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yep it sure was I hope he got a copy of yours or someone's at least as there WERE many flashings going on at the time MY camera DIDN'T :blink: ppfft lol oh well never mind.


Sowwyyyyyyyyyyyy :boxed:


I thought I pressed the button and stuff eekkkk


That was a good idea of Mikas , he was starting to realise he was swamped with people and wanting one group picture and one thread to post it


Shame some idiot couldnt use a camera :blink:

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Hi all :biggrin2:


Firstly I would like to say that it was quite brave of Racha to actually post this publicly knowing that it would probably cause some heated discussion or as Scut said "civil debate and disagreement".


Secondly, all opinions expressed on this thread are valid, however, in expressing our opinions I think we should be mindful of the tone of our posts.


No one who posts here regardless of which side of the argument they support should be made to feel stupid, small or melodramatic for the opinions that they have expressed.


I personally agree with and support Racha in her comments, however, I also understand and respect the fact that there are many others out there who do not agree.



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Well when I say "us" I do mean "en masse" rather than, you know, you, or anyone else specifically.


I still think it's kinda funny to discuss the ethics of an afterparty that's not gonna happen, sorry.


And hey, I am completely ok with saying that Mika wants protection from me as well. Am I admitting to snooping in his bushes or whatever by that? No. I'm just saying he likely wants to keep me at arm's length as much as anyone, because I wager he thinks fans in general have lately come in too close.



Jack, I understand what you are saying, but I haven't even been given an opportunity to present myself to Mika as a fan or for the MFC to see how I would behave in such a situation. So to label me as someone Mika needs protection from is judgment without evidence.


I don't think the history of Mika meeting fans can all be labeled as 100% proof he needs protection from the MFC. It does appear that many of his encounters with fans have been positive and without drama.


But, the reality of what you say is true. His popularity is rising. He does indeed need to keep all fans (not just MFCers) at arms-length now, until or unless he feels otherwise.. I'm fine with arms-length. But I don't want to be labeled as one of the types he needs protection from. Because I am not here to harm, stalk or scare him or his family.

well, jack, am sorry, but I personally don't feel I am part of that "us = en masse".. theday I feel am part of that I will stop being part of the MFC


there is not fuss in discussing another after party.. no one is talking about the "next" one here... please read again.. and by the way, not that I think there will be one .. but "never" say "never".. none of us represent his managment here..


I don't think Mika or any person out there need protection from me.. am sorry.. just because I agreed to lable miself as a Mika fan, that should not come with a negative label of being a psycho who snoopes nehind bushes...


if you feel ok with teh idea that Mika needs protection from "you" then that's fine.. I on the other hand, feel very uncomfortable to be tagged with the weirdos..


being a fan should not mean a psycho... and we shoul dnot accept being tagged as weirdos just because there areweird ones out there..


I have so much self respect, I still refuse to be generalised ...

I know what you are saying here Racha. Mika certainly doesn't need protection from me either. Not only do I live 10,000 miles away, but I am in no way inclined to turn into a disrespectful stalking fangurl on him when he does finally tour here. I'm too mature and have too much self-respect and to be honest, I'm just too damned sensible and boring to bother.


And even if I did live in London, I definitely would not stalk his home or family, because that's just creepy. (I've had it done to me before. :thumbdown: ) So I feel for Mika and his family. It's not a nice feeling wondering who's sitting outside your home and why are they there.


So any MFC behaviour that would warrant Mika and family needing protective services are not of my doing either, and never will be, and I don't wish to be placed in the psycho fan category either, because I believe that a majority of MFCers can control their inner fangurl or just don't have fangurl in them to start with.

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Jack, I understand what you are saying, but I haven't even been given an opportunity to present myself to Mika as a fan or for the MFC to see how I would behave in such a situation. So to label me as someone Mika needs protection from is judgment without evidence.


I don't think the history of Mika meeting fans can all be labeled as 100% proof he needs protection from the MFC. It does appear that many of his encounters with fans have been positive and without drama.


But, the reality of what you say is true. His popularity is rising. He does indeed need to keep all fans (not just MFCers) at arms-length now, until or unless he feels otherwise.. I'm fine with arms-length. But I don't want to be labeled as one of the types he needs protection from. Because I am not here to harm, stalk or scare him or his family.



