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I didn't vote either. Still I love Mika like mad. But I don't feel like voting.





Yes, my thought exactly, I'm craving something real.

In fact I just went back to the mikasounds page to read the one and only (supposedly) real Mika message (well, apart from the cancellation apology) from March 2007(!). It put a big smile on my face and I realise that although it is so random, or more likely because of the randomness it does so much. It's not that we ask for that big all-embracing insight into the abysmal depths of his soul. Just a simple thought shared every now and then would do. I really like the way that outdated message was written and for me personally it would be an amazing treat to be able to read more of that kind. Just my opinion. I know time is limited, of course, and there's always priorities... dntknw.gif

I hate to say that but somehow I can't get rid of the feeling that these days the MIKA as we used to 'know' him is sneaking out in a way. Or maybe we are just so spoilt having had the privilege to watch a star rise from close to the beginning.


No we are not spoilt!:cool:

Something is happening to this forum right now and it’s not positive.

New members are enthusiastic and I thank them for that, while older members, at least some of them, and sadly enough I have to count myself in,:sneaky2: are getting more and more sarcastic by the day!

The mods are nice and well behaved and doing their best to keep a positive atmosphere!



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aww but do you remember when we were all "newbies" and fainted at the sight of a new blog post... atleast that time he wrote from his hotel room we knew it was him...


I just feel like, if fans are considered an artists "dirty work" (myspace etc) than what's the point of even putting up this communication "tool"???




Again, many people will probably say that we shouldn't feel obligated to get that TLC...but I sure as hell do.:wink2: As a fan, nothing more... I think I (and everyone else on this forum) deserves recognition from HIM about all the things we've voted for...done for him etc... WE defend him all the time to people we don't even know who write bashing articles... WE spread the word daily, and without a doubt love him to peices... I'm sorry, but an "I love the fans" every once in a while would be nice.

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No we are not spoilt!:cool:

Something is happening to this forum right now and it’s not positive.

New members are enthusiastic and I thank them for that, while older members, at least some of them, and sadly enough I have to count myself in,:sneaky2: are getting more and more sarcastic by the day!

The mods are nice and well behaved and doing their best to keep a positive atmosphere!




I think the reason is a mixture of several circumstances. Mika not touring, no footage, no press, not much Mika-related stuff to talk about. Then the officialness topic which I'm still not sure what to make of. It was a lot of work for some to collect the signatures and a lot of people have had high hopes in that project, which are now sort of draining away. I can see that that delay of even only a simple announcement can't look like something positive.

I personally wonder how much of it all is still Mika and how much is management related. I wish I knew what Mika thinks of it all. Is he enthusiastic about making this site officially related to his career? Is he annoyed? Does he feel forced into it? And last but not least: does he care at all? I really really don't want to bring a bad vibe into it all (as if I had the power :insane:) but quite frankly I'd rather leave it as it is (or better as it WAS) - unofficial and all - than being an official 100% management business about which Mika in the end doesn't give a hoot.

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I personally wonder how much of it all is still Mika and how much is management related. I wish I knew what Mika thinks of it all. Is he enthusiastic about making this site officially related to his career? Is he annoyed? Does he feel forced into it? And last but not least: does he care at all? I really really don't want to bring a bad vibe into it all (as if I had the power :insane:) but quite frankly I'd rather leave it as it is (or better as it WAS) - unofficial and all - than being an official 100% management business about which Mika in the end doesn't give a hoot.


I feel the same there VS, the same.

And Sienna, you're too sweet to be very sarcastic:roftl:

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I think the reason is a mixture of several circumstances. Mika not touring, no footage, no press, not much Mika-related stuff to talk about. Then the officialness topic which I'm still not sure what to make of. It was a lot of work for some to collect the signatures and a lot of people have had high hopes in that project, which are now sort of draining away. I can see that that delay of even only a simple announcement can't look like something positive.

