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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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we do need to talk...something is shifting and I need to deal with it somehow.

its complicated but I know something really big is going to happen ..something of a spiritul nature. Here is another picture from Seattle that I think is from God...the angelic spirit ..this is the most beautiful ever...:wub2: :wub2: l_16ee224be89f87cd5b2ba4a01c39c4bd.jpg




Yah... so many feelings...

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Aww! :wub2: :wub2:


Thank you for reporting, sweetie! It was great to meet you! I love hearing about that wonderful night through so many different sets of eyes and ears.


I'm so glad you had such a great time. It was a special night, and being the end of a shockingly successful tour, there was indeed a special "flavour" in the air.


I loved the part where you said "Do you realize how F***ING LUCKY WE ARE? That we live in this time that he exists and that we get to experience this phenomenon??"


That's basically all I could think of when I wandered out of the Wiltern in LA. We are lucky - and a select cream-of-the-crop group of Mika fans are even more lucky that we have this place to call home. :blush-anim-cl:


I truly believe that. Everything in life happens for a reason..... is foreordained. I also believe in Karma. But I also believe that Life is not always fair. But we do have to embrace the good when we can, and if we are dealt lemons you just make lemonade. And this is coming from a person whose nickname is "Calamity Joan". LOL!


It was super meeting you too! Especially on one of the greatest nights of my life! And how lucky are you that you got to go to so many concerts!!!:thumb_yello:

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This was posted on the Vancouver facebook RSVP group I began on Face book. People are uploading videos and pics now. its a very active thread ! someone managed to record this:





you can hear the screaming and the joy...its wonderful! its How Much Do You love mE!

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With enough notice, I could do it.


If you build it they will come! I know I would. I would not pass it up, whatever country it was in. Maybe a little 500-capacity venue, acoustic concert, maybe September/October, with an arranged meet-and-greet after... am I getting too picky now? :naughty:

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Hi all!! Gosh I was in panic in these days!! (boring story to tell) anyway I can't read any of the thread of Seattle or Vancouver, I've only seen some videos and in Vancouver there were no Cherisse, but Greg Well if I guess right... Did Mika tell why?


first page or so of the thread : cherisse lost her passport so was stuck in the US, they had to find another drummer, and i guess they're lucky that greg wells is canadian... he knew it all since LICM is his baby...

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Canuckchick, elanorelle, and calicojasmine!

Thanks for your reports!

Wow...I am sooo feeling all of your emotions!

Finally! This has happened for you! I am so freaking thrilled!

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first page or so of the thread : cherisse lost her passport so was stuck in the US, they had to find another drummer, and i guess they're lucky that greg wells is canadian... he knew it all since LICM is his baby...


thanks!.......Cherisse stucks in US :blink: this is almost comic! :blink:


His baby :naughty: ....hope it will have a brother soon!

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Hi everyone!


I don't post here much but read quite often.


I just wanted to say that the concert was absolutely AMAZING :wub2: better than I ever imagined. I can't believe how beautiful and talented Mika is :groupwave:


I was there with my friend who is not a big fan (she didn't even like his music very much before the concert). However after the concert she admitted that he was very very good. She was such a good sport and I love her to death for waiting with me after the concert. I knew that he always comes out to see the fans after the concert but I didn't know where to go. I asked one of the security guards if Mika is coming out to sign autographs... he said no. Well, I didn't give up :naughty: I saw someone with an umbrella that I had seen pics of before (thanks Suzanne!) and saw her go out the door to the side of the building. So off we went. After waiting for what seemed like forever, the security guy had us form a single file line and we were pretty much in the front of the line! Well, as you all know they changed the direction of it and we ended up being in the end. Oh well, no biggie. Then I saw Mika walking right past us (I don't think anyone else recognized him as he was surrounded by a couple of guys and was wearing his hood) and disappear behind the bus. While he was coming down the line towards us, I noticed his mom and sister were standing just a couple of feet away from us. I told my friend who they were and everyone around us was like: REALLY??!! How do you know?! lol (I could tell that everyone around us were the kind of fans that knew his music and thought he was cute but not much else about him.)


Anyways, when it was our turn, he signed my CD insert, I told him what a great concert it was and he gave me a hug :wub2: And then it was all over :sad:


I am really sad that I didn't have a digital camera. I have a bigger one at home but didn't want to risk it (it's very noticeable, I can't hide it in a purse) so I bought a disposable camera. It took crappy pics of the concert but I did get one of him up close that turned out ok.


