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Please please read this with an open mind


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This is a first for me.. expressing myself to strangers... it all started after I wrote a reply to a friend I met on the 28th gig.. and I realized that it is such a pity I can write that in a private PM and not in a thread.. where am sure there might be many others who feel the same way... Please have an open mind.. this is not a personal attack on anyone.. it is just me expressing myself.. please don’t see this as me trying to change anyone’s view or level of love to their favorite artist .


Seriously, thank god for meeting some of you guys in London, otherwise, I would have felt so weird being part of the MFC..... although I was a fan since last Jan, I did not feel the need to be part of the MFC.. glad I eventually subscribed... after all I met lovely people because of it..


Ok, now.. now that I have ventilated and got that out of my system .. sorry if what I said might offend anyone.. I just needed to get it out of my system...

Edited by racha
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Hi.. thanks for your reply...


am not saying everyone out there saw him in the same obsessive way... but some did.. and it was kinda weird..


others were amazing... I can name at least a dozen.. some had lovely gifts for him which I found really nice.. most have followed him since he started... and that's also really nice...


and also, it is not an age thing.. even if you were his age.. it would be still weird.. you know what I mean? :blink:


Hey Racha! I met you at that gig, remember? (the irish girl...lol) You've made some really good points here... give me aminute to gather my thoughts and I'll post back properly :thumb_yello:

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Wow.. I must admit I DID feel that way at some points on the 28th.. However I also met a lot of really nice people who were very welcoming and friendly so I didn't have too much of a problem..


I must also admit that I do get carried away sometimes in terms of the way I look at Mika.. But I always snap back to reality and I see him as just another man (although a great man) who is earning a living doing what he loves.. but that shouldn't be a problem because that's first and foremost what he is.. and i do realise people take it too far but i certainly see where they're coming from.. we're all just human in the end and we tend to hold onto every shred of hope, no matter how little, thinking that one day, maybe, in the future, we might end up spending a day with mika.. it's sad.. but it does help some of us get through the day..


i guess the important thing is that we learn to accept our realities.. and that we understand that although mika might seem like an amazing man that he isn't THE only amazing man.. and after all none of us really know mika at all..


i hope that makes some sort of sense..

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you raise good points, i don't really see MIKA as a future boyfriend/husband, mainly because he's 11 years older than me. He is extremely cute though


haha, hes 11 years older than me 2. you can just hope :blush-anim-cl: but you have to remember that hes just an entertainer (a very good-looking one too!)

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Okay, first off, I know what you're talking about. In a way, I can't say anything cos I've got an obsessive personality myself, so I do get quite overwhelmed and excited about things. BUT like you say, I would never downgrade myself because I really like someone like Mika. I've had other music obsessions in the past, and one in particular (ahem, Nick Carter, ahem), I liked to think I'd marry him one day or whatever. But I think this comes from immaturity and idealism (I'm still a VERY idealistic and optimistic person, don't get me wrong) but I think with maturity, most people find the thing they truly want to do with their lives, and become happy and content with their own lives and the people around them.

I think obsession can sometimes come from being discontent with one's own life, and looking for an escape.


As you said, I genuinely adore Mika's music, and it's really really important to me. I loved meeting the other MFCers at the gig, and I look forward to meeting you all again!

I do really really want to meet Mika one day, but not so I can ask him to marry me! I feel that he as a person, and his music, have inspired me to be MYSELF, and to go after the things I want for myself in MY life. In my opinion, that's the healthiest way to be inspired.

I can totally understand people wanting to follow him to more concerts (I'm thinking of going to see him in Amsterdam!) and I don't see anything wrong with that, as long as people don't let their Mika obsession take over their own lives and stop them doing things for themselves. Like you said, we have to remember that he is just a person, living his own life.


I love the MFC and the friends I've made here, and yes it sometimes gets a bit much with people obsessing over every little detail, but I think (I HOPE) for most people it's all a bit of fun.


I think that Mika's generosity and openness in meeting fans have led to high expectations in terms of Mika recognising us and wanting to almost hang out with us. However, I think the MFC does a really good job of respecting Mika's privacy and I can see that the majority of the people here genuinely care about him and respect him. I hope that a few over-obsessives don't give him the wrong idea.