I personally wonder how much of it all is still Mika and how much is management related. I wish I knew what Mika thinks of it all. Is he enthusiastic about making this site officially related to his career? Is he annoyed? Does he feel forced into it? And last but not least: does he care at all? I really really don't want to bring a bad vibe into it all (as if I had the power :insane:) but quite frankly I'd rather leave it as it is (or better as it WAS) - unofficial and all - than being an official 100% management business about which Mika in the end doesn't give a hoot.



i see what you mean. and considering i am someone who is more often than not very chirpy, happy, always seeing the positive, i too feel the happiness being sapped away from this place and it's really sad. like you said, because Mika has taken temporarily taken a step out from the limelight it's causing friction because people simply just don't know what's going on anymore. it's like we were moths following that bright light bulb but now it's gone, and we're fluttering around like mad trying to find it again.

of course i'd love nothing more than to hear the truth about this officialness because as far as I'm concerned I just feel like i'm at a surprise birthday party waiting absolutely FOREVER for the birthday person to friggin' show up. All excited at first, keeping all quiet in the dark....the whispers start amongst others to keep boredom at bay....and then it develops. don't get me wrong - i haven't seen any nastiness towards other members, but i've seen a few angry post - making some myself - about this whole ordeal. It's absolutely absurd! I remember when it was said that the news may come before the London gigs. That was friggin February, it's now coming towards the end of April.

I'd love to hear some news from the man himself; maybe a bulletin, or blog, or a Mikasounds e-mail. Remember when mika made a bulletin AND Mikasounds e-mail about patrick wolf when he was on a plane? he had his sister next to him? it felt personal - but not too personal - and i felt as though i could connect with him because i felt close to him. I'm not saying he should do one every week or whatever, but just every once in a while....but i'd also only want him to do it if he WANTS to, not because he's forced.

about the management, Mika has become rather big so it's no surprise that the management are taking over slightly but still...

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It might just be that I feel this way cause I wasn't around yet when Mika made his own blogposts and everything, but to me the mfc does not feel like a place from which the happiness is slowly draining. This is one of the most - no, correction - the most positive, happy and peaceful forum I've ever been to. (And I've been to quite a few.)

And as for the blogposts: we're spoiled by the internet. Imagine being a Beatles fan in the 60s. We're closer to our heroes than any generation before us could ever have been. ^^

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I'd love to hear some news from the man himself; maybe a bulletin, or blog, or a Mikasounds e-mail. Remember when mika made a bulletin AND Mikasounds e-mail about patrick wolf when he was on a plane? he had his sister next to him? it felt personal - but not too personal - and i felt as though i could connect with him because i felt close to him. I'm not saying he should do one every week or whatever, but just every once in a while....but i'd also only want him to do it if he WANTS to, not because he's forced.

about the management, Mika has become rather big so it's no surprise that the management are taking over slightly but still...


Absolutely. This should go without saying. I think there's enough crap already he does because he has to, soo... if he doesn't feel like blogging he shouldn't do it. I'd rather have it that way than knowing that he'd only do it because it was imposed on him... :blink:


Also true about the surprise party... :naughty:

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i see what you mean. and considering i am someone who is more often than not very chirpy, happy, always seeing the positive, i too feel the happiness being sapped away from this place and it's really sad. like you said, because Mika has taken temporarily taken a step out from the limelight it's causing friction because people simply just don't know what's going on anymore. it's like we were moths following that bright light bulb but now it's gone, and we're fluttering around like mad trying to find it again.

of course i'd love nothing more than to hear the truth about this officialness because as far as I'm concerned I just feel like i'm at a surprise birthday party waiting absolutely FOREVER for the birthday person to friggin' show up. All excited at first, keeping all quiet in the dark....the whispers start amongst others to keep boredom at bay....and then it develops. don't get me wrong - i haven't seen any nastiness towards other members, but i've seen a few angry post - making some myself - about this whole ordeal. It's absolutely absurd! I remember when it was said that the news may come before the London gigs. That was friggin February, it's now coming towards the end of April.

I'd love to hear some news from the man himself; maybe a bulletin, or blog, or a Mikasounds e-mail. Remember when mika made a bulletin AND Mikasounds e-mail about patrick wolf when he was on a plane? he had his sister next to him? it felt personal - but not too personal - and i felt as though i could connect with him because i felt close to him. I'm not saying he should do one every week or whatever, but just every once in a while....but i'd also only want him to do it if he WANTS to, not because he's forced.

about the management, Mika has become rather big so it's no surprise that the management are taking over slightly but still...


True, and totally agree with the bold part!

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What does it mean? TLC?:blink:


I feel the same there VS, the same.

And Sienna, you're too sweet to be very sarcastic:roftl:


Maybe we shoukd just have left it like it was, unofficial.

I signed the petition but I didn't really understand what it the full meaning or the consistency of it would be like.:blush-anim-cl:


Me sarcastic? Well I'm doing my best!:roftl:


It might just be that I feel this way cause I wasn't around yet when Mika made his own blogposts and everything, but to me the mfc does not feel like a place from which the happiness is slowly draining. This is one of the most - no, correction - the most positive, happy and peaceful forum I've ever been to. (And I've been to quite a few.)

