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REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS: MIKA in Minneapolis, MN at First Avenue


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Oh thank you all SO much for the reviews, pics, and video!!


Welcome to the newbies--I've just joined this year as well. This North American tour is definitely going to bring in a lot of new fans. :thumb_yello:


And lastly, I'm VERY glad to see Mika still has LadyGodiva's bracelets on. :mf_lustslow: It's been over a week now!


yes,we always very happy to see our gift are used by mika!!


ad thanks to emily for all fabulous pictures and your videos!


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Emily--Your pictures are fantastic!

And THIS one!!:stretcher: It's going up on my wall!


I love this picture, too--thank you Emily! I'm SOOO happy to see him wearing a "Mika shirt." He has all of these amazing T-shirts, but lately he's been going for a more polished look, I think. (At least onstage.) Good to see these shirts still exist in his collection. :roftl:

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part 1


You’re probably not interested but this is just about waiting in line :bleh:

We were standing in line at 10:30 am and it was FREEEEEZZZZZINNNNNG and it snowed a couple times but stopped after a while. After the first 5 minutes I couldn’t feel my feet and I was shaking like mad. It took us a couple minutes but then we noticed that the tour bus was parked right across the street :lmfao: so naturally we took pictures of it and then we saw people unloading and there were the boxes that said MIKA on them and the drums with the flowers so I took a few pictures…

Later on the bus left and we thought it wasn’t coming back but then an hour or so later it came back and parked right beside us but now I’m getting ahead of myself lol as we waited in line we had a big blue tarp around us to block the wind as it was very cold and they hadn’t turned on the heaters yet. One of the employees told us that we were stupid for coming so early because people wouldn’t start showing up until 2pm or so.. haha he was right. So we just looked like homeless people on the corner with our soup and stuff.. we actually had a couple people come up to us and ask if we needed food and if we were all right :roftl:

Then there was a REALLY scary guy that was drunk and made perverted gestures toward me but I won’t get into that. lol Like I said the tour bus came out later and then luke came out. I can’t quite remember but I think that there were other people there at that point and it seemed like people didn’t know who he was. When he was going into the side door we said something to the effect of ‘Hi Luke! Do you remember us from Chicago?’, but he was in hurry and said hi and that he would be back in a couple of seconds. Then he came out with a jug of 2% milk:blink: and came over to talk to us. I can’t remember what we talked about but I think we just told him that we had been there since 10:30 and that we were determined to get in the front row again haha taylor also asked if he still had his ribbon from Chicago and luke said that it was back in his hotel room. After that cherisse came out and this time I noticed that she smells WONDERFUL!!! Hahahaha i don’t know what she uses or if it’s just her but WOW! Haha I sound weird now… going on! Martin came out and went right into the door :sneaky2: he actually said something to the effect of ‘hi how are you?’ and then he didn’t even give us a chance to answer :roftl: that’s ok though he was probably needing to be somewhere. Then mikey and saranayde went in and taylor had mikey sign her cd and as they went into the door I just said ‘bye saranayde! See you later!’ and she waved her hand out of the door :naughty: later on they came back out to go to starbucks…

We waited and waited and waited and then FINALLY the doors opened and everything went wrong…


EDIT: i forgot to say that andy came out and i hadn't heard him speak yet and i must say that i looooooooove his voice and accent i was like a deer in the headlights when he started speaking.. oh! and the band all left as we were right about to go into the venue lol not sure what that was about..

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there were 2 entrances so we decided to split up so 2 of us would be coming in from one side and the other 4 of us would be coming in from the other.. that way we would be able to be in the front row for sure. when they FINALLY opened the door the lady that ripped our tickets took forever LOL so we made a made a mad dash towards the stage. the first thing i noticed was that the stage was a lot higher and farther away than chicago and that midway state's stuff wasn't there :blink: once we got to the front my mom, aunt, and twin still weren't there so we tried to make some room for them by holding our hand out. it seems a bit unfair but we DID wait for 7 1/2 hours and 3 1/2 hours more than anyone else in the freezing cold to get first row. then all of the sudden this guy comes and says in a really snotty voice 'what are you doing?!' and i confused by his b*tchiness said that i was saving it for my family and he said 'oh! no you dont!! and then he puts all his wait on my arm so that i have to let go of the barricade and shoves me out of his way! :shocked: that's when my mom came in and said a few choice words to this man but the a**hole wouldn't move :furious: i was SOOOOOOOOOO pissed and upset that i started crying :blush-anim-cl: it was really embarassing but we had drove 7 hours and waited in line another 7 and a half to have this dick steal our spot!! i found out later that he had actually cut my sister in line on the way in as well UGH!!!!!! i HATE him so much!

taylor and i switched spots because i really couldn't stand by that guy the whole time as he would've ruined the concert for me and then we just sat there and waited 2 hours for the show to begin because the midway state wasn't coming :tears: that was a real bummer as i really loved the drummer :naughty: then FINALLY the song started and lights went off...


