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MFC - Officialness Update

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the line has already been passed

at the top of the last week :newyear:




while waiting, maybe we should start a fan club for our cats...

it would keep us busy for a while :wink2:


we could call it ....




anyone up for it????


Why not?


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Where did that Mika pic with the sign come from? And why is it backways???:blink:


sorry, I read back a bit, but am still confused:naughty:


they are trying to read what it said on the other side of the sheet of paper...

mfc fbi in training :roftl:

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sorry lol...what's going on? I've been out of the loop for a day and a half...


still waiting are we? Was a date "set"

I did manage to go as far back as Robertina's purple post... LOVED, because it's how I feel.


I don't know if Mika realizes how much joy it brings us to hear from him...or see footage etc... But than I think, how could he not know :blink: I guess when you love someone like we love mika, it always seems like the day gets brighter every time a new blog is posted or new pictures are found... It lets us know that he thinks of the fans... God knows we think of him alot...too much:blush-anim-cl:


So Mika... I have faith that you've been in this thread and that you see all the various christmas trees and pink shades... We just miss you :wub2:


I really like what you have writen xD

beautiful words :wub2:

I always say that I love this thread

because each member express their pretty feelings :blush-anim-cl:

it would be hilarious if Mika read all these posts xD ♥

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I think regarding Mika's attention the group of people I feel sorry for are this group. They are the people who are without a doubt die hard fans but simply cannot do die hard fan things. E.g you said queuing in the morning, waiting after venues etc I feel sorry for the younger generation of die hard fans who have annoying burdens like parents. I also feel for those who live in places that Mika never goes to (Australia being one of them) or for those who simply cannot afford to travel to Mika concerts. They are the ones I feel sorry for.

The ones who can do this get Mika's attention, and the ones who don't want to do this, well then they cannot complain. Sorry, I know I am not part of this conversation, but I wished to speak up for those people. I hope I make sense xxx


OMM! me 1bazillion% :sad::no::crybaby:

its so depressing when you think about it.....:thumbdown:

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Fred - have not seen you about. Hope you are not staying

away because there is no announcement yet. Its not your fault,

and no-one blames you (proof - Caz has NOT had you in one of her

sketches yet!!!!) :roftl: :roftl:

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Fred - have not seen you about. Hope you are not staying

away because there is no announcement yet. Its not your fault,

and no-one blames you (proof - Caz has NOT had you in one of her

sketches yet!!!!) :roftl: :roftl:


I wondered too just this morning :blink:

But Caz did use Fred in one of her script if I remember well :naughty:


Fred, for you:beer:

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Oh - my memory as an Oldling is failing!!!! :naughty:



Here :



Chapter 6





The very next day, John had just woken from a not so peaceful slumber (his dream had consisted of Mika and co pole dancing to Big Girl - the sultry, indian inspired version) but wasn't quite ready to open his eyes yet. He sighed heavily and rolled over, pulled the sheets up closer to him and let the pillow beneath his head crisp into a new position.


Something wasn't right.


His eyebrows furrowed, he rolled onto his back again and slowly opened his eyes.


Mika, Jerry+Jerry's mum: :biggrin2:

John: JESUS! Feckin' hell talk about creepy!


Recovering from his recent heart attack, Jerry sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.


Mika: Just making sure you're okay!

John: *through gritted teeth* I was fine until you guys showed up.

Jerry's mum: You looked like a cute ickle baby!

Mika: Yeah we took pictures!

Jerry: It's gonna go on my MySpace later.

John: :doh:

Mika: What about Facebook?

Jerry: Oh! Facebook too!

John: You DO realise that the fans stalk all your pages.

Jerry: he-yeah that's why we're doin' it big guy!

Mika: Could you imagine that posted on the MFC?

Jerry: Totally. That Greta is a real Google Whore.

John: Yeah I wouldn't put it past them. Speaking of which, how's their strike going?

Mika: It's going well. Apart from Babspanky, she's still there despite not being a "real fan".

Jerry: The Aussie's are on a HUUUUUGE strike cos you won't let Mika tour Australia.

John: They've been on a strike for months, that's not new. You see it in their signatures.

Mika: They're quite funny though, maybe we should hold Australia off for a little bit longer, see what else they can come up with.

Jerry: OMG that's like, a totally hilarious idea.

Mika: Freddiesdouble is still there too, clinging to the MFC as ever. Poor man.


Freddie's House


we see him by his desk, all littered in empty cups of what used to be filled with coffee, his eyes bloodshot from staying awake all those hours, bags under his eyes, constantly refreshing his e-mail inbox.


Freddie: I believe in Mika, I believe in Mika, I believe in Mika, I believe in Mika...COME ON JERRY FECKIN' E-MAIL ME!!!!!!!


Back at the hospital...


Mika: Who else have we got gossip on?

Jerry: What about...ohhh...whats-her-name...

Mika: CAZ!

Jerry: Yeah that's the one! The nutty one who did the Lollipop video!

Mika: Yeah! *turns to John* She's stalking us.

John: :blink: How do you know?

Mika: Coz everytime we log on she's got ALLLLLL of our conversations posted on the MFC.

Jerry: Yeah, the fanclub know I can't read.

Mika: They're mocking us, John.

Jerry: You should see some of the insults and jabs.

John: Why would I want to?

Jerry: Coz I can't bloody read them and Mika's dyslexic!!!

John: And your mother?

Jerry's mum: Oh, I'm practically blind, dear.

John: Jesus. So, where's Caz now? How do you know she's recording our every move?

Jerry: We've seen her.

Mika: Yeah she's underneath your bed.

John: :shocked: *slowly peers underneath his bed and sees Caz laying on her back with her phone recording everything*

Caz: *whispers* Sshhh, pretend you haven't seen me!

John: Oh good holy mother of God!

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Simply brilliant! :) Enjoying reading this ;)


Hello Sunny! First time I see you posting in threads, but I guess you're one of the persons who keeps it working :wink2:


have a nice day :) You too, Scut. But tomorrow :rolleyes:







***cht cht, Caz, haven't you thought in putting Sunny on your story? He must know something about this big delay in the announcement! :naughty: ***

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It's on Facebook




Mika Fan ClubBrowse more Music

Hometown: London, UK

Record Label: Casablanca (Universal Music Group)



Website: http://www.mikafanclub.com

Current Location: Worldwide!

Biography: MikaFanClub.com is a site started by fans of London-based pop sensation MIKA back in January 2007.


The community has recently partnered with MIKA's management team, and is now the official fan site for MIKA. This page is another way for MFCers to stay in touch and get updated.


If you're a MIKA fan, please come join us!

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