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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Seriously? That's so awesome!!






Yes I am sort of off dairy and eggs too in that I'm not using it as a replacement for missing meat and poultry. But I still eat chocolate and cake and stuff. :bleh:

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Yes I am sort of off dairy and eggs too in that I'm not using it as a replacement for missing meat and poultry. But I still eat chocolate and cake and stuff. :bleh:


I can't fault chocolate and cake really.


You are my favorite person of the day!


Btw, I quite enjoy burgers. I just get the veggie ones. :thumb_yello:



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And found that picture of Cherisse ft. (featuring) half of Luke's body on Luke's/Martin's/Mikey's Myspace page back when there were lots of behind the scenes photos available. :thumb_yello:







Oh, and have I mentioned that I am Mother Theresa?:naughty::mf_rosetinted:


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Yes I am sort of off dairy and eggs too in that I'm not using it as a replacement for missing meat and poultry. But I still eat chocolate and cake and stuff. :bleh:


I can't fault chocolate and cake really.


You are my favorite person of the day!


Btw, I quite enjoy burgers. I just get the veggie ones. :thumb_yello:




I hate being such a spoilsport, but *usually* and unless specified, cakes are made with non- free range eggs, and they also often contain hydrogenated/trans fats, which are incredibly unhealthy (far worse than saturated) and a real health time-bomb :bleh:.


Some countries have woken up to this, and passed legislation either banning hydrogenated fats altogether, or banning the use over a certain percentage like 2% of the total fat in the foodstuff, like Denmark, but most countries have done nothing and they continue to be used as a cheap alternative to other fats.


Sorry for the out of context post but nutrition is one of my little hobbies and hydrogenated fats one of my pet peeves:naughty:.



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hey nicole !! long time no see ! :thumb_yello: how's life treating you ?


Ooh, looks like I missed that post. Whenever it was made. :naughty:


I'm quite fine, despite the fact that today was the day I planned to go outside and ta-dah, it turnes out to be the rainiest day after a long time. Oh and I had a graduation party a few days ago. I enjoyed it while it lasted, because today I got the pictures taken of me then and let's say I'm happy I'm not always surrounded by mirrors. :naughty:

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I hate being such a spoilsport, but *usually* and unless specified, cakes are made with non- free range eggs, and they also often contain hydrogenated/trans fats, which are incredibly unhealthy (far worse than saturated) and a real health time-bomb :bleh:.


Some countries have woken up to this, and passed legislation either banning hydrogenated fats altogether, or banning the use over a certain percentage like 2% of the total fat in the foodstuff, like Denmark, but most countries have done nothing and they continue to be used as a cheap alternative to other fats.


Sorry for the out of context post but nutrition is one of my little hobbies and hydrogenated fats one of my pet peeves:naughty:.


Oh, I know, but I mean considering that Christine apparently went from full-on omnivore to no meat-and-chicken and almost no-dairy-and-eggs in one go, I don't really feel like I should quibble about cake. :blush-anim-cl:


I don't eat any eggs or dairy though, so you don't have to worry on my count at least. :naughty:



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While we're on the topic of food...and to balance the perspectives and lifestyles here...


I've just rediscovered Jello-O (5 calories!). Mmmm....

...with whip cream (50 calories with all the lovely chemicals Sara just mentioned).:naughty:

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The thing is that being angry at Mika and taunting trolls are not crimes and do not require public floggings as punishment IMO.


The reason we see the same cycle over and over is not because this board is replete with bullies and their victims. Personally I don't know of any member of MFC whose intention it is to push around and hurt other members. If someone feels that they have been pushed around and hurt the only way to address it IMO is to deal with that person, either directly or through a moderator. That way the people involved can be made aware of how their actions are impacting others and it's an opportunity for any misunderstandings to be cleared up.