And as for the blogposts: we're spoiled by the internet. Imagine being a Beatles fan in the 60s. We're closer to our heroes than any generation before us could ever have been. ^^


I was close to the Beatles, I went to their gigs.:naughty:

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Ok....Queen and Mika are both in that category. Those are my two favorite artists...



Sorry, but I'm not voting for either. That would be like saying "I love my first daughter more than my last born"

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I agree, Mika needs to appreciate us, because although he is very very talented and superly hot, he was one of us back in the day, he surely must know what it's like to be such a fan you want to meet your favourite singer but are stuck behind a computer in another country and a blog would make your really, really bad day/

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I agree, though, that a human touch would be nice. I guess the days of Mika blogging about diving into his hotel mini-bar are long over, now that he's a Diva. :mf_rosetinted:


Wish I could have been here during those days of random Mika posts!


Hehe, I know it works :naughty:...Because the MFC soldiers are always ready, LOL!

I'm not delusional enough to expect Mika to post stuff himself, but heck, a bit more "care" of the page I suppose would be nice....or that they made the posts slightly nicer?


I don't think it's too much to ask for Mika to type out a "hello" every once in awhile. Even if that's all it is, a "Hey! Working on the album. -Mika" :wink2: Mika has said he goes online a lot, so it wouldn't be too much to ask for a post. We'd appreciate even a one-sentence message.


Again, many people will probably say that we shouldn't feel obligated to get that TLC...but I sure as hell do.:wink2: As a fan, nothing more... I think I (and everyone else on this forum) deserves recognition from HIM about all the things we've voted for...done for him etc... WE defend him all the time to people we don't even know who write bashing articles... WE spread the word daily, and without a doubt love him to peices... I'm sorry, but an "I love the fans" every once in a while would be nice.


I think the fans are the most important tool for an artist. And yes, I'm sure some artists think of us that way--as a tool to success and recognition. An artist is nothing without their fans--no matter how crazy those fans may be :naughty: --and they need to respect them, or say goodbye to their career.


I'm not AT ALL saying Mika doesn't appreciate us, because I know he does, but typing out a blog once a month or something would be a way to keep us interested, and keep the fanbase going.

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That doesn't affect anyone who cant get to a concert though .. like *ahem* me


I know, I just thought of that after I posted it :naughty:


But I also don't think he should bow to us, you know? He aknowledges us and respects us, but he doesn't have to kiss our asses. He gives us a lot and I think that's enough.


Maybe that's just my opinion.

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I know, I just thought of that after I posted it :naughty:


But I also don't think he should bow to us, you know? He aknowledges us and respects us, but he doesn't have to kiss our asses. He gives us a lot and I think that's enough.


Maybe that's just my opinion.

But yet we kiss his. And we're the reason he is as popular as he is, you don't think 3 people in my class like mika because he just magically appeared in their eardrums do you ? :naughty: Noooo, I told them all to itunes him. They like him because of me, and if i hadnt they'd all still like rihanna :naughty:

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But yet we kiss his. And we're the reason he is as popular as he is, you don't think 3 people in my class like mika because he just magically appeared in their eardrums do you ? :naughty: Noooo, I told them all to itunes him. They like him because of me, and if i hadnt they'd all still like rihanna :naughty:


Yes I know, but he gives us his talent -- the best of it.

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--And we give him devotion :roftl: im just saying that a lot of peopke are getting bored with him and the least he could do is give us an update on how he's doing, at least health wise.


Yes, yes, I know:naughty: I wish he'd make a little video blog or something haha

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Well it seems LiCM is safely at No 1 on that poll right now...I agree it would be nice if Mika acknowledged all we do.


He thanked the Radio One listeners for one of his awards....I was like COME ON YOU KNOW IT's MFC all over the world voting for you....and I am not a Radio One listener, but I suppose he is paid to say that. Thank to sponsor etc.


A blog would indeed be nice.

I am not even dropping by MFC every day any more. After a whole year of obsessive 10 times a day log-ins, now it is maybe 3 times a week.


MIKA!!! Don't lose us!!

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same here :crybaby: Like...at least something i can view and feel that it's him writing and not "mikasounds official" Ya know, so i can feel better about my dumbass situation


They should at least lie and sign it "Mika" so we feel closer to him hahah

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