I don't know if I've really replied properly to your post but this is my response to what you said..... I hope I haven't offended anyone either because like you, I have met a lot of wonderful people here!

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Racha I totally agree with you on the dignity issue and mentioned that in the after party thread. I've also been to many social events with celebrities and cannot relate to the kind of behaviour I witnessed in Brixton. Even at 17 years old I had more sense and pride than to go to such lengths to get someone's attention.


The excuses I've heard to explain the behaviour are not acceptable IMO. If you are an adult there is no reason to act like that. A couple of older teens I was with at the gigs acted appropriately at all times so there is no reason women in their 20s, 30s and 40s should let their emotions run away with them at the expense of the people around them, especially Mika.


If fans cannot muster up enough self-respect to restrain themselves, then at least do it for Mika's sake. If anyone thinks he enjoys or at least doesn't mind that kind of harassment they are deluding themselves.

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I agree with the bold points.. I love his music.. am not putting myself on higher ground... after all I am also a fan... but of his music


I also want to see him live again and again.. his shows are amazing.. he is by far one of the best live performers that I have seen (I have yet to see U2 live one day...) :blush-anim-cl: and that's all part of loving his music... I have seen "Phantom of the Opera" 3 times already.. I love that musical.. does not mean I want to date the "Phantom" :naughty:


Completley agree with you.. MFC is a great place.. and this should not be seen in any way an attack on it or its members.. I love the fact that there is a lot of respect for his pesonal life here.. and am also aware that you can not control people's love for someone... it's just some out there make me feel a little uncomfortable.. if you know what I mean:blush-anim-cl:


that being said.. I met amazing great mature people that I am still in touch with... :thumb_yello:



Don't worry, I don't think it'll be seen as an attack at all. If people feel offended or hurt by it, then maybe they should look at their own behaviour... I don't mean that in a critical way, it's just that I know from personal experience that if something someone else says really hurts you, it's often because you feel it's true yourself anyway.


And about dating the Phantom.... :roftl: :roftl:

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i really adore this man and i would do anything to be near him...but: if i had been at the aftershow party, i would have asked for a picture and then let him go. it doesn't help anybody to hang on his sleeve...

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it took me a looong time to be able to write this..

again, as you said, it is not an age thing... and it goes beyond just what happened in Brixton...


I read sometimes how people talk about where he lives and other personal things that I can not get myself to repeat... and to be honest, a part of me feels a little sorry for them cause they are so dillusional but there is another part of me that feels a little ashamed thar I might be associated with this (I hate saying that... but it is true)


that being said, 90% of the people here are not like that.. it's just those 10%

that make me a little uneasy ... I feel sometimes weird... asif I am from a different planet




Don't feel weird, like you said, 90% of the people here are stable and have "healthy obsessions" with Mika. I saw that from the MFcers I met. :wink2:

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I have a greatsense of humor.. I love MAO when they joke about chicken ... that is funny and not intended in an obsessive way.. I mean you remember that lady in the Q who started crying.. she is as old as his grandmother!


I don't know who you're talking about because the only person I saw shedding a few tears was a girl in her early 20s. But using her as an example, I can tell you there are many people who would be disappointed in that situation and it's not because they have some weird sexual obsession with Mika.


A lot of the Europeans at the London gigs have spent months (even the entire year) going to gigs, enjoying the music and spending time with friends. I'm sure all the hardcore fans wanted to be at the party and we all wanted each other to be at the party as well so we could enjoy the experience together.


I wouldn't cry if I didn't get a wrist band because that's not in my nature, but I think it's perfectly normal to be upset in that situation. Especially since the wristbands were going to be given to them until they were literally snatched out of John's hands by the wrong people.

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If you did not write "Mika" or "MFC" you could have been describing any fanbase in the entire world :)


It's not just Mika that obsessive, irrational behaviour is linked to - it's all celebrities. Even the celebrities that you think would not have a crazy, crying stalker, yep, they've got them.


