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What annoys you?


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me too. can't stand it. even thinking about it makes me angry! :naughty:

I know what you mean.


Okay, wear the miniskirt (ssshh...I wear one sometimes but not in a whoreish way...), whatever but that doesn't mean you have to wear a top that shows off all your clevage. There are many more ways to look cute in that outfit...throw on a cardigan and you're good...

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What annoys me?


When girls act like total sluts.


When people cough on me on the bus.


People who clip their nails in the food court (yes!!! I saw someone do that once and I almost vomited!!!)


The one time I was at Pizza Pizza and a woman walked in, bought a salad (and only a salad) and walked out...and there was a Tim Horton's right next door!!!


When people offer their seats to the elderly/pregnant women on the bus.


Discrimination (ie homophobia, racism)


Tomatoes (uncooked one are gross little boogery things...sundried tomatoes are delicious though)


People who don't flush the toillet.



An I'm sure I'll think of many more...


you forgot the fat waddling drunk penguins walkers:naughty:



i could go on a while unfortunately

i'll just say

Girls who wear furry boots, poofy coats and MINI SKIRTS in the dead of winter. If you want to show your bum to everybody that badly that you'll wear a mini skirt at -20 then i am so sorry, really.


people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet. enough said.


people who touch you too much or are all up in your face while talking to you.

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you forgot the fat waddling drunk penguins walkers:naughty:



i could go on a while unfortunately

i'll just say

Girls who wear furry boots, poofy coats and MINI SKIRTS in the dead of winter. If you want to show your bum to everybody that badly that you'll wear a mini skirt at -20 then i am so sorry, really.


people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet. enough said.


people who touch you too much or are all up in your face while talking to you.

Shoot...forgot about the penguins...hehe


I totally agree with you on yours. If you can't wash your hands...please don't use the washroom until there is soap or until you bring hand sanitizer. As for the close talkers, it's especially bad when you hardly even know the person...

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what annoies me is people callin me emo coz i wear skinnies and like panic at the disco


ome day, i was tellimg my friends that my sis wanted to make me emo cuz "i could have the look" if i died the underneath half of my hairl black, and did dark makeup and everything, so a group of our guy friends listen in on the convo, and now callme emo...when i wear my mika shirt (cuz they call mika an emo hippie) they call me emo, when i wear my blue skinnies, they call me emo, when i happen to wear anything w/ pink and black, they say im emo, they just call me emo know and it sucks...wat else sucks is i lost my mika shirt :'( :'( :'( well ya that really annoys me, and all my friends (except 2) h8 mika, so when ever i listen to my ipod at school, they grab it away from me 2 c if its mika, and if it is, they throw it, steal it, or give it to one of the guys in our group, whoich will keep it for a while til u start getting really pissed, so im scared to listen to mika @ school, and it gets very annoying

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I know what you mean.


Okay, wear the miniskirt (ssshh...I wear one sometimes but not in a whoreish way...), whatever but that doesn't mean you have to wear a top that shows off all your clevage. There are many more ways to look cute in that outfit...throw on a cardigan and you're good...


omg, so i get ready really early for school, cuz i have to leave early cuz my mom works there, so im fine w/ just wearing a sweatshirt, but my friends get mad at me and always try to get me to change, and stuff like that. i h8 being know as the "preppy group" cuz we are but arent, we dnt act mean to people in school or any of that, and we all try hard to get good grades, but idk, my group is just the "preppy group" @ our school

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ome day, i was tellimg my friends that my sis wanted to make me emo cuz "i could have the look" if i died the underneath half of my hairl black, and did dark makeup and everything, so a group of our guy friends listen in on the convo, and now callme emo...when i wear my mika shirt (cuz they call mika an emo hippie) they call me emo, when i wear my blue skinnies, they call me emo, when i happen to wear anything w/ pink and black, they say im emo, they just call me emo know and it sucks...wat else sucks is i lost my mika shirt :'( :'( :'( well ya that really annoys me, and all my friends (except 2) h8 mika, so when ever i listen to my ipod at school, they grab it away from me 2 c if its mika, and if it is, they throw it, steal it, or give it to one of the guys in our group, whoich will keep it for a while til u start getting really pissed, so im scared to listen to mika @ school, and it gets very annoying


that's terrible! i hate to hear sth like that :thumbdown:


people who touch you too much or are all up in your face while talking to you.


omg, i can't stand it when people do that!