I know what you are saying here Racha. Mika certainly doesn't need protection from me either. Not only do I live 10,000 miles away, but I am in no way inclined to turn into a disrespectful stalking fangurl on him when he does finally tour here. I'm too mature and have too much self-respect and to be honest, I'm just too damned sensible and boring to bother.


And even if I did live in London, I definitely would not stalk his home or family, because that's just creepy. (I've had it done to me before. :thumbdown: ) So I feel for Mika and his family. It's not a nice feeling wondering who's sitting outside your home and why are they there.


So any MFC behaviour that would warrant Mika and family needing protective services are not of my doing either, and never will be, and I don't wish to be placed in the psycho fan category either, because I believe that a majority of MFCers can control their inner fangurl or just don't have fangurl in them to start with.


Damn Kelzy....I agree with you 100%....that's starting to happen way to often *makes mental note to stop agreeing with Kelzy*:naughty:

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This thread is a barrel of bitter laughs.








I don't think I'm terribly wrong assuming that not every MFC member has studied literature. It doesn't mean all those who didn't are dumb and to be treated like a bunch of 11 year olds, being questioned and mildly laughed at whenever they dare to start or join a discussion you might find ridiculous.


And no. I'm sorry Jack, I don't think Mika needs to be protected from me.

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I don't think I'm terribly wrong assuming that not every MFC member has studied literature. It doesn't mean all those who didn't are dumb and to be treated like a bunch of 11 year olds, being questioned and mildly laughed at whenever they dare to start or join a discussion you might find ridiculous.


And no. I'm sorry Jack, I don't think Mika needs to be protected from me.



{12 yrs old cheerleader jumpin and shouting} V I O L E T S K Y !!!!!

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I don't think I'm terribly wrong assuming that not every MFC member has studied literature. It doesn't mean all those who didn't are dumb and to be treated like a bunch of 11 year olds, being questioned and mildly laughed at whenever they dare to start or join a discussion you might find ridiculous.


And no. I'm sorry Jack, I don't think Mika needs to be protected from me.

Hey, I doubt she was trying to be patronising. She was expressing her opinion that she thought the discussion of future events is pointless and that Mika needs distance/protection from everyone not only the obsessive people. It's simply that: an opinion, one that anyone has the right to disagree with as much as they please. :thumb_yello:

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I didn't read what Jack wrote as patronising. Perhaps it was a little. IDK.. But I could see what she meant by her post. The basics of what she said are true. Mika does need to start being more careful in terms of fan contact. Especially if he has received threats of some kind.

Wouldn't we all rather him be safe than sorry?? And if that includes being a little suspicious of each of us then so be it. He can label me as someone he wants to keep at arms length. But I don't want to be labeled as dangerous when I haven't shown malicious intent.

I think now's a good time to remind everyone that we don't always pick the correct words the first time when we try to express ourselves.

*Deep breaths*

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But can we stop talking about freaks and weirdos. And bear in mind that a lot of the 'stalking' happened (so I have heard) during or just after the London gigs. There were a lot of people from all over the world in London for those gigs.

I'm not sure how much stalking goes on when there are no gigs and no visitors to London?

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Hey, I doubt she was trying to be patronising. She was expressing her opinion that she thought the discussion of future events is pointless and that Mika needs protection from everyone. It was simply that: an opinion, one that anyone has the right to disagree with as much as they please. :thumb_yello:


I don't know if she was trying to be patronising. I perceived it as patronising, sorry.

I wouldn't have said anything if this had been the first, second or fifteenth time. And thank you very much, I can read English and dare say I can even understand some of it. I know what Jack wrote, I have read it.


I still think it's kinda funny to discuss the ethics of an afterparty that's not gonna happen, sorry.



It's never funny to discuss ethics. Just my opinion, sorry.

But it IS funny that Jack apparently sees herself in a position to decide whether something will happen or not. And if a discussion about it is on or not.


Sorry I don't have the nerve to write an elaborate and verbose essay about how I don't get that apparently some are more entitled to their opinions than others... so nevermind.

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Always remember you're unique.:mf_rosetinted:

Just like everyone else.:cool:


Well then you're all imitations of someone fantastic..:mf_rosetinted:

Sorry I don't have the nerve to write an elaborate and verbose essay about how I don't get that apparently some are more entitled to their opinions than others... so nevermind.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybodies got one :thumb_yello::naughty:

The reason this thread was created by Racha was that she finally had the nerve to say what she wanted to say.

