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Mika is getting a caricature!


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Jack Violet did a drawing of Mika for the scrapbook we gave him in DC and Mika adored it. He was very taken with her talent! It was so beautiful!! He appreciates our art!


I have a picture of Jack's drawing, and I'll post it if she says it's OK.


I guess the rendering in the paper is an "age progression," eh? :)

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Well I think he should make a drawing or arty thing of Mikaness competition and if you win (not that I would cos I really really cannot draw at all), and the winners should be invited to dinner with him and a photo shoot and a small inexpensive but rather pleasant holiday just for a weekend as we know he is a busy man.... I think that would be a rather divine prize don't you? :naughty:

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so is this a work in progress or is it actually been done??


to be honest i dont really think it would be hard doing a characature of Mika ahhaah he's soooo gonna regret doing that later on, that will come back and haunt him

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so is this a work in progress or is it actually been done??


to be honest i dont really think it would be hard doing a characature of Mika ahhaah he's soooo gonna regret doing that later on, that will come back and haunt him

I'm not sure, bvut I'm in a knot trying to decide whether or not to go to the exhibitition or not. Because its extremely unlikely Mika will go EXTREMELY):naughty: yet a part of me thinks he might and if I don't go I'll be kicking myself.....:huh:

wanna go!?

yeah and looking at the mans other work, its going to be a little comic looking, but Mika did ask for it:lmao:

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We need your help over on the voting thread as there is a possibilty that GARY BARLOW may out run our boy in the poll for sexiest male in pop!!!!!!!!! :shocked:


His fans are very persistant and everytime we get near to overtaking him.......they have a spurt of voting!! :thumbdown:


You can click on the link above to go to the voting page and after you've voted if you press your backspace you can click on the vote button again.....in fact....again and again and again!!


It's easy to get a 100 votes added in a matter of minutes!!


Please take some time to keep MIKA King of the Poll! :thumb_yello:

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We need your help over on the voting thread as there is a possibilty that GARY BARLOW may out run our boy in the poll for sexiest male in pop!!!!!!!!! :shocked:


His fans are very persistant and everytime we get near to overtaking him.......they have a spurt of voting!! :thumbdown:


You can click on the link above to go to the voting page and after you've voted if you press your backspace you can click on the vote button again.....in fact....again and again and again!!


It's easy to get a 100 votes added in a matter of minutes!!


Please take some time to keep MIKA King of the Poll! :thumb_yello:



hi vix... i don't think your link is correct

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We need your help over on the voting thread as there is a possibilty that GARY BARLOW may out run our boy in the poll for sexiest male in pop!!!!!!!!! :shocked:


His fans are very persistant and everytime we get near to overtaking him.......they have a spurt of voting!! :thumbdown:


You can click on the link above to go to the voting page and after you've voted if you press your backspace you can click on the vote button again.....in fact....again and again and again!!


It's easy to get a 100 votes added in a matter of minutes!!


Please take some time to keep MIKA King of the Poll! :thumb_yello:

Gary Barlow!!!:lmao:


seriousy, why is he in this poll?!?!:blink:

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If its been posted, mods can delete.


I was reading the Irish daily Star again today, and once again I found some Mika!:biggrin2:

This looks really cool! I typed it out and and took pics from my camera(sorry I have no scanner):blush-anim-cl:

So here it is:


Niall's Art has a lot of caricature

Celebrities queue up to have portrait done


He's Irelands most famous caricature artist-but Niall O'Loughlin got a shock when he was approached by none other than pop superstar Mika.

Niall- who's work will appear at the Stars exhibition at St. Stepehen's Green shopping centre this weekend - is currently working on a portrait of the Grace Kelly singer.

The artist explains how he landed the commission. "I met him at the Oxegen festival last year where I held an exhibition in the VIP area for the bands.


Happy <( I dunno why they wrote that):naughty:

He approached me and said he's love me to do a painting of himself".

And Niall revealed, "He seemed really down to earth, almost shy, and was only happy to pose for photos for me".

This Sunday's stars exhibition at 12 noon in the famous Green Galllery in the shopping centre also features work by Mark Baker, Ed Chapman and William Mulhall.

They're all highly regarded in the art world and Niall's last show was sold out, so be sure to arrive early to view his work.

Nialls only complaint at the moment is that he doesn't have enough time to do his own stuff.

"It's almost impossible to turn down commissions when they come in", he says.

"You have to pay the bills!"

Niall's past work as displayed on the Late Late Show- includes porraits of Bono, Collin Farrell, Roy Keane and Britney Spears.

His new work includes everyone from Ronny Drew to Wayne Rooney, so all in all there will be something for everyone to enjoy this Sunday.





I hope this means he'll come back to Ireland again!!!:biggrin2:


Hmm sounds fun

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