM DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's a wallet! It has masculin angles :D


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It's a wallet! It has masculin angles :D




It reminds me of one funny story from London.. At least then and there it was very funny. We people from MFC met in Camden and except the great pub and the Palladium concert we also were at the local market where I bought a PURSE. I showed it to Sienna (a great woman from Sweden) and she said "Wallet or purse?" I laughed like crazy, she laughed, but nobody around had a slightest idea what is going on. Sienna said "we are like a community" and I said "we even have our own jargon". Nobody would understand "Let`s have some chicken" and things like that.

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It reminds me of one funny story from London.. At least then and there it was very funny. We people from MFC met in Camden and except the great pub and the Palladium concert we also were at the local market where I bought a PURSE. I showed it to Sienna (a great woman from Sweden) and she said "Wallet or purse?" I laughed like crazy, she laughed, but nobody around had a slightest idea what is going on. Sienna said "we are like a community" and I said "we even have our own jargon". Nobody would understand "Let`s have some chicken" and things like that.


I know!

We really need our own place in RL... Like the pussycat dolls have the pussycat doll lounge in LA.


The Mika Lounge.


Has a nice ring to it don't you think??? :D

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I know!

We really need our own place in RL... Like the pussycat dolls have the pussycat doll lounge in LA.


The Mika Lounge.


Has a nice ring to it don't you think??? :D


Do they? We could have a place like this in London.

MIKA lounge doesn`t sound bad!

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A colleague from IBM UK posted this on our worldwide gay & lesbian forum, I found it interesting, and I think it kind of relatest to our young man, don`t you think?


Men are ‘made gay by the child within’

From The Sunday Times

December 9, 2007

Richard Brooks Arts Editor





DESMOND MORRIS, who became a bestselling author by applying zoology to explain human behaviour, has now utilised the techniques to put forward an explanation for homosexuality.

In his latest book, The Naked Man, he concludes that men are “made gay” because they retain infantile or juvenile characteristics into adulthood – a phenomenon known as neoteny.

According to this theory, gay men also tend to be more inventive and creative than heterosexuals because they are more likely to retain the mental agility and playfulness of childhood.

“Gays have in general made a disproportionately greater contribution to life than nongays,” said Morris, who is also a noted artist. “The creative gay has very much advanced Planet Earth.”

“The playfulness of childhood is continued with certain people into adulthood. This is very much a positive. Adult playfulness means that certain people, often a fairly large proportion of them gay, are more inventive and curious than heterosexuals.”

His theory was, however, attacked by Steve Jones, professor of genetics at University College London. “It’s arts faculty science to say that gays are neotenous,” he said. “It’s a stupid idea. Where is the real evidence?”

Morris points to work done by Clive Bromhall, who produced some of his television programmes. “Gays do infantile behaviour in the extreme,” said Bromhall, who after gaining a PhD in zoology from Oxford, left academia to form a company making educational films.

Morris, who is 80 in January, long thought that absent fathers led to boys and young male adults becoming gay. “[it is] the dominant and ever-present mother theory,” he said. “But now I’m convinced that is wrong, and that it is neoteny which makes people gay. Gays are using what is reproductive or creatively constructive to non-reproductive ends. This is very much a positive.”

But his argument that gays are more creative than heterosexuals also has its flaws. Steve Jones said: “What of somebody like Pablo Picasso who was a hugely creative man and yet was obviously decidedly heterosexual?” Many other creative individuals such as Vivienne Westwood and Mary Quant, the fashion designers, are also clearly heterosexual.

Morris’ point is proved by gays like Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Tchaikovsky, Cole Porter and Oscar Wilde. TE Lawrence, the author, Arabist and first world war hero, was also homo-sexual and hugely creative.

Peter Tatchell, the gay rights campaigner, agrees that many gays are unusually creative, although he suggests they are also characterised by being closely in touch with their emotions.

He added: “I would also think that being gay is very much a mix of genetic factors and hormonal influence in the womb. I don’t really know about this playfulness idea being carried from childhood to gay adulthood.”

Most commentators though, including Morris, Tatchell and Glenn Wilson – co-author of the book Born Gay, published in 2005 – believe that the so-called “gay gene” theory is discredited.

“I argued that sexual orientation is two-thirds prenatal and one-third environmental,” said Wilson, who works at London University’s Institute of Psychiatry. “I suppose the neoteny argument is not incompatible, but I haven’t heard it advanced before.

“I would also say that gays certainly tend to gravitate towards expressive or service occupations, but I have never heard or seen evidence that they are academically better.”

In his book Morris also argues that homosexuality has always polarised societies: “While many countries over the past 30 years have relaxed attitudes and less prejudice, there are eight I know of where homosexuality can still be punished by the death penalty,” he said.

After the success of The Naked Ape, published in 1967, Morris turned to subjects as diverse as city dwellers (The Human Zoo), professional football (The Soccer Tribe) and The Naked Woman, a precursor of his latest book.

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Give me details, but in PM But I do remember you though not in detail

You wore something interesting, such an androgynous style, at least in comparison with all the huge skirts..