I am so glad I had a chance to see him (and meet him) - it was a wonderful wonderful night. :thumb_yello:



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People who liked the midway state, and want to send them a message for the official project we're doing please sign up! We need as many people as possible, because their managment was kind enough to invite us to meet the members personally to give them this gift!!!:mf_lustslow:



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Alrighty, here is Part 2 of my Mika adventure! Part 1 took place in Seattle, and you can read about it on this page:





I am thinking of dubbing this fantastic weekend “Mikapalooza”, although for some folks, like Lollipop Monkey, it was more like “The Mikalympics”. LOL!


Still exhausted from a Mikatastic Valentine’s Day, the kind and generous lilmot picked me up from my apartment on Friday morning, and we drove up to Vancouver. The traffic was worse than we could have ever imagined, and, much to our great disappointment, we missed the MFC dinner. Thankfully, we reached the venue before doors opened, so we found the fellow MFCers waiting in line. It was wonderful to finally put faces to names, and names to real names, LOL! I was so happy to have met everyone, including the sweet and sophisticated Stormy Weather (who brought us all a beautiful gift!), and the legendary CalicoJasmine! I was also delighted to meet her niece, who is a very bright and thoughtful young lady.


Let me tell you, the atmosphere at this gig was a complete 180 from the previous night! The hot, pushy, competitive vibe was replaced by stress-free assigned seating, and a gorgeous, temperature controlled environment. Not only was the theatre setting less stressful for the audience, but I would imagine it was less stressful for the performers as well. The larger stage gave them more room to work, and the set looked amazing. It was more difficult to get good photos, because even from the 6th row, my camera flash was no good. The still photos looked very poor, so I took more video this time. They came out alright, but the girl in front of me was wearing a hat, so it blocked my view for the most part. Argh.


A couple performance shots:





Within minutes of the show starting, we noticed that Cherisse was missing! A few songs into the set, Mika explained that this tour was all about forgetting things. “I lost my voice, and my drummer lost her passport.” Thankfully Greg Wells saved the day, or the gig may have been cancelled! While I was terribly sad for Cherisse, Greg’s presence made for some unique moments during the show. As I’m sure you’ve all heard, Mika had to show Greg how to play washboard during Holy Johnny. Hilarious! I have it on video, so I’ll try to get it posted as soon as I can. Also, it was a delight watching Mika go toe to toe with his own producer during the trashcan banging rock-off at the end of Love Today! It just seemed more intense, more competitive. (Maybe it was the added testosterone. Haha!)


The finale was breathtaking! Not only were the lollipop girls adorable and incredibly bouncy, but the confetti, streamers, and stage rush at the end overwhelmed me! The last show in North America ended with a bang, because Mika and the band had given it their all. I walked out of the theatre feeling like I had witnessed something really, really special.


The MFC posse met up in the lobby, and we found Andy tinkering with his camera (which had a burnt out bulb). He asked if we would stick around for a while, and I told him of course we would! I even got this super cute photo with him before he headed backstage.




Our group made a beeline for the stage door, where we waited in the frizzin’ cold! Security kept telling us to move out of the way, so the roadies could schlep gear to the bus. (And yes, one of the security guards referred to Mika as “Micah”, which got a pretty negative response from the crowd.) Saranayde came out, and I started screaming and waving like a crazy person, because I had a present for her. The folks in front of me were kind enough to say, “Hey, let that girl through, she has a gift to give her.” I was thrilled to hand Saranayde my little pink gift box, shake her hand, and tell her what a soul diva she was. She thanked me, and her sweet voice made my heart melt. I then asked her if she would give my gift to Cherisse for me. She said that she would, and that Cherisse was so sad that she couldn’t be here. We were sad too, Cherisse!


Now, as I’m sure you’ve all heard, our eager bunch was moved to the back of the line right before Mika came outside. Not cool. I wasn’t sad for myself so much, but for the MFCers who hadn’t met Mika yet. I felt bad that they were going to have to wait even longer. Then, the security guard informed us that he had some bad news...we were now the front of the line! LOL! How exciting!


