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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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Oh, sorry! You should still tell everyone about it! Everyone will be impressed by your superior knowledge and I'm pretty sure that none of them would say something like "Hang on! Cruithne isn't actually one of Earth's satellites. It orbits the moon, you liar!" :naughty:


Stephen Fry is one of England's favourite personalities.


Okay, I'll stop gushing now. Sorry everyone!


Hang on ... are you saying ... THE MOON HAS A MOON?! OMG! That is totally almost as exciting!


I must spread this superior knowledge, now ... how do you pronounce this "Cruithne" word?

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Hang on ... are you saying ... THE MOON HAS A MOON?! OMG! That is totally almost as exciting!


I must spread this superior knowledge, now ... how do you pronounce this "Cruithne" word?


Oops! I'm so sorry to get your hopes up again! I meant the sun not the moon. I'll go change my post now.


But it's very close to being an actual satellite of the Earth.


And I think it's pronounced something like Cro-ee-nyay, is 3 miles in diameter and takes 770 years to go around the Earth once.


Now I will shut up about it.

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Oops! I'm so sorry to get your hopes up again! I meant the sun not the moon. I'll go change my post now.


But it's very close to being an actual satellite of the Earth.


And I think it's pronounced something like Cro-ee-nyay, is 3 miles in diameter and takes 770 years to go around the Earth once.


Now I will shut up about it.


Look, there you go again. Destroying all my hopes and dreams.


Okay, so it is the Sun's moon? Is that it, are we going to stick with that this time?


How does that work, then? Wow, I don't understand space. I thought I had it all figured out; the difference between moons and planets is that planets go around the sun, and moons go around planets ... so what is the difference between moons and planets?


(I need to have all these possible questions figured out, for when I become a world expert on this here c-c-cro-eenyay? lol)



P.S. Happy 4000-and-something-th post NC!

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Look, there you go again. Destroying all my hopes and dreams.


Okay, so it is the Sun's moon? Is that it, are we going to stick with that this time?


How does that work, then? Wow, I don't understand space. I thought I had it all figured out; the difference between moons and planets is that planets go around the sun, and moons go around planets ... so what is the difference between moons and planets?


(I need to have all these possible questions figured out, for when I become a world expert on this here c-c-cro-eenyay? lol)


P.S. Happy 4000-and-something-th post NC!


Well I don't really know anything about space (with the exception of one term spent learning about it in year nine science).


This is the way that I've interpreted what I've been reading about Cruithne tonight. It is a lump of rock that, along with other lumps of rock, moves around the sun. BUT it's orbit is unusually relative to the Earth so that it seemingly is one of it's moons at certain times. But it is not technically a satellite of the Earth.


Anyone can correct me if this is wrong because I'm no expert.


OKD... not a lot of people do understand space...


...and I am one of those people who don't.


I'll tell you someone who has some very intelligently formed and regularly genius theories about space; Brian May. I've been reading his blog and he really understands what he's talking about. He should know, seeing as he has a PHD in astrophysics (I think!).

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have not... it was DC




Heya HK!!! (did you use enough smileys HK? *Giggles*)




Goodnight you dirty minded schnookum




As Frankee would say "commingggk"

It was you AND DC. Poisoning my mind you two. Always with the dirty talk. Good thing I have Artsy to keep clean thoughts in my head :fisch:

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Yah, it's totally empty in here today. :blink:


*echo echo echoooo*


Everyone wore themselves out yesterday. :naughty:


Every time I see this thread now I start singing the theme song from Seventh Heaven. :boxed:

Their all too excited by my triumphant return to the land of internet :naughty:


I was still out having a real life :wink2:

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