Now's as good a time as ever VS.. Your opinions are important even if the first 10 people who read them don't agree. Someone always will agree.

But can we stop talking about freaks and weirdos. And bear in mind that a lot of the 'stalking' happened (so I have heard) during or just after the London gigs. There were a lot of people from all over the world in London for those gigs.

I'm not sure how much stalking goes on when there are no gigs and no visitors to London?

You're right. The "stalking" could have absolutely nothing to do with MFC and Mika fans, but someone from Mika's past even.. There are plenty of people they need to rule out. It doesn't start and finish with Fans/ex-Fans.

Not that I've thought deeply about this, but I just assumed that Mika actually lives elsewhere when on Holiday and gives the impression of being London based.. Isn't that a celebrity thing to do?? Well, it's what I thought they all do..

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I don't know if she was trying to be patronising. I perceived it as patronising, sorry.

I wouldn't have said anything if this had been the first, second or fifteenth time. And thank you very much, I can read English and dare say I can even understand some of it. I know what Jack wrote, I have read it.

I guess that different people can perceive the same thing differently. That's fair enough.


I'm sure that you know I didn't imply that you didn't understand what she wrote.

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And he told the whole world about his kitchen renovations in his flat in the basement of his parents house...


He opens his own big mouth and then too late discovers what that really means for his personal life.

I for one am glad he now has some sort of protection. There are weird people everywhere, and I know I am NOT one of them, but Mika didn't know that when he first saw me all alone in a sea of Japanese people waving an MFC sign at him from the front row. He could have easily thought I was an obsessed fan who travelled half way across the world to see him. :naughty:


Luckily he later found out I am not such a person. (Months later!) And I had a very normal conversation with him. (kept my 14 y.o fangurl under control at that moment, which paid off in the end!!) And I know lots of MFCers who can say a similar thing. We are not all out of control.:blink:

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Maybe there are still people stalking him beyond the gigs, and maybe not.. we will never know if this was linked only to the gigs, or maybe it is something that he facing on regular basis.. in any case, I understand why he needs protection.. most celebrities need protection.. it is unfortunetly the price they have to pay for being exposed in public..

what makes me feel uncomfortable is anyone trying to link me with the over-obsessed fans..

as I said when i started this thread, not all of us are obsessive... and not all of us misbehave... I have seen the ones that were very childish but harmless.. and I have seen the obsessive weirdos.. and I have seen also the mature classy ones that I talked to during the gig.. who genuinly like him but this is were it ends


I agree with what you are saying here. Although I haven't viewed Mika fans behaviour in person, I have seen enough youtube footage to come to the conclusion that a majority of us seem rather sedate and respectful towards him. So, understandably, the after party behaviour (and the queue behaviour) came as a shock to so many people, myself included. And the need for protection is a topic we are all curious about due to concern for Mika and family. To not be concerned would be shameful.

maybe... am not sure... it did sound like someone is making fun of the "silly" people who are "debating" the next after party.. who are all the same cause they are all mika fans..

I might be wrong..

I respect all points of view, if they do not offend me personaly and put me in a category that i refuseto be in..

I see what you meant now. I, too, feel that talking about the possibility of another after party is important, not so much from an organisational PoV, but from a behavioral PoV. I think we can't stress often enough the importance of being respectful towards each other and to Mika when we are in a Mika/fan-related situation. I'm sure there's a feeling of betrayal amongst those that did 'as requested by Mika' at the after so-called party.


But at the same time I feel we are going around in circles with this topic. And until there's a possibility of Mika holding another party, for whatever reason, we are kind of beating the subject to death. I don't mind talking about it, because I just love talking!! :naughty:.. But that's my opinion

I respect all opinions.. and i understand why Mika needs extra security (I have seen people with my own eyes acting silly around him).. but I also know that not everyone out there is trying to get him... some of us really only care about his music... and his talent and have only respect for him.. nothing else

I'm the same. I enjoy his music, think he is immensely talented and would love to experience a live show. And I'll admit he is eye candy, but it feels weird saying that because I'm 6 years older than him and have never been attracted to younger guys. So it's really an appreciation for his physical being rather than lustful thoughts.

Well his family home is in London.

