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MIKA AU CENTRE BELL: Opération séduction réussie


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Opération séduction réussie

Bruno Lapointe

Le Journal de Montréal



À grands coups de rythmes pop bonbon et de déhanchements maladroits, l'ouragan Mika a séduit le Centre Bell hier soir. Fort de sa plaque double platine reçue plus tôt dans la journée, le phénomène musical a fait vibrer 11 000 fans en délire à son deuxième passage dans la métropole.


C'est avec deux de ses grands succès que Mika a réchauffé la foule rassemblée à l'intérieur du Centre Bell. Relax puis Big Girl, son plus récent extrait, qui tourne présentement sur les ondes des stations de radio, ont suffi à installer une ambiance survoltée dans l'amphithéâtre.


Tout âge


Contrairement à certaines attentes, ce n'était pas uniquement des adolescents qui se sont déplacés pour acclamer la sensation de l'heure. Des fans de tout âge se sont faits nombreux - et bruyants - pour témoigner leur affection au chanteur d'origine libanaise.


Sur disque, Mika atteint des cimes vocales impressionnantes dans la plupart de ses titres. C'est d'ailleurs cette particularité qui lui a valu sa renommée autour du globe. La scène représente donc le véritable baromètre, à savoir si ces vocalises sont le fruit d'un talent véritable ou des beautés de la technologie.


Dès que le chanteur ouvre la bouche, le verdict tombe: Mika est sans contredit un interprète de talent. Quelques petits accrochages ont bien vite été pardonnés par la foule, conquise d'avance.


C'est toutefois quand Mika se met à danser que les choses se gâtent. Véritable dynamo, le chanteur semble avoir peine à contenir toute son énergie. Résultat: il sautille incontrôlablement d'un côté à l'autre de la scène.


Le chanteur de 24 ans aura bien sûr préféré faire languir ses fans, attendant la fin de la soirée pour offrir Love Today et Grace Kelly, ses deux premiers et plus grands succès à ce jour.


C'est donc armé de ses rythmes pop bonbon que Mika a charmé le Centre Bell. Et quand il s'adresse à la foule dans un français impeccable, on peut réellement affirmer que l'opération séduction est une réussite.


Deuxième venue à Montréal


Le dernier passage de Mika dans la métropole remontait à mars 2007. Après avoir foulé les planches du Club Soda, le Centre Bell témoigne de l'ascension fulgurante qu'il a faite depuis un an.


Son hit Grace Kelly est indéniablement un des plus grands succès de l'année dernière. Ses extraits suivants ont participé à la consécration; Mika trône aujourd'hui royalement au sommet des palmarès des artistes pop, presque au même titre que Justin Timberlake. Ses fans lui ont réservé un accueil digne de ce titre au Centre Bell hier soir.


Près d'un an après la parution de son album Life in Cartoon Motion, 4 millions d'exemplaires ont trouvé preneurs autour du globe. De ce nombre, 200 000 se sont vendus à Montréal.


Mika se produira ce soir à Toronto, sur la scène du Kool Haus.



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"Operation Seduction" completed with success

Bruno Lapointe

Le Journal de Montréal




It is with a pop candy rhytm and awkward hip movement that Mika took the Bell Centre stage by storm. After receiving double platinum earlier during the day, the musical phenomenon sent 11000 fans into a franzy. It is his 2nd trip to Montreal.


Mika warmed the crowd with 2 of his hits Relax followed by Big Girl, his most recent hit playing on the radio at the moment. It was all it took to get everyone going in the Bell arena.


All ages


Contrary to what was expected, teenagers were not alone in the audience. Fans of all ages were present and loud to show their affection to the Lebanese born singer.


On his album, Mika can reach incredible heights with his voice. His voice is what has made him so popular around the globe. On stage, he has to prove weather his voice is a real talent or a beauty of modern technology.


As soon as Mika opens his mouth to sing, the verdict is in: Mika is without a doubt a talented singer. The few mistakes were easily forgiven, as the crowd was won over in advance.


However when Mika starts dancing, that's when things go wrong.

Full of energy, the singer cannot contain himself. He jumps around incontrollably from side to side of the stage.


The 24 year old singer made his fan linger by waiting til the end of the evening to hear Love Today and Grace Kelly, his two first and biggest hits to date.


Armed with his pop candy music, Mika charmed the Bell Centre. When he addressed the crowd in perfect french, "Operation Seduction" had succeeded.


Second time in Montreal


Last time Mika was in Montreal was in March 2007. After playing at Club soda, Bell Centre is a testemony to his huge success within a year.


His song Grace Kelly is without a doubt one of the biggest hits of last year.

Mika is now on top of the Pop artist chart along with artist such as Justin Timberlake. His fans welcomed him last night with the warmth that such an artist deserve.


It has been almost a year since the release of his first album "Life in cartoon motion" and over 4 million copies sold around the globe. Of these, 200 000 were sold in Montreal.


Mika will be performing tonight at Kool Haus in Toronto.



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Mika is really a star in french speaking countries...we should all learn french to read all the stuff those countries produce!

...............we are lucky to have bilingual ppl here anyway! :wub2:

thanks so much for posting and translating! :wub2:

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This tour has already done my French the world of good :wink2: , what nicer way to keep it up to date than reading about Mika.


That's a good review, especially the praise of his singing. He doesn't get enough credit for it, I don't think. We all know that now and then he misses a high note or two but overall, what he does vocally live should get more praise from journalists than it generally does.


His voice is so striking and powerful live, it actually surprised me. It doesn't matter about the odd flat note, but all too often that's what journos focus on.

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Mika is really a star in french speaking countries...we should all learn french to read all the stuff those countries produce!

...............we are lucky to have bilingual ppl here anyway! :wub2:

thanks so much for posting and translating! :wub2:


hi there

if you look up a few posts... i translated it to english ;o)

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This tour has already done my French the world of good :wink2: , what nicer way to keep it up to date than reading about Mika.


That's a good review, especially the praise of his singing. He doesn't get enough credit for it, I don't think. We all know that now and then he misses a high note or two but overall, what he does vocally live should get more praise from journalists than it generally does.


His voice is so striking and powerful live, it actually surprised me. It doesn't matter about the odd flat note, but all too often that's what journos focus on.

Well, they will focus on anything to diss Mika, won't they! But in the end they'll have to give him the praise he deserves.


Love today, from Marilyn

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See the number of fans here



It's insane!!


that's how we kept intertained until he came on stage! haha

it actually took about 5 min. to get it going.. there was one section who just didn't get it or didn't notice everyone doing the wave! but once they got it... it went on and on for about 5 min. it was so nice to see from the floor. quite cool. then things got better... he came on stage ;o)

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