If you open up a general behaviour lecture thread everyone just retreats to their own corners again, not knowing if they are the ones at fault, what exactly they did wrong or who they may have offended. It just results in a reverse-bullying effect where no one feels as if they can speak their minds any more for fear of being publicly flogged or even banned.


People can agree or disagree with my proposed solution but one thing's for certain is this endless cycle of hurt feelings > lecturing > more hurt feelings isn't resolving any problems. All it does is cast a pall over the board for much longer than the original incident warrants.


In response to what I've highlighted above... I don't want to harp on about this, if I have anything more to say I'll pm you. But I just want to ask one question here. Did you object to the opening of a thread on this topic or did you object to the sentiment of the thread?


I hate being such a spoilsport, but *usually* and unless specified, cakes are made with non- free range eggs, and they also often contain hydrogenated/trans fats, which are incredibly unhealthy (far worse than saturated) and a real health time-bomb :bleh:.


Some countries have woken up to this, and passed legislation either banning hydrogenated fats altogether, or banning the use over a certain percentage like 2% of the total fat in the foodstuff, like Denmark, but most countries have done nothing and they continue to be used as a cheap alternative to other fats.


Sorry for the out of context post but nutrition is one of my little hobbies and hydrogenated fats one of my pet peeves:naughty:.


And continuing on the nutrition theme... kind of... (and without wanting to turn this into a mothers/wives-hint-swapping-thread) I have a chocolate fudge cake recipe that has no eggs or dairy in it, that uses vegetable oil for the fat or you can substitute it with applesauce for a low-fat version. I'd be curious to see what you make of it Sara and see if there's anything else in it that i should be avoiding but am not aware of...

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I was going to MQ but I couldn't be bothered. :naughty:


Congrats, Scut...I've got my last exam tomorrow and then I am free for "summer". Wooo.


May I inquire as to the obsession with breastfeeding? (Is that unwise?) :blink:




Are you asking if it's unwise to inquire...or unwise for the topic to be on this forum? :wink2:


In my humble opinion, the answer would be "no" to both. But that's just me. :biggrin2:

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In response to what I've highlighted above... I don't want to harp on about this, if I have anything more to say I'll pm you. But I just want to ask one question here. Did you object to the opening of a thread on this topic or did you object to the sentiment of the thread?


I don't like the open-letter nature of a thread like that. Basically a few people have taken it upon themselves to lecture the whole board on how to behave in general instead of addressing a specific problem with specific individuals.


As a moderator and even as a member I am concerned when people are unhappy and think MFC is becoming unbearably negative. But if you look at Vix's poll on Mika, for instance, only 13% have said that the attitude towards him on MFC is too negative. That is a significant number, no doubt, but it's still the case that the overwhelming majority of members don't feel there's too much negative talk about Mika. Coming on the heels of Luke's firing, a 5-month Mika drought, server and official fanclub issues, I think even 13% is artificially high.


There seem to be loudly vocal minorities on either end of the spectrum who perhaps would like to think they speak for all of MFC but I suspect that they do not. I think the majority of members here just read what they like, leave what they don't and don't tie up too many emotions in what others say about Mika or interactions between members on MFC.


I have a chocolate fudge cake recipe that has no eggs or dairy in it, that uses vegetable oil for the fat or you can substitute it with applesauce for a low-fat version.


Sounds good. :thumb_yello: I'm far too lazy at this stage to start making my own vegan cakes, but one day.


May I inquire as to the obsession with breastfeeding? (Is that unwise?) :blink:


It's an inside and unfortunately tasteless joke probably best not explained in public. :naughty:


Btw, I quite enjoy burgers. I just get the veggie ones. :thumb_yello:


Yes, I had a nice veggie burger today. But they don't serve them at Macca's, so I won't be eating Bec's burger. :wink2:

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Yes, I had a nice veggie burger today. But they don't serve them at Macca's, so I won't be eating Bec's burger. :wink2:


Its a shame they don't... vegie burgers would probably be better than ordering burgers without the meat patties which some vegetarian friends of mine do.