what a cliffhanger :lmfao:

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then all of the sudden this guy comes and says in a really snotty voice 'what are you doing?!' and i confused by his b*tchiness said that i was saving it for my family and he said 'oh! no you dont!! and then he puts all his wait on my arm so that i have to let go of the barricade and shoves me out of his way! :shocked: that's when my mom came in and said a few choice words to this man but the a**hole wouldn't move :furious: i was SOOOOOOOOOO pissed and upset that i started crying :blush-anim-cl: it was really embarassing but we had drove 7 hours and waited in line another 7 and a half to have this dick steal our spot!! i found out later that he had actually cut my sister in line on the way in as well UGH!!!!!! i HATE him so much!

taylor and i switched spots because i really couldn't stand by that guy the whole time as he would've ruined the concert for me



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there were 2 entrances so we decided to split up so 2 of us would be coming in from one side and the other 4 of us would be coming in from the other.. that way we would be able to be in the front row for sure. when they FINALLY opened the door the lady that ripped our tickets took forever LOL so we made a made a mad dash towards the stage. the first thing i noticed was that the stage was a lot higher and farther away than chicago and that midway state's stuff wasn't there :blink: once we got to the front my mom, aunt, and twin still weren't there so we tried to make some room for them by holding our hand out. it seems a bit unfair but we DID wait for 7 1/2 hours and 3 1/2 hours more than anyone else in the freezing cold to get first row. then all of the sudden this guy comes and says in a really snotty voice 'what are you doing?!' and i confused by his b*tchiness said that i was saving it for my family and he said 'oh! no you dont!! and then he puts all his wait on my arm so that i have to let go of the barricade and shoves me out of his way! :shocked: that's when my mom came in and said a few choice words to this man but the a**hole wouldn't move :furious: i was SOOOOOOOOOO pissed and upset that i started crying :blush-anim-cl: it was really embarassing but we had drove 7 hours and waited in line another 7 and a half to have this dick steal our spot!! i found out later that he had actually cut my sister in line on the way in as well UGH!!!!!! i HATE him so much!

taylor and i switched spots because i really couldn't stand by that guy the whole time as he would've ruined the concert for me and then we just sat there and waited 2 hours for the show to begin because the midway state wasn't coming :tears: that was a real bummer as i really loved the drummer :naughty: then FINALLY the song started and lights went off...


what a cliffhanger :lmfao:

Omg, i wanna go slap that guy, that's horrible!

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damn you for being crafty with your writing and making me wait. :naughty:


haha i would give you the videos my mom and ashley(sister) took while you wait but youtube isn't working at the moment...

guess pictures will have to do

the signs haha


the bus when it was across the street lol


by the way it has a mississippi license plate.. why is that? sorry i'm stalkerish.... ANYWAYS

a box with mika's name on it


taylor's in the way but he was carrying in the trash cans for love today


and there's mikey and saranayde on there way to starbucks :naughty:


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I just remembered this but when we were waiting there was actually a window to some room in the upper right hand corner of the venue and we could see the balloons being blown up there haha anyways… i’ll try to not forget the memorable moments but I’ve forgotten what happened.. I know that they covered the stage with a LOT of that foggy stuff and turned the lights off but I could still see saranayde run behind that ball/bubble thingy :naughty: and then I didn’t know which side mika was going to jump out on so that was realllly stressing me out but once mika came on stage I was better (he came in on the right side in case you were wondering :naughty:) during relax there wasn’t a lot of room on stage but he DEFINITELY made it work! When he does that dance move where he swings his legs side to side he did it facing the crowd this time!! :wub2: that really made my day!! And he still did the jump, although my sister missed it because she was trying to see if I was going to cry lol

Right at the beginning of big girl mika started stripping off his jacket and when he was spinning it around he’s supposed to throw it over to luke like usual and that was what I was expecting but then something went wrong and the jacket hit him in the face :lmfao: I just loved how he can laugh at himself when he makes little mistakes like that. I forgot in my other post but when we were waiting in line there were 2 big girls waiting so we got a guy that was working there and told him that the big girls were right over there (I felt like such a helper lol) and then he led them inside.. as they went in I told one of them to ‘go all out!.... crazy’ LMFAO I don’t know why I added crazy like 5 seconds later but oh well.. I think she listened to me because when mika was standing face to face with the other big girl the one I talked to came up and kind of danced right next to him lol

I was a big disappointed that MIKA’s fly wasn’t down and so he didn’t make his cute embarrassed face but it was a great performance of My Interpretation except for the fact that the flowers on his keyboard were covering his face from our view… whenever he stood up we could see him though! If I’m right then billy brown was next and he told the same story on how they weren’t supposed to put it on the album but they did anyways and the crowd sang along very well on that one!! Mika just looked so happy that everyone knew the words!