Of course this does not deflect away from the artist nor does it put all their fans in the one box. Some people, I remember by their stories, managed to behave in a mature, rational way by waiting for their special time, not bothering him. Unfortunately, they were a minority at that particular party :thumbdown:

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i agree 100% with you! people are WAY to obsessive, including me, not that i cried because i didnt meet mika, but mika is basically my life! and the poking is just...wierd! :lmao: but i would do anything to be able to poke lukas on the other hand....:fisch:

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I like him a lot.. I feel so proud that he is half Lebanese... and of course I don't claim that he is average looking.. he is a good looking young man..


and it is perfectly ok to take a souvenir picture.. even an autograph.. if it was done in an approprate way...


the issue here is this "world of fantasy" ... the "obsession" that is in my eyes, not only unhealthy for them (but hey, who am I to tell them how to live!) it also makes me feel uneasy when am around them.. as I would hate myself to be seen in any associated with that attitude



i can understand. i must admit i am a crazy person, a little bit over the top sometimes and i thought about proposing to Mika in munich but more AS A JOKE! i would never expect a serious answer from him. :biggrin2:

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i agree 100% with you! people are WAY to obsessive, including me, not that i cried because i didnt meet mika, but mika is basically my life! and the poking is just...wierd! :lmao: but i would do anything to be able to poke lukas on the other hand....:fisch:


Seriously, if you only get one chance to poke the poor bugger in your entire life, would you choose his back?? I think not :mf_rosetinted:

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I read sometimes how people talk about where he lives and other personal things that I can not get myself to repeat... and to be honest, a part of me feels a little sorry for them cause they are so dillusional but there is another part of me that feels a little ashamed thar I might be associated with this (I hate saying that... but it is true)


I'll be the first to admit that I know more about Mika than I need to and so do quite a few sensible MFCers. I'm more concerned with how people behave than what they think or happen to know.

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the issue here is this "world of fantasy" ... the "obsession" that is in my eyes, not only unhealthy for them (but hey, who am I to tell them how to live!) it also makes me feel uneasy when am around them.. as I would hate myself to be seen in any associated with that attitude



Yeah I know what you're talkng about :thumb_yello:


If you did not write "Mika" or "MFC" you could have been describing any fanbase in the entire world :)


It's not just Mika that obsessive, irrational behaviour is linked to - it's all celebrities. Even the celebrities that you think would not have a crazy, crying stalker, yep, they've got them.


That's true


A lot of the Europeans at the London gigs have spent months (even the entire year) going to gigs, enjoying the music and spending time with friends. I'm sure all the hardcore fans wanted to be at the party and we all wanted each other to be at the party as well so we could enjoy the experience together.


I wouldn't cry if I didn't get a wrist band because that's not in my nature, but I think it's perfectly normal to be upset in that situation. Especially since the wristbands were going to be given to them until they were literally snatched out of John's hands by the wrong people.


When you put it like this, Christine, I completely understand this reaction, and I have to say that is what I witnessed at that gig, and I completely understand it. I think Racha is talking about sth a little different...the whole "I have no life outside Mika he is going to be my husband my life revolves around him" kinda thing....

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hi racha !! i totally agree with all the points you made!!


it was really noce to see you and i am sorry fopr having to give you a second hand heart but i wll get one to you!!!!!!!!


thankyou for worrying baut me catching my death of cold

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i have to admit, if i was at mika's afterparty i would prolly spaz out and cry tears of joy, but i definetly wouldn't harass him! that is just rude! and honestly i wouldnt harass lukas either because if i liked someone so much i would want to make a good impression, right? i honestly dont understand people's behavior! but im not here to judge, i wasn't even there so im not aware of the chaos that went on!

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a Mika-concert is the best thing ever and i feel sad when it's over. but on the other hand i feel very happy to carry the Mika-feeling inside and how he and his music brighten up my days! i am glad this man is around.


i used to be an extremely hysterical fan of another group in the 90s and i know that i have changed!


so i know both sides very well.

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I have to say, that, I totally lost it here at the fan club and decided that Mika was mine. I'm sorry, but I still think that is kind of funny, since for one, I'm not ususally like that, and for two, well there really is no two, ha ha..


Anyway, even logically I have actually formed words and they have come out of my mouth and my fingers but...


I know that really... I mean what?? That's not how things work in real life so since I have gotten used to the idea that he's not mine.


But I really really wish he was my best friend. If only to look at life with and talk about everything. That's all.

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