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The "Food" Thread

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in HK,, we call this "pineapple bread" -V- but of cozz there aren't any pineapple inside and the bread does not taste sweet..... it juz looks like pineapple [does it? you might not agree XD] u can add a piece of butter if u like and it's a typical food item in the breakfast menu:thumb_yello:


oh yes!!! I totally agree this is wonderful!!!!and i love the name!!!you people are so creative really and lol@wonton, i ate a lot of wonton noodles, you can see that name everywhere in chinese supermarket but i dont have a clue what it means though.


thanks for the pictures of the streets, they are amazing!! i love them





i never saw this before, how does it taste like? is it big?you eat it with your hands?





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pineapple bread is SUPER fatty but it tastes SUPER fantastic when it's hot from the oven:thumb_yello: and for the name "wonton",, in fact,, "won" in cantonese means "clouds" and "ton" means "swallow"..... does this gv u some idea?:naughty:





like egg tart,, this's sooooo "HK" that i dun think u can easily find it in other parts of the world! to make this,, we pour some egg custard into the pan-like container which the woman in th pic is holding. aft.. 5 minutes? 8 minutes? [sori i dunnno the exact time ;P] it'd become somehting like the above pic!! well, not very big,, put 2 palms together and that's the size! we eat wif hands on the streets...for some good ones,, the outside of the food should be crisp while the inside is soft!!! we call it "guy down chai" [pronunciation] and it means "small eggs":mf_lustslow:

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i'm not sure whether ALL wasabi we are eating here are 100% pure or not... but i guess most of them are quite real. and sushi in HK is not very expensive... for some common ones,, it only costs HK$5-7 each [HK$1=US$7.8]!



have u ever seen sushi can be so loooooooong ????????

how can we eat it?:mf_rosetinted:





ALL jp food shop at Yuen Long sell like this :mf_rosetinted:

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I am currently consuming a nutella sandwich. I am in a nutella sandwich stage at the moment. In the past few weeks I have had nutella sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks ... even all four on a lazy day :naughty: I like nutella sandwiches.




Lord, that's what I do, I get a thing for something and eat it morning, noon and night. Don't start eating Nutella straight from the spoon though, can be dangerous.....


Nutella-shmutella...:bleh: You've really got to try dulce de leche. A milk-based, caramel syrup spread. Mmmm...


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oriental type of all-in-one meal starting with m I don't remember the name



tuille cones with almond cream & strawberries




home made cherry pie




lime-mint cooler {a lil bit of absynthium too}


mmm that lime mint cooler looks good!

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oriental type of all-in-one meal starting with m I don't remember the name



tuille cones with almond cream & strawberries




home made cherry pie




lime-mint cooler {a lil bit of absynthium too}


Omg, that looks so yummy :shocked:

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oriental type of all-in-one meal starting with m I don't remember the name



that is so cute! I wouldnt be able to get myself it eat it!

My friend trid to make one like that with Hello Kitty, didnt turn out too well. ^-^

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yeah, its great because it absorbs the flavor from anything you cook it with, since it really has no flavor of its own.

I quickly make it just with tamato sauce, hot sauce, and onions and it is gooooood.


(or mix it with taco powder and BAM!....taco filling)

Hmmm...I will keep that in mind if (and when...hehe) I cook with tofu.


:shocked: Ooh, a food thread! I like food..:biggrin2:

I love Ryvitas with peanut butter on them! I think it's the peanut butter the most, though, that I like- I have multiple jars of it in my cupboard, and if i'm ever feeling peckish, I just eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon or my fingers!

Sounds yummy!!!


pineapple bread is SUPER fatty but it tastes SUPER fantastic when it's hot from the oven:thumb_yello: and for the name "wonton",, in fact,, "won" in cantonese means "clouds" and "ton" means "swallow"..... does this gv u some idea?:naughty:

Pineapple bread sounds nice.


Nutella-shmutella...:bleh: You've really got to try dulce de leche. A milk-based, caramel syrup spread. Mmmm...

I've seen that on commercials and it looks VERY good.

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home made cherry pie



sometimes i wonder greta, if you have flaws.



lime-mint cooler {a lil bit of absynthium too}


where the **** did you get absynthium?? mine is from paris, they dont sell it everywhere in europe, do they in italy?? once i was sick to death with that stuff



@huikings, yesterday i made a drawing called won-ton,lol, swallow clouds, i like the idea ;)

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@huikings, yesterday i made a drawing called won-ton,lol, swallow clouds, i like the idea ;)



how abt showing ur drawing here?:naughty:


today i had wonton n squid ball for lunch; chincken wings for dinner:mf_rosetinted:

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nope! :doh:

It was Bentō!

damn the world doesn't start alll with M:roftl:


{goes preparing somethin with Artemisia & green anise & liquorice ecc}:yum:


Yes, it's Bento.