When people offer their seats to the elderly/pregnant women on the bus.


people like that make me happy :biggrin2:



what annoys me now is that i left my mp3 player at home. a week in warsaw without music :boxed:

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omg, so i get ready really early for school, cuz i have to leave early cuz my mom works there, so im fine w/ just wearing a sweatshirt, but my friends get mad at me and always try to get me to change, and stuff like that. i h8 being know as the "preppy group" cuz we are but arent, we dnt act mean to people in school or any of that, and we all try hard to get good grades, but idk, my group is just the "preppy group" @ our school

Your mom works at your school? We have a couple people like that at my school...:biggrin2:

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When people at the mall can't freaking walk properly. I mean, it doesn't take that much effort to walk at a normal pace, in a straight line, without taking up a large amount of unnecessary space!!!


i cant walk in a stright line. I zigzag because my legs are retarded >.<


I get annoyed when girls at shows complain when someone touches them at all, even the smallest bit. In that case i make sure to always "fall" and jam my elbow into their back and "accidentally" pull their earrings out. :blush-anim-cl:

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i cant walk in a stright line. I zigzag because my legs are retarded >.<


I get annoyed when girls at shows complain when someone touches them at all, even the smallest bit. In that case i make sure to always "fall" and jam my elbow into their back and "accidentally" pull their earrings out. :blush-anim-cl:

Yeah, you zig zag but, you aren't one of those people that walk in a straight line THEN zig zag!!!...or maybe you are, I don't know...


Haha..."accidently" fall:roftl:

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When people at the mall can't freaking walk properly. I mean, it doesn't take that much effort to walk at a normal pace, in a straight line, without taking up a large amount of unnecessary space!!!



it makes me think about people who stand still on the left of the escalator like if they didnt know...



what annoys me here:


people who have something like: " world representative for XXXX" in their signature....im sorry but the only person you can represent is yourself plus people are so opposite sometimes, i dont feel any link with people here who are from the country i live in.


people who like mika because he wears nice and colourful clothes, once i read someone who said: "i dont really like his music but i like his look"...



people who like mika because they assume he is gay


there is this gay club where i go and they play mika all the time now because he kind of represents gayness, when it comes to this, its not about just music anymore, i dont really like it

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it makes me think about people who stand still on the left of the escalator like if they didnt know...



what annoys me here:


people who have something like: " world representative for XXXX" in their signature....im sorry but the only person you can represent is yourself plus people are so opposite sometimes, i dont feel any link with people here who are from the country i live in.


people who like mika because he wears nice and colourful clothes, once i read someone who said: "i dont really like his music but i like his look"...



people who like mika because they assume he is gay


there is this gay club where i go and they play mika all the time now because he kind of represents gayness, when it comes to this, its not about just music anymore, i dont really like it



Purpose of representative is not that anyway.


(just to make it straight, I don't wan't to argue, I tought it would be fuuny to annoy you, just a little bit):wink2:

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scary buiscuits. mabey god dont like weeds:roftl:

no im sure your back garden(im posh english and it's soo obveus)

is in perfect condition

he sure doesn't:lmao:

oh yeah I say garden too, but yard popped out instead, depends on what I feel like saying really:naughty:

We stopped it quick enough, but it was as you say scary biscuits!:shocked:

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hi there :wink2:

It annoys me :

-when I have an appointment and the person I am waiting for is very late

-when we go in a shop and all the people around suddenly stop what they were doing to look how you look :blink:

-when people pretend they like you even if they can't stand you and say bad things behind your back

-when I have worked hard and I get a bad mark :thumbdown:


-when people who know I love mika's music say that he can't sing properly or looks odd even if they don't know what he does :thumbdown:


...and that my dog is spitting on my arm right now ewwwwww:roftl:


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he sure doesn't:lmao:

oh yeah I say garden too, but yard popped out instead, depends on what I feel like saying really:naughty:

We stopped it quick enough, but it was as you say scary biscuits!:shocked:



thats good. otherwise your garden wud be a big black mound of toasted grass.yummm...i want toast but im on a diet

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mmmm what annyos me when people inturup you i HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!! when people jugde you and when people call you things that you don't like and you've asked them so many times to STOP and they wont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg i hate that

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