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Am I reaching too far or are Mika's songs intertwined?

Lollipop Leftie

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What the hell is he on in that video? Is it a little moving seat or something? I love when he waves his arms around and hits the woman behind him by accident. :D


Oh, to be "hit" by Mika...don't we all wish. :wub2:


Btw, speaking of "black & blue" has he continued performing his "stage dives" .

I really hope for that in London *crosses fingers, toes...and eyes*

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It's a world far beyond our own.... Mikaland!


So where's that theory at?


To me if you look at it it's a following of a love story from Grace Kelly asking someone why they don't like him up until Happy Ending where they break up going through to Over my Shoulder to how he's coping with the break up! Almost every song fits a certain stage in a relationship!

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and lollipop is sorta looking back on it.


Big girl is in the lollipop video clip!


I couldn't not notice that in Lollipop video, the Big girl seems to be the one warning the little girl what people said....

(big girl moves the fingers)

"Live you life until love's found

or love's gonna get you down"


I agree with the break-up thing...the only song Mika said was totally about a break-up is My Interpretation, but...may be a little bit of it in other songs...

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lol, yeah big girl is hard to miss


yeah, he has never said any other songs than my interpretation were about a break up, just that they were all sort of like growing up


well, he's 24 and he has grown up a lot, I mean, I am younger than him (nearly 21) and I feel I'm thru a big big change and I don't feel like a teen but not like an adult either. The difference is that he put the feelings into songs...hehe :biggrin2:

Even Lollipop (who was written because of his sister) is a song about growing up!! I feel the same about Relax and Stuck, though I dunno what they really mean and Mika doesn't want people to know...


haha Vix! I've seen the video...are you thinking the same than me??:naughty: I thought it too with the first line of Lollipop...hahaha.

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you can PM me if you want El...because I didn't get much what you told me the other day :bleh:


Ohh and sorry...I had to go, it was not my intention to stop our conversation just because...

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Does Holy Johnny fall in love with the girl next door whose "a player and a downright bore?"


Wouldn't the big girl qualify as a "girl in the blue with the big bust on?"


And about the girl who dresses like a kid for fun, doesn't she lick her lips like their something other(a lollipop, perhaps)?


Is this too much of a stretch?

Can anyone else find anymore?

What do you think?


(sorry if I worded this kind of lamely... I'm good at that:cool: )

yes! i totally agree with you! i've heard all of that stuff and i'm always like "omg, i bet he did all of that on purpose!" because it all fits with eachother too!

Oh, I remember that.

Priest at 24. :naughty:


yeah! i've always had a feeling about Holy Johnny and the part of "priest at 24." he's a sneaky one. :bleh:

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Does Holy Johnny fall in love with the girl next door whose "a player and a downright bore?"


Wouldn't the big girl qualify as a "girl in the blue with the big bust on?"


And about the girl who dresses like a kid for fun, doesn't she lick her lips like their something other(a lollipop, perhaps)?


Is this too much of a stretch?

Can anyone else find anymore?

What do you think?


(sorry if I worded this kind of lamely... I'm good at that:cool: )

Like "Would you make me walk out of the door" and "Paint me the colour you've never seen before" being like a reoccurring feeling of not being good enough?


And trying to rise above it but when it comes down to it, he almost wants to put on an act?


Or not?

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