After that he sang Holy Johnny and it was HILARIOUS!!! He said something like ‘don’t give me attitude cherisse! Just because your hair’s too big for the stage.’ And then something else about how they received 6000 emails complaining on how they treated the only woman in their band so they stopped picking on her and then he said ‘but guess what love. You’re not the only woman anymore!’ lmfao saranayde seemed to enjoy that joke.. I have it on video lol

You’ll have to give me a second for dinner now..

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so if you go to the chicago HOB thread you will see i posted there, now time for the MN concert...


to start off a lovely picture of the venue:



i believe we got there at about 11ish am? it was SOOOOO cold i couldn't feel my feet it was so cold. we saw the tour bus and naturally we took pictures!! lol and we saw them unpacking MIKA's sound stuff and took pictures again lol..




this is a picture taken later. it left and then came back..


here they are unpacking.


and here..



when we were waiting in line we looked like homeless people i kid you not. we had someone actually offer us food!!! haha

here is a picture of us:



there was two openings to get in so we split in half. it ended up good...that is until some asshole decided to get in front of megan's(norwalk174's) twin sister. she's pretty shy so she didn't say anything.


the doors opened and the lady ripping the tickets was SOOOOOO slow. but we ran to the middle front and straddled our spots (we had 6 people so we needed to save spots) that same asshole came up behind me and megan and said "what are YOU doing" and i said "saving spots, we have 6 people" he said "oh no you don't" and i turned to ashely for some help but when i turned back he was next to me. i later found out that he ****ing PUSHED megan. oh boy did her mom get mad at him. i switched spots with megan because she seemed pretty upset. ugh, i didn't want to be by him though.. lol what pissed me off was that he started being "nice" to me. i was like wtf guy? grr.



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sorry this is taking me a long time to write because i'm watching are you smarter than a 5th grader :naughty:

i’m not sure but I think that any other world was next and that’s when I got just a wee bit angry :naughty: there was what we like to call ‘zebra girl’ and she tried to jump in between my aunt and twin in order to get closer to mika and ended up making my sister smack right into our backs. My sister just said ‘hi! Sorry about this someone’s pushing me’ LMFAO she was so nonchalant about it like it was normal to be thrown forward haha but then the whole crowd seemed to just push forward and there was a lot of yelling around me. I felt bad because mika looked so into any other world and some people weren’t paying attention and some guy yelled REALLY loud ‘BACK OFF!’

then it was time for ring ring and WOW was he INTENSE!!!! Haha especially the ‘why won’t you leave me alone?! Hang up the phone!’ he was definitely amazing during that one and it was just amazing! I would have been jumping up and down with him but my sister was holding herself up by one arm holding onto the barricade because the crowd was still pushing and if I jumped the crowds force would have been unleashed on me :roftl: the zebra girl was still pushing up against my sister so in between songs cassie yelled ‘whoever’s running up against me has some MAJOR BO!! It’s disgusting!’ she’s so mean lol but after that the girl stopped rubbing up against her so I’m hoping she just said that to get her off her back.

Anyways after that I think stuck in the middle was next and like you can see in the videos the low scatting was HILARIOUS!!!! When martin was getting ready for his solo and switching guitars something happened and don’t ask because I have NO idea what it was funny but mikey and martin started laughing at something lol I was just happy to see mikey smiling because I noticed that he rarely did during the concert.

I think how much do you love me was next but it gets all fuzzy haha I just loved it when he sings do do do do do do.. sorry but i’m not quite sure how to spell it lol and at the end he really got the audience involved and it went faster and faster until it ended and I was still singing :lmfao:

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the concert was amazing!

started off the same, with saranayde coming out of the "bubble"



here is a picture of the set list...



some of my favorite pictures from the show..






i just BARELY got a picture of him sitting on the M



see his hand, i love you




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during the concert i held up a sign saying..


he looked at it twice. the theory in my head was that he was contemplating whether to do it or not.. and guess what..?! he chose to meet and greet a little!!


i said hello to him talked to him about the chicago concert. let's see if i could remember what EXACTLY was said....

me - hey mika! you pulled me up on stage in chicago last night. i was the one teeter tottering haha. i was stuck

MIKA - tonight? oh in chicago! yes, i remember you. i was trying to pull you up you were stuck, yea"

me - haha yep. actually someone had my leg and was keeping me from coming up

MIKA (making this ADORABLE face) - yea, fans can be vicious

HAHAHAHA oh i love him.


but my camera was dead so i wasn't able to get a picture :crybaby:


and now i'm done..


if i forget something i'll let you know..lol

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Oh my gosh, iheartmika, I talked to you a few times and I didn't know it was you! :roftl: I feel stupid. :blush-anim-cl:


...you did...?


don't tal about stuff i haven't talked about yet taylor!!!! you're going to ruin my report story :naughty:


uh... what haven't you said????

shoot should i delete mine??? i posted already


let me know!!!

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