I'd offer you some fries, or apple slices, but it doesn't fit scuts acronym :naughty:

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I don't like the open-letter nature of a thread like that. Basically a few people have taken it upon themselves to lecture the whole board on how to behave in general instead of addressing a specific problem with specific individuals.


As a moderator and even as a member I am concerned when people are unhappy and think MFC is becoming unbearably negative. But if you look at Vix's poll on Mika, for instance, only 13% have said that the attitude towards him on MFC is too negative. That is a significant number, no doubt, but it's still the case that the overwhelming majority of members don't feel there's too much negative talk about Mika. Coming on the heels of Luke's firing, a 5-month Mika drought, server and official fanclub issues, I think even 13% is artificially high.


There seem to be loudly vocal minorities on either end of the spectrum who perhaps would like to think they speak for all of MFC but I suspect that they do not. I think the majority of members here just read what they like, leave what they don't and don't tie up too many emotions in what others say about Mika or interactions between members on MFC.




Sounds good. :thumb_yello: I'm far too lazy at this stage to start making my own vegan cakes, but one day.



Fair enough. I think i'll leave it there.


Well if you're ever feeling not lazy, this cake is super simple. Sift the dry ingredients, add the wet, whisk, put in tin, bake. My 11yr old son actually made it a couple of weeks ago as part of his homework for school. As i said, really easy.

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Well if you're ever feeling not lazy, this cake is super simple. Sift the dry ingredients, add the wet, whisk, put in tin, bake. My 11yr old son actually made it a couple of weeks ago as part of his homework for school. As i said, really easy.

Do you have the recipe? I've yet to bake a cake successfully. :naughty:

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The thing is that being angry at Mika and taunting trolls are not crimes and do not require public floggings as punishment IMO.


The reason we see the same cycle over and over is not because this board is replete with bullies and their victims. Personally I don't know of any member of MFC whose intention it is to push around and hurt other members. If someone feels that they have been pushed around and hurt the only way to address it IMO is to deal with that person, either directly or through a moderator. That way the people involved can be made aware of how their actions are impacting others and it's an opportunity for any misunderstandings to be cleared up.


If you open up a general behaviour lecture thread everyone just retreats to their own corners again, not knowing if they are the ones at fault, what exactly they did wrong or who they may have offended. It just results in a reverse-bullying effect where no one feels as if they can speak their minds any more for fear of being publicly flogged or even banned.


People can agree or disagree with my proposed solution but one thing's for certain is this endless cycle of hurt feelings > lecturing > more hurt feelings isn't resolving any problems. All it does is cast a pall over the board for much longer than the original incident warrants.



This is so true, I agree very much!




There seem to be loudly vocal minorities on either end of the spectrum who perhaps would like to think they speak for all of MFC but I suspect that they do not. I think the majority of members here just read what they like, leave what they don't and don't tie up too many emotions in what others say about Mika or interactions between members on MFC.


I really try to do that but sometimes I find it hard to not be affected emotionally, especially when you see people you have met in real life and care for “being pushed”.

I don’t know…I just don’t like it…:sad:

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which means there are no more late night phone calls from so called friends crying because their BF is out with his mates and hasn't replied to all 100 text messages they've sent him. :yay:

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Hey guys! Long time no talk! Finally get time to check up with all that's going on here cause my dad's in the hospital and I have nothing else to do but sit here :(

So after 2 days I realized I could bring my computer with me and entertain myself while he sleeps. Just found out about the whole Luke thing! Don't know what to think about that yet...


Actually Jack has now put me off of burgers. I haven't had one since her visit to Toronto. No :chkn: either.


Christine does this mean you're vegetarian?!! If so, join the club!! It's not as hard as some people say it is, although I've always been vegetarian so I guess you can't miss something you've never really had. But if you ever need to shake up your diet I have great Mexican food ideas and bunch of other stuff too! Just let me know!

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