Yes, but I just assumed he would go "celebrity".. nevermind.. :naughty:

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But can we stop talking about freaks and weirdos. And bear in mind that a lot of the 'stalking' happened (so I have heard) during or just after the London gigs. There were a lot of people from all over the world in London for those gigs.

I'm not sure how much stalking goes on when there are no gigs and no visitors to London?


Yes it's not all about freaks and weirdos.


I am going to come out and say it if it wasn't clear already - I happen to know what street Mika lives on and I've walked down it before. I also know what I believe are normal people who do not have crazy ideas about becoming Mika's next lover or bearing his children who've done the same.


Long before Mika was famous, I had been within metres of his street literally hundreds of times because I lived, worked and shopped very close by. My line of what is acceptable now that I'm a Mika fan was blurred by that and I was less wary of hanging out in his neighbourhood than I would be if he happened to live in a surburb of Glasgow or Paris instead.


I'm not saying that it's right, but I think it is fairly natural and not totally freakish for the people who've walked around his neighbourhood a hundred times before he was famous to be curious and perhaps too comfortable about doing it now that he is.


You could ask the legitimate question of WTF are any of us doing with his address in the first place, but unfortunately sometimes personal info makes its way around rather easily. People don't necessarily have to be harassing MFCers by MSN to hear about it.


Which brings us to Jack's point....that to a large degree, collectively, many of us are responsible for these lines being crossed by fans - whether they can be classed as weirdos or otherwise respectful people. I also think that Mika has contributed a lot to this fan overfamiliarity as well. Both what went on at the afterparty and people thinking that it's acceptable on some level to walk past his house.


Which is not to say it's his fault or that he deserves it. Just that up to this point he has not kept fans at armslength to the degree that he should. I also think his comment on radio about fans leaving things on his doorstep after the postponed gigs as being "amazing" was extremely careless and precipitated the alarming level of invasion by fans into his neighbourhood at the rescheduled gigs.


When I heard about fans wandering the neighbourhood in February I made a conscious effort to steer clear this time. I didn't want to contribute to the problem and I sure didn't want to run into Mika or his family and make them feel like they can't get any peace in their own home.


Now that it's patently obvious that this makes Mika and his family very uncomfortable I hope that everyone gets the message and never goes close to his street again.


Whether Mika has a bodyguard or not, I am still hoping that he doesn't actually need one and that fans will use their own better judgement to voluntarily stay at armslength or farther. Whether we're talking about in his neighbourhood, at an afterparty or the backstage door.

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Ok, I am really sorry, but I do feel weird that you know where he lives... I want to be open minded.. but can not relate.. even if it was harmless.. I really think it is wrong...


I'm not going to get into why I or some others know where he lives because it's just going to give people ideas.


But I totally agree that it's wrong to act on it and that's why it needs to be discussed and discouraged, but preferably without calling everyone freaks and weirdos.


I can assure you that there are people who know where Mika lives who do not have delusional ideas about having a personal relationship with him. Neither do they poke him and cling to his leg for dear life at an afterparty.


We have made errors in judgement but that doesn't mean we are mentally disturbed. I don't even say that in my defense, because I'm not particularly concerned about what you think of me.


But to pretend that only freaks and weirdos would ever know Mika's address is to not properly address the real problem. And that's that this kind of exchange of personal information is quite acceptable within MFC culture and it happens between people who are otherwise respectful of Mika's personal space and ironically extremely protective about Mika's personal info being revealed publicly.


regarding the bodyguard..


I agree that it's prudent for him to have a bodyguard. I just meant that I hope the events in London and the fact that Mika has acquired a bodyguard are going to open people's eyes so that they will voluntarily stop engaging in behaviour that makes it necessary for him to be protected from fans.

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It's not so much as who knows what, but that those that do know something/anything, don't use that information to Mika's detriment and know where the line is drawn.

As Christine says, it doesn't make someone a weirdo or a freak to know something. It's what they do with that information.

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I know where an actress lives that was quite famous in the 80's. She won a Logie. And I think a few people in this thread would've heard of her. I've been in her home, eaten her food, met her children and grandchildren, and I've patted her dog. :naughty:

My exBF was a big fan of hers. I met her after we'd broken up. If he found out that I know all that now, he would definitely nag me to tell him. I could call him up right now and brag. But I'm not that sort of person. Even though I know for certain that he is harmless.


It's about respect, common sense and decency. And I do believe that Christine and probably alot of people who know Mikas address, have these qualities.

