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How much does Mika weigh?


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Hi, peoples last night at dinner my 2 grandmas, my sis and I were talking about Mika:das:in the bestest way ever!! and it came to the discusion about "how much does Mika weigh?" I said 120 lbs. cuz he's thin, but I told one of my grandmas that he was 6'3 or 6'4 so she said there's no way he weighs 120 more like 220 lbs. and I'm like no way he's thin/skinny now that she said that I now think/guess he weighs 175 or 190 or 185 cuz when your taller it puts more weight on you cuz there's more muscle and fat and bones etc. I'm 5'6 1/2 and I'm 15 years old and weigh 130 but I look like I weigh less than that cuz the fat, muscles even out through out your body so I guess that's a good thing:thumb_yello::roftl: so again How much does Mika weigh?? if any one does an interview on Mika I think they should ask him that, or maybe that would be to personal?? so how much do you think Mika weighs? if ya know tell!!:naughty:love ya....xoxo:wink2:

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There is absoluely NO WAY Mika weighs 120...that's a guarantee. If he weighed that much there would be nothing but skin and bones on him.


I'm 5'6" and weigh around 135 but people say I look slim. So, that being said, Mika could look slimmer than what he actually weighs.


Mika, being 6'3" quite obviously holds his weight differently than a man who is 5'8".


I checked out this site and they said that the ideal weight for a man 6'3" with:


a small frame-->158-172

a medium frame-->167-182

a large frame-->176-202


Looking at that...I'd guess maybe anywhere form 160-180 because yes, he's slim but he has some lean muscle on him. But hey, that's just my guess and I'm not weight expert afterall.

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I read somewhere about it being 180ish...


I feel weird talking about his weight.

It would make me uncomfortable to have people guessing my weight :blink:


We talk about a lot of weird stuff about him. Like his 5 o'clock shadow hahahaand at one point I remember a discussion that I MAY have participated in...about his nipples hehehe

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You can find that in the FAQ section here.http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/faq.php?s=&do=search&q=Weigh&match=all&titlesonly=0


It says about 161lbs.


Sorry, but can you say the real number in kg? :blush-anim-cl:


It says about 73kg =]

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I'm still pretty surprised because Mika is 9 inches taller than me and has less than 30 pounds on me (I'm 5'6" and weigh 135lbs and he's 6'3" and weighs 161lbs)...maybe I'm just big hehe But I think it suits him because the lean muscle makes him look *coughBoratvoicecough* very nice:naughty:

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