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I disappear for an afternoon and this happens.


I find it funny that certain people get blamed for posting perverted things, but as long as other members do it, it's somehow acceptable.


Let's keep focussing all our attention on his penis. Or apparently, lack there of. Not only is this inappropriate for alot of the people on this forum, but it just makes the people who are a part of it look like sex-crazed, giggly, perverted schoolgirls. Don't you women have husbands or something? Seriously.

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I don't think he has worn it yet :mf_rosetinted:

:lmfao: good answer.



I disappear for an afternoon and this happens.


I find it funny that certain people get blamed for posting perverted things, but as long as other members do it, it's somehow acceptable.


Let's keep focussing all our attention on his penis. Or apparently, lack there of. Not only is this inappropriate for alot of the people on this forum, but it just makes the people who are a part of it look like sex-crazed, giggly, perverted schoolgirls. Don't you women have husbands or something? Seriously.

no i don't have a husband i'm a sex-crazed schoolgirl :naughty:

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I just want to say that in my last post, I wasn't insinuating that the mods are doing nothing about it, or blaming the mods in any way. I was saying that if a newbie made a similar post, everyone would attack them with "we don't care.:mf_rosetinted: ", but as long as a veteran member does it, everybody joins in.


Come on girls, you're smarter than this. You can surely all figure out why this thread is a load of unappropriate shet.

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I agree again , Im very very suprised we have girls in here 13 years of age ,, we have a definate responsibilty and that maybe to make certain sections 16+


I would expect the oldlings to try and guide not lead :shocked:


I need sleepies , Ill get back on this an chat with Deano / Sunny and come back :thumb_yello:


I realized that FD's comment was posted about 5,983 pages ago - but I'd like to state that I'm strongly against the idea of having a 16+ area that requires the member to check a box or select their birthdate or something.


Not only does that invite people to simply lie their faces off about their birthday, but it will only make the younger members wonder what the heck is going on that they can't see. Secondly, I don't agree for a second that every single 15 year old should be protected, but that magically upon turning 16 one is able to handle more "adult" topics. Between 12 and 18 there's an enormous range of maturity levels, and picking an arbitrary age in the middle of that range and cutting off those below it is utterly pointless.


I think I'm particularly liberal-leaning on this issue. I blame Canada. I'm in a nation where 14 year olds can legally give sexual consent, (so long as their partner isn't in a position of authority like a teacher or a basketball coach). So it makes no sense whatsoever to me to be worried that some references to a trouser bulge (or lack thereof) will corrupt 14 year olds, when in many countries, they can legally go out and seek out real-life trouser bulges if they're so inclined.


I saw the discussion going on last night, and I didn't try to stop it because honestly, it didn't trigger any warning bells in my mind. People were feeling tense because of the early part of the thread, and it was just a bit of silliness that came about as a bit of tension relief - IMHO. Maybe it was a bit disrespectful, and you could argue that it objectified Mika - but I honestly didn't think it was anything particuarly serious. I thought it was just some silly chatter among a handful of people who happened to be online at that time (and discussed a topic that has definitely cropped up before in other threads), and I thought it would just die down on its own.


That's all, just my two cents. You may return to your regularly scheduled chatter - just try to play nice.

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I find it funny that certain people get blamed for posting perverted things, but as long as other members do it, it's somehow acceptable.


Oh no everyone's getting blamed, you don't have to worry about that.

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I realized that FD's comment was posted about 5,983 pages ago - but I'd like to state that I'm strongly against the idea of having a 16+ area that requires the member to check a box or select their birthdate or something.


Not only does that invite people to simply lie their faces off about their birthday, but it will only make the younger members wonder what the heck is going on that they can't see. Secondly, I don't agree for a second that every single 15 year old should be protected, but that magically upon turning 16 one is able to handle more "adult" topics. Between 12 and 18 there's an enormous range of maturity levels, and picking an arbitrary age in the middle of that range and cutting off those below it is utterly pointless.


I think I'm particularly liberal-leaning on this issue. I blame Canada. I'm in a nation where 14 year olds can legally give sexual consent, (so long as their partner isn't in a position of authority like a teacher or a basketball coach). So it makes no sense whatsoever to me to be worried that some references to a trouser bulge (or lack thereof) will corrupt 14 year olds, when in many countries, they can legally go out and seek out real-life trouser bulges if they're so inclined.


I saw the discussion going on last night, and I didn't try to stop it because honestly, it didn't trigger any warning bells in my mind. People were feeling tense because of the early part of the thread, and it was just a bit of silliness that came about as a bit of tension relief - IMHO. Maybe it was a bit disrespectful, and you could argue that it objectified Mika - but I honestly didn't think it was anything particuarly serious. I thought it was just some silly chatter among a handful of people who happened to be online at that time (and discussed a topic that has definitely cropped up before in other threads), and I thought it would just die down on its own.


That's all, just my two cents. You may return to your regularly scheduled chatter - just try to play nice.


