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Mika Refuses To Pen Follow-up Album


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Thanks for that, hoy! ^__^

So it's a lot of work making an album? Nooooo... couldn't be.


It got quiet here. I'll just add that even Im not sure which source to take in, Im ready to wait all it takes... Better 50 yrs break than a half-made record, imo.



I have been waiting a long time for an album such as good as LICM, and I never expected it:thumb_yello:

So, Mika take your time

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I hope he doesn't rush the second album to be honest. :punk:


I'd much rather he'd take his time and be 100% happy with it - then rush it for us or his record label and it be under par - with just a touch of brilliance thrown in.


I can wait. I'm adept at waiting. :blush-anim-cl:


Now if he wants to do an EP while we're waiting he could include HMDYLM and HJ esp as they're not really new songs now and he's been teasing us long enough with their brilliance already. :mf_lustslow:


I'd be more than happy with that. :wub2:

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Let's face it people, this is just another non-story. Journalists trying to make something out of nothing.


We know Mika is working on his second album, that it will take time (because he is a perfectionist), but that it will be worth the wait. What else is there to say?



AGREED lol like it's gonna be ready already...perleeeeeze!!!


Anyway I'm off him already I can't be waiting about forever at MY time of life for Mr.M lazy butt to get his cute ass into gear and shove out a new album by the end of the month just cos I so wish it :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted::naughty::naughty:


OK oK Mr M I fibbed :bleh:

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I think we will have to wait quite a while for the new album, I don't think he is going to rush it out, but I can't believe he hasn't started on it yet.


He said that he's started on it in the Capital interview.


Some artists - perfectionist types - work for years on albums so early 2009 would not be an unrealistic timescale at all...


Grace Kelly was recorded in 2005. 'Nuff said. :mf_rosetinted:


Sigh. Journalists and their word-bending.


Yes, we've got more than enough to contend with trying to sort through Mika's word-bending. We don't need incompetent journalists mixing up some already contradictory and convoluted stories. Mika's got that covered.


The Hanson Drought of 1999/2000 was a real bummer. :thumbdown:


I rather enjoyed that drought myself. :wink2:


The quote is the only thing that has anything to do with Mika, the rest is the reporter trying to sensationalize things.


Even the quote is suspect since it appears to be bad paraphrasing of what he actually said.

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I can wait. I'm adept at waiting. :blush-anim-cl:


Now if he wants to do an EP while we're waiting he could include HMDYLM and HJ esp as they're not really new songs now and he's been teasing us long enough with their brilliance already. :mf_lustslow:


I'd be more than happy with that. :wub2:




Yeah, exactly, what about an EP release in due time for a second record? It has been mentioned some time ago:blink:

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He's the king of whining! :king::yay:
Yes, we've got more than enough to contend with trying to sort through Mika's word-bending. We don't need incompetent journalists mixing up some already contradictory and convoluted stories. Mika's got that covered.

Both points are oh so very sad yet oh so true. :roftl::mf_rosetinted:

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Oh get on with it you lazy... :sneaky2: Haha really does look like something either taken out of context or some kind of "I don't let anyone tell me what to do (and I'm not gonna tell that my PR team told me to say that)" stunt :fisch:

If the report isn't rubbish journalism then the latter is actually a likely option. Hype up the "independence" of the record before it's even finished, keep fans of his "free spirit" eagerly awaiting to buy the next installment of "Brave Mika vs. The Soul-less Music Industry". :mf_rosetinted:

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Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network (http://www.wenn.com)

2008-03-25 08:38:36 -



Pop star MIKA is refusing to start work on his second album - telling record company bosses they will have to wait until he is ready to begin the creative process.

The Grace Kelly hitmaker admits he is under pressure to pen a follow up his 2007 debut LP Life In Cartoon Motion but is determined to stand his ground and not start writing until he feels inspired - no matter how large the financial incentive.

He says, "People are trying to put pressure on me (to write a new album) but I'm not giving in. It will be ready when it's ready - expect the unexpected.

"I think some people see me as someone with a big pound sign on my head but I'm taking no notice. I've been going out a lot to check out weird visual theatre. I'm feeling very inspired."




writing songs is not like sit down and melody comes out

finding inspiration is the process of working :biggrin2:

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What I meant is that when a journo's most damning statements are paraphrased rather than direct quotes, it starts to sound like a bit of good, old fashioned word-twisting.


They chose words to cast him in the worst possible light. It's totally one of the things I was taught when getting my journalism degree. *rolls eyes at that paper*


Notice how they made it seem like he was stomping around the label's office going "Nuh-uh, I don't wanna make a record and you can't make me! So na-na on you!"


