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I think I start to write my report now... :naughty:


Except I don't know where to start. So much happened. Anyway, you all know why we couldn't see Palladium in Bedford, so I'm not going to talk about that. Wait... You don't know! Well, I don't either so I can't talk about it. Blue, Mirtilla and I met at St Pancras train station and spent the Saturday in London talking about music, movies and the real Rufio among other things and wandered in shops. We went to a music store which was near the place we were staying at. On our way there we thought we saw Martin and in the store someone said "Saranayde"! It wasn't about her really... We just heard and saw everything Mika related. The guy is everywhere! We saw the same drumsticks that Rocky uses, these American ones that are called Vic Firth. I thought that it would be nice to bring one to Rocky and ask him to sign it. But I didn't want to waste my money on a pair of sticks that cost ten pounds. I almost got a drumstick from Mika at the last concert I saw in February. I lost it to a person next to me, in the front row. So I thought that I must ask Rocky if he has a spare one for me. I hope it's alright for the girls if I post this picture here. Let me know if it isn't and I'll take it off. We had to prove were there...



(My hair looks terrible!)


We could have gone there... *sigh*




On the following day we went to a wrong train and were panicing for a while, because we thought we might miss our buss to Leicester. We had to say goodbye to Mirtilla though. I'm so glad that she made it to London despite the gig cancelation. We had fun on Saturday and she gave me her CD so I could ask the guys to sign it. Blue and I had to run fast and take a taxi to the buss station, but we made it there in time and felt to relieved! The trouble the boys make us take... :naughty: It was about three hours drive and then it was time to start searching for our hotel. We found it eventually and even found the front door after walking around the whole building. Amazing. I think it was around four o'clock when we got there. We didn't spend much time in the hotel room as Blue had to print her boarding pass for her flight, so we went to a little shop that had internet access. After that we went to eat to a place called ChicKing. Mhahahaa! And passed by the Sumo bar and saw this:




We met Glenn and the other guys outside a bar we had popped in (Blue didn't want to go to places where we might bump into Palladium so she wouldn't seem like a stalker) and headed for the gig place. I instantly recognized their hired car because it had the text "Chaps PA" on it, which I think was a really good name for a company! We remembered the car from the picture that had been taken about two weeks earlier. The guys had run out of fuel and had to push the car for half a mile. We went inside, had some drinks, and Jonny came say hi to us. I don't know how long we waited there for, but I had thought the guys would start a lot earlier! It was at least eight when we went downstairs, where we really shouldn't have gone! A sign on the wall said so very clearly, ehe-he! Looked like the support band had a sound check going on. Blue brought us little posters which I put into my bag. I would have taken a big one too but I didn't think I could get it home safely.




To be continued...


PS: what is wrong with this forum??? It throws me out every five minutes!

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Mika used to use Vic Firth sticks (for the drumming sectioln of Love Today) before he started using the steel ones, think Cherisse still uses them. I have one of Mika's signed ones....it's kinda cool because my Name is Vicky Frith....soooo very close!!! :P


Yet another reason for Rocky to give me one....a drumstick that it! :shocked:


I really hope they re-organise the cancelled dates soon, I have a feeling I'll end up going to more than one..maybe Liverpool and Derby just to make up for the wait!! :naughty:

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Alphabeat is doing a music quiz on 3FM right now and there were two questions about Palladium - there was a fragment of Happy Hour that they had to guess the name of (the band & song) and another question was what the title of their debut album was. Well of course they knew the name of the band and the title of the song, but they didn't know the answer to the other question and then they started to make fun of Palladium. Apparently there has been a band fight during the tour (even the guy from 3FM knew about it) - saying sh**ty things about each others music or so. Oh well. Gossip on Dutch radio. :mf_rosetinted:

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Really? :blink: I didn't think they would say bad things about each other. Not these two bands! What did Alphabeat say then? They always exaggerate everything on the radio to get more listeners. I'm sure it wasn't anything serious, like "Palladium are twats". :naughty:


Blue, I hope you don't mind me stealing one of those little cheerleaders. They're so cute!

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I have nothing to do with issues between bands and I think neither have other (Dutch) listeners. Palladium are not even known in Holland yet and Alphabeat only just had their breakthrough here themselves. I only doubt if this was very professional of them. At least their comments were not very respectful towards Palladium. Just my 2 cents.


The show will be on 'listen again' on the 3FM website from tomorrow on (for a week): http://www.3fm.nl/page/3fm_programma/programma/Thats%20Live and then click 'Laatste uitzending' (bottom of the page).

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Palladium have been picked to headline Stella McCartney's fashion show for her Autumn / Winter collection this Sunday the 1st of June.




The boys are particularly excited as the show will be held in the presence of her Beatle father Paul McCartney at his school, the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA).




Doors 1pm.





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Palladium have been picked to headline Stella McCartney's fashion show for her Autumn / Winter collection this Sunday the 1st of June.




The boys are particularly excited as the show will be held in the presence of her Beatle father Paul McCartney at his school, the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA).




Doors 1pm.






I've found the number to get tickets but dare not call it bececause if I do I'll buy some (if they have any left) no matter what the cost!


Big Congrats to the guys :)

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You can listen to the stream HERE.


It will be there until Saturday next week (31/5).


The quiz starts at 01:05:00, the questions about Palladium start at 01:06:15.


That didn't work for me when I tried on Thursday. :blink::(

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Marianne, I have to say I love the idea in principle! I know exactly what you mean about not sayin everything you want, I always kinda get a little lost in it all!


It's funny because I have never been star struck before (even when i met Michael Jackson very briefly) but I get tongue tied so badly around the Guys!! It's bizzare!


My concern however is are there enough active Palladium supporters here (perhaps extend it to the other forum but that's not all that busy either) to make it work?


Having said that I'm sure we have enough love for them to fill hundreds of scrap books! :wink2:

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It's great to hear that you want to take part! I posted that long message on the Palladium forum too. However, if there will not be enough keen fans to do this project I'm going to do it anyway. In that case it will be just one book and the guys will have to fight for it! I'm sure none of us would want that. :naughty:


You know what? I'm going to make a new MySpace page for this project and keep it private. I won't send a friend request to Palladium, but keep them in the dark! Hehe, evil I know. :das: That's the only way to keep it as a surprise. When the project is finished I'll make that MySpace page the first and only Finnish fan page for Palladium! :punk:

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