THANK YOU so much for that. I try to look at everyone's point of view... and I see where they are coming from - no doubt. But you are dead on... last night was just innocent chatter *about a subject that apparently is :shocked: to some people* we had a BLAST last night....and I can tell you that there is not one person in that discussion that does not adore Mika. And you know what Mika is gonna be objectified every day of his life from now on.... COMES with the territory. He is in the public eye now, and that it just what happens. Everyone knows that, so why is it SO suprising? I must say I agree with EVERYTHING that you said here! .....and AGE is just a NUMBER... when I was 15...well..... when I was 16 I was MARRIED and gonna have a baby... MARRIED FIRST *fyi* ...... so you cannot judge ALL people simply by a number

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I realized that FD's comment was posted about 5,983 pages ago - but I'd like to state that I'm strongly against the idea of having a 16+ area that requires the member to check a box or select their birthdate or something.


Not only does that invite people to simply lie their faces off about their birthday, but it will only make the younger members wonder what the heck is going on that they can't see. Secondly, I don't agree for a second that every single 15 year old should be protected, but that magically upon turning 16 one is able to handle more "adult" topics. Between 12 and 18 there's an enormous range of maturity levels, and picking an arbitrary age in the middle of that range and cutting off those below it is utterly pointless.


I think I'm particularly liberal-leaning on this issue. I blame Canada. I'm in a nation where 14 year olds can legally give sexual consent, (so long as their partner isn't in a position of authority like a teacher or a basketball coach). So it makes no sense whatsoever to me to be worried that some references to a trouser bulge (or lack thereof) will corrupt 14 year olds, when in many countries, they can legally go out and seek out real-life trouser bulges if they're so inclined.


I saw the discussion going on last night, and I didn't try to stop it because honestly, it didn't trigger any warning bells in my mind. People were feeling tense because of the early part of the thread, and it was just a bit of silliness that came about as a bit of tension relief - IMHO. Maybe it was a bit disrespectful, and you could argue that it objectified Mika - but I honestly didn't think it was anything particuarly serious. I thought it was just some silly chatter among a handful of people who happened to be online at that time (and discussed a topic that has definitely cropped up before in other threads), and I thought it would just die down on its own.


That's all, just my two cents. You may return to your regularly scheduled chatter - just try to play nice.

I completely agree. Like you said, maturity isn't based on a number so an age-system is flawed in its principle in addition to the flaw in its application because people can lie about their age. But not only is it flawed, it can do the contrary and attract those whom it intends to exclude or even worse can attract "the wrong sort" of people to the MFC. I don't agree with the "protect the younglings" arguments as they don't need protecting, it's not "wrong" or "corrupting" in both the moralistic sense and in the sense that they know it all already and like you said can seek it in RL legally in some places. But I do think that such topics should be discussed in separate threads to allow others who don't want to read them the option to not read them, so my only problem with the discussion the other night is that it was 40 or so off-topic pages that belonged somewhere else (e.g. the knitting thread).

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I completely agree. Like you said, maturity isn't based on a number so an age-system is flawed in its principle in addition to the flaw in its application because people can lie about their age. But not only is it flawed, it can do the contrary and attract those whom it intends to exclude or even worse can attract "the wrong sort" of people to the MFC. I don't agree with the "protect the younglings" arguments as they don't need protecting, it's not "wrong" or "corrupting" in both the moralistic sense and in the sense that they know it all already and like you said can seek it in RL legally in some places. But I do think that such topics should be discussed in separate threads to allow others who don't want to read them the option to not read them, so my only problem with the discussion the other night is that it was 40 or so off-topic pages that belonged somewhere else (e.g. the knitting thread).



I agree with that. ....and in all honesty I think that the majority of the threads on this forum get off topic - because we have people here that are ALWAYS so random and that then sparks a whole other conversation, and depending upon HOW interesting that randomness can be..... well, it can just go on and on and on, until everyone forgets what the original topic was in the first place! I see it happening everywhere! No one said anything that was graphic or inappropriate... I even went back and read it all *and all I missed* and ya know - it seemed like even LESSER a "big deal' than I remembered! FUNNY to me how people can take a simple matter, and turn it into WWIII

Truly... all we did 'wrong' was get off topic and discuss in a thread that was for a different matter. I wonder, had it been just a normal thread and not one that was of a 'serious matter' if getting off topic would have been such a big deal or even noticed for that matter in the first place?

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I think I'm particularly liberal-leaning on this issue. I blame Canada. I'm in a nation where 14 year olds can legally give sexual consent, (so long as their partner isn't in a position of authority like a teacher or a basketball coach). So it makes no sense whatsoever to me to be worried that some references to a trouser bulge (or lack thereof) will corrupt 14 year olds, when in many countries, they can legally go out and seek out real-life trouser bulges if they're so inclined.


Thank you for mentioning this. I have been reluctant to bring this up because this is one of those culture/value issues that I know sets people off when they have been raised with different beliefs.