Then notice how the next paper paraphrased it differently:



That choice of wording makes it sound like he's a controlled, down-to-earth artist who isn't about the money.


Sigh. Journalists and their word-bending. :fish:




Totally agree with you. The papers used what he said in the capital awards interview in a way that was convinient to them, in order to write an "interesting" article.

I dont belive that he actually said that he's waiting for inspiration because he said a few days ago in the same interview ( capital awards) that he is writing songs.

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For what I understand, Mika is always writing songs. Even when he was recording LICM he did so.


I sure hope it won't take a year....:blink:


I just hope it won't take a year...or I'll all go crazy(like I'm not already)!:cool:

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I really hope he's writing now, because he disappointed his fans in Australia by concelling the V Festival there, and possibly other concerts, because he was going to write and record his album. The Ausies won't be happy if he cancelled on them, for no good reason. So, for their sake, I hope he is working on his album.

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He was supposed to do some festivals there this month but pulled out; the reason given was that he needed the time to concentrate on his album.


I don't think this EP thing is going to come to anything...I'd like to be proved wrong though!


It's a bit of a fine balance isn't it...I too worry that if he leaves it too long he will have lost the momentum. We just have to have faith in him to be aware of this and to get the timing right..and generally speaking I do have faith in him.


Oh wow, I didn't know he cancelled Aussie festivals. Awww, and the Aussie fans have been waiting so (semi) patiently! He simply must go to Australia for the second album promo tour. Spend a good few weeks there. :mf_rosetinted:


I really am hoping for an EP. Even if he could finish a couple of songs that he's proud of and release them this year, I'd be happy. I just don't want him to disappear for the entire year!


And it must be difficult as an artist to balance your time. On the one hand, I'm sure he wants to make his second album even better than LICM (*gasp* Is that possible?) and on the other hand, he doesn't want to leave fans waiting for so long that some give up. All I have to say is, Mika, I don't like waiting, but I'd rather wait and have your second album be something YOU are really proud of! So yeah...we'll attempt to be patient.


I rather enjoyed that drought myself. :wink2:


*gasp* Hanson Hater. :thumbdown: LOL, you have to have thick skin to be a Hanson fan. I've had 11 years of practice.

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the Aussie fans have been waiting so (semi) patiently!

I like the "semi" caveat. :naughty: We've been complaining every opportunity we get.... you know, in the style of Mika himself. :mf_rosetinted:


He simply must go to Australia for the second album promo tour. Spend a good few weeks there.

Surely he won't put us off until the second album tour? That would mean missing out on a LICM tour. :shocked:

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It is a balence. He's worked so hard to build up his reputation and fan base, and done a lot of touring. so yes, he does deserve a break, but if he leaves it too long to bring out another album, some of his fans could loose interest and so could the media.

It's not my place to tell Mika what to do, but if it was ME in HIS shoes, I think I'd give some indication of when the album MIGHT be ready, let's say, July, and consider releasing a single, around June. Maybe HMDYLM, which is already popular with the fans, but is unknown by everyone else, and I'd probably put HJ on there as well.

Does that make any sense? I don't know much about the mechanics of making and releasing CDs, but that's my idea anyway.

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It is a balence. He's worked so hard to build up his reputation and fan base, and done a lot of touring. so yes, he does deserve a break, but if he leaves it too long to bring out another album, some of his fans could loose interest and so could the media.

It's not my place to tell Mika what to do, but if it was ME in HIS shoes, I think I'd give some indication of when the album MIGHT be ready, let's say, July, and consider releasing a single, around June. Maybe HMDYLM, which is already popular with the fans, but is unknown by everyone else, and I'd probably put HJ on there as well.

Does that make any sense? I don't know much about the mechanics of making and releasing CDs, but that's my idea anyway.

It makes sense. He does need to keep people interested in him somehow. Simply relying on LICM to keep fans coming isn't very business-smart. But then again, it's Mika we are talking about and he probably hopes or thinks that he's talented enough that he doesn't have to tease us with samples.


But I do agree that some kind of in-between EP or single would benefit his career, considering he's still a newbie to success.


And it would keep us happy. :wink2: Very, very important!!:naughty:

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He's got me locked in no matter what. No matter how long it takes. I'm a fan thru and thru so however long it takes it will be well worth the wait.

Just an example of my commitment......

I became a fan of the Philosopher Kings back in 1997 and have waited a loooooong time for new material from them. They kind of fell off of the face of the earth in 1999, but came back in 2006 with a new album. Yet again they fall away, but I still wait.

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