Hope to meet you again, Avoca, this time sober


hi rebeka, well, I was a ringmaster/stress, so you can call it androgynous if ya feel like it, I don't mind. :biggrin2: it's my fave mika's outfit and since he wore it only once, i thought I'd make up for it! :naughty:


you may remember my hair, that's quite bright!


Nice to met you...

will you go in London in February? I'm thinking about because i'm not sure


allegra!! :wub2: nice to have ya on the thread!


Richelieu. <3


Feb 26th.


come on, now you don't tell me you like ALSO richelieu...:sneaky2: this is getting to be spooky... :blink::mf_rosetinted::naughty:


roll on, feb!!



hi everyone! got a new working time and can be REALLY little online.. miss forum.


hi eleonorelle, hi matt, hi scut, hi everyone!

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Hail to Allegra!!! :punk:


:punk: ciao

ieri mi sono data all'ascolto alternativo di Myspace... ho ascoltato i palladium, saranayde e un certo matteo p.

you have a good voice, really!!!

magari con qualche esercizio e un po' di pratica ci diventi un mister M dalla voce profonda

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Morris’ point is proved by gays like Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Tchaikovsky, Cole Porter and Oscar Wilde. TE Lawrence, the author, Arabist and first world war hero, was also homo-sexual and hugely creative.


what kind of proof is that?:blink: A part from the fact that they seemed to be more bisexual than gay..in any case i don't get the point of the article:blush-anim-cl:

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A colleague from IBM UK posted this on our worldwide gay & lesbian forum, I found it interesting, and I think it kind of relatest to our young man, don`t you think?


Men are ‘made gay by the child within’

From The Sunday Times

December 9, 2007

Richard Brooks Arts Editor





DESMOND MORRIS, who became a bestselling author by applying zoology to explain human behaviour, has now utilised the techniques to put forward an explanation for homosexuality.

In his latest book, The Naked Man, he concludes that men are “made gay” because they retain infantile or juvenile characteristics into adulthood – a phenomenon known as neoteny.

According to this theory, gay men also tend to be more inventive and creative than heterosexuals because they are more likely to retain the mental agility and playfulness of childhood.

“Gays have in general made a disproportionately greater contribution to life than nongays,” said Morris, who is also a noted artist. “The creative gay has very much advanced Planet Earth.”

“The playfulness of childhood is continued with certain people into adulthood. This is very much a positive. Adult playfulness means that certain people, often a fairly large proportion of them gay, are more inventive and curious than heterosexuals.”

His theory was, however, attacked by Steve Jones, professor of genetics at University College London. “It’s arts faculty science to say that gays are neotenous,” he said. “It’s a stupid idea. Where is the real evidence?”

Morris points to work done by Clive Bromhall, who produced some of his television programmes. “Gays do infantile behaviour in the extreme,” said Bromhall, who after gaining a PhD in zoology from Oxford, left academia to form a company making educational films.

Morris, who is 80 in January, long thought that absent fathers led to boys and young male adults becoming gay. “[it is] the dominant and ever-present mother theory,” he said. “But now I’m convinced that is wrong, and that it is neoteny which makes people gay. Gays are using what is reproductive or creatively constructive to non-reproductive ends. This is very much a positive.”

But his argument that gays are more creative than heterosexuals also has its flaws. Steve Jones said: “What of somebody like Pablo Picasso who was a hugely creative man and yet was obviously decidedly heterosexual?” Many other creative individuals such as Vivienne Westwood and Mary Quant, the fashion designers, are also clearly heterosexual.

Morris’ point is proved by gays like Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Tchaikovsky, Cole Porter and Oscar Wilde. TE Lawrence, the author, Arabist and first world war hero, was also homo-sexual and hugely creative.

Peter Tatchell, the gay rights campaigner, agrees that many gays are unusually creative, although he suggests they are also characterised by being closely in touch with their emotions.

He added: “I would also think that being gay is very much a mix of genetic factors and hormonal influence in the womb. I don’t really know about this playfulness idea being carried from childhood to gay adulthood.”

Most commentators though, including Morris, Tatchell and Glenn Wilson – co-author of the book Born Gay, published in 2005 – believe that the so-called “gay gene” theory is discredited.

“I argued that sexual orientation is two-thirds prenatal and one-third environmental,” said Wilson, who works at London University’s Institute of Psychiatry. “I suppose the neoteny argument is not incompatible, but I haven’t heard it advanced before.

“I would also say that gays certainly tend to gravitate towards expressive or service occupations, but I have never heard or seen evidence that they are academically better.”

In his book Morris also argues that homosexuality has always polarised societies: “While many countries over the past 30 years have relaxed attitudes and less prejudice, there are eight I know of where homosexuality can still be punished by the death penalty,” he said.

After the success of The Naked Ape, published in 1967, Morris turned to subjects as diverse as city dwellers (The Human Zoo), professional football (The Soccer Tribe) and The Naked Woman, a precursor of his latest book.