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Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you weren't in the after party! I was mostly aware that andi wasn't and I felt bad for her as I've met her before and she was in the MFC right at the beginning. And I was queuing near you. I'm so sorry.


Where were you inside for the gig?


I don't know how the extra wrist bands were given out, but I think avoca, Allegra and Rose came up with names, and sadly, and again unfairly, what you say may be true, that because you weren't 'known' you didn't get one. I had met Rose before and have always assumed she mentioned me. I wish I'd waved my list around but I only filled in what had happened by watching YouTube.


Which raises a whole other can of worms about fairness. It's a minefield!


Thanks Ruth, no need to worry about it. I was in the 3rd row centre so had a fab time at the gig :thumb_yello: Ah yes, hopefully with this "official" business things will be better organised in the future. :wink2:


I agree with Jack... We have a huge collective responsability in this whole story. If the reason for hiring more security is, like Titania said, what the fans did after the show/party, then it's our fault, as a group (including the people who were not in London or behaved). I said it before, and keep thinking the MFC has (consciously or not) encouraged its members to feel as if Mika was their thing, their buddy, and that crossing limits was ok since he didn't seem to bother at the beginning.

I just hope it ain't too late to take a 180° turn.


First of all, I don't think there's any point in surmising about whether or not the afterparty is related to Mika's new security. But I don't think it's fair to blame everyone in the MFC for the irresponsible behaviour of a few. People need to take responsibility for their own actions and it's not fair to paint everyone with the same brush, especially since we know that a lot of MFCers behaved completely respectfully towards Mika during the afterparty. And imo, Mika is perceptive and intelligent enough to realise this.


it is insulting to insinuate that Mika or any other person out there needs protection from ME! just becauseI am part ofthe MFC... if being part of the MFC will gives me the reputation of being a psycho obsessive freak.. then I would rather not be part of it.. and to be honest.. you shouldn't be either.. since you are pointing fingers here...


If you read the begining of the thread.. the whole point is the fact that some of us feel uncomfortable being part of this insanity that some "fans" act.. and it was very healthy to realise that there are many people in here that perceive things the same way I do.. and are classy, mature and realistic in their approach..


I refuse to be put in the same basket as the "freaky" fans.. whether these freaky fans caused a serious security issue or slight discomfort.. in any case I refuse to be part of it.. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS THREAD


I agree that some threads and discussions on the MFC, as I have posted earlier, make me feel extreemly uncomfortable.. and yes, there are "weird" behaviours here... but that has nothing to do with me and other dignified mature fans.. and I refuse to take responsibility for those who act like maniacs???!!!



Go Racha! :thumb_yello:

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I think it is very difficult to leave it up to people to act in a mature way.. such info should have been kept private.. I don't know who started this whole thing.. but in any case, some might be very mature about it and act in a civilized way.. but it is very difficult to control the over excited "fans" who don't know their limits..


maybe the best way to make everyone happy is for his managment to create a fan club mail address where people can send their gifts and letters instead of having to go all the way to his street to wish him well or wait outside gig to hand out their cards, etc.. this will also make it very difficultfor anyone to come up with an exuse as to why they are hanging out there in the first place


Granted, there will be some who know his address who aren't mature/respectful enough not to cross that line, but the problem isn't as simple as the people who know keeping it private. They may well have done so. Those who have no scruples or conscience may have found out for themselves.

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I am sorry if what I said is misunderstood in any way..


I am not pointing fingers at people out there and saying they are weirdos and freaks just because they know where he lives.. although I think dispatching this info in public is wrong..

It seems that the address thing became public to some of you at the MFC with no bad intentions.. but that being said, I still don't think it should have.. as there is not clear line on when it becoms intrussive and when it is acceptable..

what might be seen as harmless to you, will be harmful fo him if the wrong people get hold of the info..

anyway.. I personaly am not the type that dig for personal info.. doesn't make me a better person and doesn't make others bad... it is just the way I am .. no judgment..

I agree with this 100%

I'm reluctant to even reveal what area of Australia I live in due to my own personal anti-social behaviour, which involves me questioning people who ask me where I live with "Why does it matter to you?"

I tell people I live in the Melbourne area, and I feel that's more than they need to know.. Unless I'm inviting you to my house, or we are corresponding with letters, you don't need to know..

And the people who do know, hopefully respect me enough to keep it to themselves.

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