Mika came bounding outside, brimming with a joy and energy that had been missing the night before. I’m not sure if that joy came from knowing that he had just finished a stellar gig, or the fact that he was going home. I’m thinking it’s the latter. LOL! He made each and every one of us feel special, and accepted our unique gifts with gracious bewilderment. (Does that even make sense? Haha!) I just love the look on his face when Suzanne offers him the Chicken…..




Here’s Andy tending to the Chicken afterwards…




When Mika got to me, I smiled at him and said, “Nice to see you again, Mika.” He smiled back, and I believe he said, “Likewise.” It was difficult to hear him over the noise of the crowd. His face was beaming, and his voice had a baritone warmth that can’t be heard through a TV or computer screen. Thank you Mana for taking this photo.





The rest of our convo went something like this. I handed him the Grace Kelly 7” to autograph, and asked,


ME: “Did you get the blue t-shirt?”


MIKA: “The one that says Biggest… Glitterballs… in Europe?”


ME: “Yes.”


MIKA: “Did you design it yourself?”


ME: “Well, no, not really. I mean, I bought the t shirt and then…”


MIKA: “But you had the words embroidered on it…”


ME: “Yeah, do you like it?” (Stupid question! Of course he’s not going to say no. Not to my face anyway.)


MIKA: (nodding) “Yeah, it’s...(insert frequently used adjective here).”


He finished the autograph, and I asked, “Mika, could I give you a hug?” (another stupid question, but I at least want to ask permission before touching someone I don’t know!)

He paused for a millisecond, smiled, nodded and said, “Sure.” Our hug was light and brief, but perfectly appropriate.


Then, a strange thing happened. I suddenly felt cocky. (A freak occurrence that only happens maybe once a year.) I looked Mika directly in the eye, and I said, in a self-assured voice,


ME: “Mika, you’re gonna see my name in lights one day, and we’re going to sing together!”


MIKA: “Oh, I sure hope so!”


I started to walk away, feeling quite satisfied with myself, when Mika said something that stopped me dead in my tracks….


MIKA: “You’ve got a jazz band, right?”


Holy….*beep*!!!!! :shocked:


I spun around, and blurted, “Yes, I’m a jazz singer…how did you….?”

But he had already moved on to the next person, who happened to be Canuckchick. Now, I know better than to impose on a sister’s Mika time, so I left it alone. I wandered back to the other MFCers in a state of mild shock. How did he know about my music? Did someone tell him about me? Has he seen my MySpace page? I put my full name on the card with the t-shirt, did he Google me? Wait, when would he have had the time to do that? It didn’t make sense.


No one had an answer for me, but they all agreed that was pretty neat. And weird. We waited until Mika had greeted the last person, and waved goodbye when he got into the van. I kept thinking about what Mika said, and how he could have known. Maybe he’s psychic? It will remain one of life’s little mysteries, I guess.


The MCF crew was on a serious Mika high as we floated back to the hotel. Lollipop Monkey shared her epic tale of Lollipop Girlness, and showed us the precious videos of Mika meeting the disabled woman, which brought me to tears. I am so happy we found a 24-hour coffee shop to sit and hash out our thoughts and experiences, because none of us were ready to go to bed. I had to text Jack Violet about the night’s events, because she made a prediction months ago that was beginning to come true. Jack, you told me last summer that Mika and I would surely become friends, but on a professional, musical level. I thought it was a sweet notion, but I didn’t think it would really happen. Well, I guess I’m a baby step closer to making it a reality, LOL! At least the man knows I’m alive, and that I am a singer.


All mysteries aside, I had the time of my life this weekend. After going through some rough times this winter, I needed an escape, and Mika gave it to me. Not only that, but he has greatly inspired me to get moving on my own music, which has been sitting on the back burner since I left college.


The next day, lilmot and I shared a pleasant ride home together, as we looked back on our unbelievable adventure. I’ve made friends and memories that I will cherish long after the high is gone. Thank you to everyone (especially lilmot), who made this experience so special! Oh, and if I ever do get to perform with Mika one day, I’ll make sure you all get tickets!

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How did he know about my music? Did someone tell him about me? Has he seen my MySpace page? I put my full name on the card with the t-shirt, did he Google me? Wait, when would he have had the time to do that? It didn’t make sense.


simple : geek internet fan stalker :mf_rosetinted: it must be sort of relaxing for him to read all of the stupid things we (you :bleh:) can put on myspace !!! :lmao:

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