If people want to keep their daughters under lock and key and playing with Barbies until they are 21 that's their prerogative. But I don't appreciate being called a liar for stating that I don't think this is a particularly big deal because I don't. I wouldn't flip out if my 13-year-old niece was giggling over pictures of a fully-clothed Mika and I'm assuming if Mika4Life's parents were any different she wouldn't be on here.


If it's decided that certain topics are off limits that's fine. It's not my place to decide what is acceptable for other people's children. But please spare me the scoldings that I'm 40 years old and I should know better as if we're all in possession of some absolute morality and I'm willfully defying it to corrupt some younglings or give the mods a hard time.


Some people just don't think it's a crime against humanity for 13 year olds to be exposed to this sort of thing. You can disagree all you want but you're not the final arbiters of morality and you have no right to publicly chastise me and state that my views on the matter are some sort of pretense.


Yeah I knew a couple of people might get their knickers in a knot if the conversation went on for a couple of pages about Mika's nether regions. But so what? People get their knickers in a knot if you say he said ticket instead of chicken.


Since this EXACT topic went on unprotested for several months how on earth could I have predicted that this ridiculous overreaction would occur?

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Oh man this is STILL going on?


I continue my commentary on random stuff:


i know :wub2: he's so good at wearing clothes!! lol

this is one of my favorite outfits



Ha, that picture is like, half my wardrobe. Sometimes I feel like everything I own is black & white and red and striped. It's a good combination. My room is also all black and white and red.


Re: Skinny people and hairy arms--Eh, there are hairy people and some of them happen to be skinny. Or else some skinny people happen to look like this:




(I like Dior Homme's clothes, not so much the models, or rather, not so much their hair... but geez, Mika's gonna want these pants, isn't he?)


Sarie--hey, guess what, I think in this thread I agree with you! :naughty::thumb_yello: Haven't bothered to read the whole thing though, so don't mind me.



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I wouldn't flip out if my 13-year-old niece was giggling over pictures of a fully-clothed Mika and I'm assuming if Mika4Life's parents were any different she wouldn't be on here.


I think it's pretty fair to say that Mika4Life's parents most likely don't know what their daughter is talking about on here, either.


And of course you wouldn't flip out, because it's your niece. I got away with alot more when my aunts/uncles/cousins were taking care of me than I ever did when my parents were home.

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Thank you for mentioning this. I have been reluctant to bring this up because this is one of those culture/value issues that I know sets people off when they have been raised with different beliefs.


If people want to keep their daughters under lock and key and playing with Barbies until they are 21 that's their prerogative. But I don't appreciate being called a liar for stating that I don't think this is a particularly big deal because I don't. I wouldn't flip out if my 13-year-old niece was giggling over pictures of a fully-clothed Mika and I'm assuming if Mika4Life's parents were any different she wouldn't be on here.


If it's decided that certain topics are off limits that's fine. It's not my place to decide what is acceptable for other people's children. But please spare me the scoldings that I'm 40 years old and I should know better as if we're all in possession of some absolute morality and I'm willfully defying it to corrupt some younglings or give the mods a hard time.


Some people just don't think it's a crime against humanity for 13 year olds to be exposed to this sort of thing. You can disagree all you want but you're not the final arbiters of morality and you have no right to publicly chastise me and state that my views on the matter are some sort of pretense.


Yeah I knew a couple of people might get their knickers in a knot if the conversation went on for a couple of pages about Mika's nether regions. But so what? People get their knickers in a knot if you say he said ticket instead of chicken.


Since this EXACT topic went on unprotested for several months how on earth could I have predicted that this ridiculous overreaction would occur?


Ridiculous overraction is right! No matter what - it was BLOW WAAAAYYY out of porportion! It does make me mad when I am SUPPOSE to know better and be a mature resposible adult here JUST because I am 30. My 14 year old son knows more about LIFE then I do.... and it is from what.... SCHOOL and peers. Not because he watches R movies or visits naughty websites. It is because he lives in this world. How I raise him has nothing to do with that. He is a very good boy, and I trust him and have a VERY open and honest realtionship. He KNOWS he could tell me anything.... and it is parents like that who know what is going on with their children. Just because someone is older does not mean they should protect or look out for the younglings. It is not like we are leading them astray, by simple covos on hush hush topics, please! This has just turned to something ugly..... and it DID NOT start that way.


I agree people get their knickers in a knot anytime you sneeze around here, lighten up. Why is everything taken so literally and seriously. People are gonna get ulsers or premature wrinkles.... grey hair.....

Not me, cause I am wide-eyed enough to know it is all in fun.

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I think it's pretty fair to say that Mika4Life's parents most likely don't know what their daughter is talking about on here, either.


And of course you wouldn't flip out, because it's your niece. I got away with alot more when my aunts/uncles/cousins were taking care of me than I ever did when my parents were home.

Only M4L13 can speak for what her parents do or do not know. And if they are concerned about such discussion and don't know that she's taking part in it against their wishes then that's their responsibility not ours.


By "getting away with" you're making it seem like it's something "wrong", there's no need to get away with something if it's perfectly fine in the first place (and I do think that the discussion was perfectly fine, just out of place).

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