I'm not sure I agree with this... It's a little bit too simplistic IMHO.


Anyway, a funny thing happened today at work... First my female boss reccomended me to go to Polynesia whenever I find a girl to marry and go to honeymoon with. :naughty:

And then as I was telling her and another colleague (female, of course) I had an appointment with my hairdresser and I was thinking about Johnny Depp's latest hairdo, I mentioned the fact that no matter the character he plays, Johnny's always hot. They were delighted by my comments and said something like it was hard to find a guy who would have said words of appreciation about a handsome actor. :lmao:


Can't they just see how gay I am??? :biggrin2: Sometimes when people don't notice it's so funny to me... I think it's so blatant!


I guess it's just because we're all straight by default, aren't we? :wink2:

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:punk: ciao

ieri mi sono data all'ascolto alternativo di Myspace... ho ascoltato i palladium, saranayde e un certo matteo p.

you have a good voice, really!!!

magari con qualche esercizio e un po' di pratica ci diventi un mister M dalla voce profonda


:blush-anim-cl: grazie! ahimé credo ci vorrebbero anche un briciolino di talento, non guasterebbe! :biggrin2:

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Can't they just see how gay I am??? :biggrin2: Sometimes when people don't notice it's so funny to me... I think it's so blatant!


I guess it's just because we're all straight by default, aren't we? :wink2:




Wishful thinking maybe?


People are weird, they make assumptions. Like they do with Mika.

I've talked about this with dear Avoca many times.

We constantly hear "I don't care, even if Mika's gay" but not once "I don't care, even if Mika is straight."

That's how it is in society aswell. They assume people are straight because sadly, that's still the norm.

Gay people are still considered 'different' which is just such a narrow minded point of view.


About the article.. I wasn't going to comment on it but I will anyway.

It's the biggest load of crap I have ever read! How can you generalise people like that?! Being gay equals being artistic? That's just nonsense!

It's like saying all straight people are good at math.

The only thing that all gay people have in common is the fact that they are gay. Nothing more, nothing less.

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hi rebeka, well, I was a ringmaster/stress, so you can call it androgynous if ya feel like it, I don't mind. :biggrin2: it's my fave mika's outfit and since he wore it only once, i thought I'd make up for it! :naughty:


you may remember my hair, that's quite bright!


I think I remember your red hair :naughty:

But it`s because I saw it on the pictures on the forum :roftl:


By ringmaster you mean the guy from a cirsus?

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what kind of proof is that?:blink: A part from the fact that they seemed to be more bisexual than gay..in any case i don't get the point of the article:blush-anim-cl:


Hi Greta, I don`t say that I agree with everything he writes, I just find it interesting. There have been also voices on the other forum I mentioned that the theory is discriminatory and homophobic because it percepts gay man as incomplete persons, not full adults.. And also that all these theories are mostly about men and don`t include women.

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I'm not sure I agree with this... It's a little bit too simplistic IMHO.


Anyway, a funny thing happened today at work... First my female boss reccomended me to go to Polynesia whenever I find a girl to marry and go to honeymoon with. :naughty:

And then as I was telling her and another colleague (female, of course) I had an appointment with my hairdresser and I was thinking about Johnny Depp's latest hairdo, I mentioned the fact that no matter the character he plays, Johnny's always hot. They were delighted by my comments and said something like it was hard to find a guy who would have said words of appreciation about a handsome actor. :lmao:


Can't they just see how gay I am??? :biggrin2: Sometimes when people don't notice it's so funny to me... I think it's so blatant!


I guess it's just because we're all straight by default, aren't we? :wink2:

I know exactly what you mean Matteo. Yesterday I talked with my gay male colleague (over hot spicy wine in the christmas market) and he told me a similiar story: he met with our straight female colleague and she asked him if he finally ha ha found himself a girlfriend as this company serves like a matchmaking agency to many, so he told her that he has a boyfriend.. and she laughed and said "come on, now seriously!", she just couldn`t believe it.


They think that these people - us - live only in films, not in real life or something..? Or maybe he looked "too normal" to be gay?

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I agree with the "I don't care, even if Mika is straight" argument, the flipside is rarely considered here. It goes even further, some people assume he is straight; I won't say who or where but there was a discussion of the type of woman that Mika would be in a relationship with (dainty with dark features I believe was the choice) and it annoyed me to see such assumptions be made.


Me neither. That song is one of my favourites of all time... how does he manage to choose all of my favourites:Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This), Missionary Man and Tear Drop? Furthermore, instead of butchering them as other artists usually do, he pulls them off really well. All he has to do now is cover INXS (something like Never Tear Us Apart) and I'll be a happy woman. :biggrin2:


That's just odd, with Mika one shouldn't assume anything! Who knows, maybe he's into farm animals.


And it's true that the majority of people are straight (or say they are) but still, 10% of society is gay. So that's still quite a large number I think..


Ooooh I'd love to hear that!

I'm also still hoping for him to do Ne me quitte pas by Jacques Brel. Now that would be beautiful. :wub2:

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