Daifuku is :





I ate Brazilian (Churrasco?) yesterday. Yum! :thumb_yello:

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coz I've a friend that wanted to gave me an amazing present directly from the Val de Traves{yay for the ban removed in 2005}

I like the vert variety with various fresh mountain herbs added..it tastes soo good!

But I use like very very small amount{don't wanna finish it!}:naughty:

if you're fashinated by the allucinating effects, maybe they're more provocated by intoxications for bad recipes..

Also in France there are many hq pure distilled {blanche} brands problem is to get a certified natural ones..and it's a bit expensive




i read a lot about it and i even found a drawing youve been modelling for:naughty:




i didnt know about white one, i only knew green and its all about thyone, i mean the forbidden and non forbidden stuff, its legal everywhere if its under 35mg of thyone, how much mg in yours? i even discovered that i lived near a bar where they have like one hundred different kind of absynthe...anyway i dont think im that fond of it, its just everything that goes around just like the verlaine rock style of life and stuff, do you have the special spoon? and do you burn your sugar or not???i must check if paul did that, not a clue. its interesting i will go and have a look at the dose of thyone in the shops here.


oh my signature, yeah of course... im sure you know who made this one, dont you?


@huisking, my drawing is a ridiculous one it was just a cool idea plus my scanner is on my steady comp:naughty:


and i know you mention SQUID on purpose since you know how much of a sucker i am for them, but btw what do you mean by squid balls? you mean balls made of squids only or they put something else inside?

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:shocked: Ooh, a food thread! I like food..:biggrin2:

I love Ryvitas with peanut butter on them! I think it's the peanut butter the most, though, that I like- I have multiple jars of it in my cupboard, and if i'm ever feeling peckish, I just eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon or my fingers! :punk:


I do that with Nutella...:naughty:

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Think this thread needs a BUMP!


I LOVE Food! Haha, was watching Trinny and Susannah undress the nation the other night and my shape is an apple. Very flattering, I know, but it tells you about my passion for food.


However I have a confession to make.... I've given up chocolate!:shocked: It's been 5 and a 1/2 days since I had any chocolate and that's an exceptionally long time for me.


Oh and today...


Breakfast - muesli with milk and glass of water


Lunch - Soy and ginger chicken with rice


I'm not overly adventurous, it took me years to eat "westernized" Chinese food, don't think I've ever had authentic Chinese. Absolutely hate most seafood and particularly shellfish. Love mediterannean food, except olives and eggplant.


But my biggest weakness is sweet foods. Cake, biscuits, pies, slice, muffins etc etc etc. YUM!!!

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Think this thread needs a BUMP!


I LOVE Food! Haha, was watching Trinny and Susannah undress the nation the other night and my shape is an apple. Very flattering, I know, but it tells you about my passion for food.


However I have a confession to make.... I've given up chocolate!:shocked: It's been 5 and a 1/2 days since I had any chocolate and that's an exceptionally long time for me.


Oh and today...


Breakfast - muesli with milk and glass of water


Lunch - Soy and ginger chicken with rice


I'm not overly adventurous, it took me years to eat "westernized" Chinese food, don't think I've ever had authentic Chinese. Absolutely hate most seafood and particularly shellfish. Love mediterannean food, except olives and eggplant.


But my biggest weakness is sweet foods. Cake, biscuits, pies, slice, muffins etc etc etc. YUM!!!

Yay...a bump:wink2:


I don't think that I've ever had authentic Chinese food either...though one day I would like to. And as for the olives- I don't like them either...unless I don't know they're there...same thing with mushroom...ick.


You have a weakness for sweets? Well then, you definately need to try some banana cream pie...it is havenly!!!


I like sweet foods as well...but find I tend to lean more towards the savoury foods- Doritos, samosas, salsa etc...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been cooking in the last couple of days, cos the weather's gotten colder and that always makes me want to bake... Yesterday was lemon drop cookies, today was cinnamon sugar cookies. Yummy! And the day before that I made up a big pot of bacon and lentil soup - which the family loves and I don't, so it was left-over homemade pizza for me! Trying to stay out of the kitchen atm cos the cookies are calling to me....

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I've been cooking in the last couple of days, cos the weather's gotten colder and that always makes me want to bake... Yesterday was lemon drop cookies, today was cinnamon sugar cookies. Yummy! And the day before that I made up a big pot of bacon and lentil soup - which the family loves and I don't, so it was left-over homemade pizza for me! Trying to stay out of the kitchen atm cos the cookies are calling to me....


cookies are amazing!!!!!! i hv butter cookies,, coffee cookies and cashewnut cookies at home now... but juz dun dare to eat a lot! cookies are sooooo fatty for me:thumbdown:

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cookies are amazing!!!!!! i hv butter cookies,, coffee cookies and cashewnut cookies at home now... but juz dun dare to eat a lot! cookies are sooooo fatty for me:thumbdown:


They're fattening for me too, but I've recently quit eating chocolate and I figure I can only cope with cutting out one vice at a time lol!

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