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Grace Kelly French version

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Does anybody have an mp3 of Grace Kelly in French? I absolutely loved it when Mika sang it at the Parc des Princes... Just his voice and a piano :mf_lustslow:

I want to hear it again and again and again :cheerful_h4h:

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Y E S!!!


i cant hear all the the lyrics clearly because of the crowd, so if anyone who were there could complete, thx.



est-ce que je t´attire? XXXXXXX( ici je capte vraiment pas)


garcon XXXXcalmeXXXX


pourquoi tu ne m´aimes pas sans me (coller???) XXXXXXX (idem)




je prends les poses de Grace Kelly

mais pour toi ça ne suffit pas

alors je chante un peu comme Freddie

mais que faut-il que je sois?

un légionnaire, un tortionaire pour être ton idéal

un mec un peu sale, un peu comme michael, un bandit toujours en cavale

suis-je assez in?

suis-je assez clean?

mais que te faut-il encore?pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour qu'un beau jour tu m'adores



comment te charmer, comment te charmer?


comment t empêcher de dire de changer d´amis X2, de pas chercher à séduire


pourquoi tu m´aimes pas?x2, pourquoi tu n´aimes que toi?



je me fais tout petit, je fais tapisserie mais tu repeins tout chez moi (LOL)



fais ce que tu veux de moi


je serai tout ce que les autres ont envie que je sois pour toi



and btw who is that michael? is he refering to his own self , lmao, what a schizo really, Alice--

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pffft I'm so sick..why I didin't learn that dogdammit language?! :taz:

I was like the only one not singin along...:meow:

btw it's not simply the french version translated from the original, he changed part of the lyric? :huh:



(next time just move your lips and fake it, learn from him)


its really different, the lyrics, its not a pure translation, thats pretty original really, evn in french he is different, i dont no fo instance "faire tapisserie" is to be a wallflower and he says that he is being a wallflower but the guy paints back everything in his home, but the whole idea is the same, he wants someone who is selfish and he says probably ironically that he would do anything for him


the lyrics are great really but i cant hear the begining clearly (anyone?)


my feet you know, particularly my little toes,i read about yours, i cant walk nomore, i feel like going to see justice but i cant ...makes me mad, soon hamstejam for you WOW. you will hear RAIN,lol, waht a XXXX sometimes, when i saw him and it was raining he strangely insisted on the word RAIN:naughty: now i get why, thats not fair he didnt do it, in the same time it would have been out of topic, i just can get enough was the climax, that was crazy, check the video


btw greta were you far from the stage?

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now why not singin a different version of GK for every gig in the hosting country's language? :italia:

Rock Werchter and Arras..I really wanted to go there! supermegafantastic musicians played in those festivals :pbjt:

..whothe**** said that money don't buy happiness? :taz:

instead in Paris I had to stand those Dyonisos..can't get their chaotic hyper theatrical "music"..and the audience went mad..obviously,since that awfulness was in french:rolleyes:

..I tried to sleep leaning on the barierr for the eternity they were out :meow:


don't remind me of the feet DAMN I can't walk!

I'm enslaving my brother for everything..oh well, at least I can't go empty the fridge :floor:

I hope to get better in time for tuesday.. :kaf:


you know whta im sure he is working on it @ a version in every language,lol


OH ****, its a shame for werchter you didnt come i would have given you a backstage pass to meet the lord,lol but honestly lenny kravitz wasnt great at all, the piano sounded very ...you know after mika its difficult and REM was cool but it was like watching MTV, you should have come and your right one hundred percent i dont know who is this idiot who said that money couldnt buy happiness, this is ridiculous, look, i cant walk because of my toes and im in my bed, with money i rent an helico and i fly to werchter to see beck and justice then i rent a taxi to go to amsterdam in two days, and i also rent someone who can carry me in front of the stage and id be the happiest...see.



hope you can go to the minature theathre museum in two days though!!!!!


its cool with you fridge,lol, i just have some food i got for free and some champ and there is noway i can go outside...great. you will really have fiún there, i wanted to go to larochelle basically so you can visit l´ìle de Ré but its impossible now...it must be beautiful and btw i no u like duffy, it was awful , i even had to leave

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Y E S!!!


i cant hear all the the lyrics clearly because of the crowd, so if anyone who were there could complete, thx.



est-ce que je t´attire? XXXXXXX( ici je capte vraiment pas)


garcon XXXXcalmeXXXX


pourquoi tu ne m´aimes pas sans me (coller???) XXXXXXX (idem)


Le début j'entends (sans être sûre...)


Est-ce que je t'attire

Ou bien tu t'en fous

Quand je souris comme ça?

Mes regards vicieux

Mes regards idiots

Ou les deux à la fois

Un accomplissement de gentil garçon, je sais

Suis-je assez calme?

Pourquoi tu n'm aimes pas pourquoi tu n'm aimes pas

Sans me coller des blâmes


je prends les poses de Grace Kelly

mais pour toi ça ne suffit pas

alors je chante un peu comme Freddie

mais que faut-il que je sois?

un légionnaire, un tortionaire pour être ton idéal

un mec un peu sale, un peu comme michael, un bandit toujours en cavale

suis-je assez in?

suis-je assez clean?

mais que te faut-il encore?pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour qu'un beau jour tu m'adores


Idem ici... i don't know who Michael is either lol...


comment te charmer, comment te charmer?


comment t empêcher de dire de changer d´amis X2, de pas chercher à séduire

pourquoi tu m´aimes pas?x2, pourquoi tu n´aimes que toi?

je me fais tout petit, je fais tapisserie mais tu repeins tout chez moi (LOL)

fais ce que tu veux de moi

je serai tout ce que les autres ont envie que je sois pour toi


I hear sthg slightly different here...


Comment te charmer, comment te charmer

Comment t'empêcher de dire

De changer d'avis, de changer d'amis

De ne pas chercher à séduire

Pourquoi tu ne m'aimes pas (x2)

Pourquoi tu ne t'aimes pas toi (omg if he says that that's really bad french lol)

J'me fais tout petit je fais tapisserie

Et tu repeints tout chez moi


I'm not 100% sure... really that's hard to hear. What do you think, Pam? Or anyone else ?;)

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So here are the lyrics for anyone who wants them:


Est-ce que je t'attire

Ou bien tu t'en fous

Quand je souris comme ça?

Mes regards vicieux

Mes regards idiots

Ou les deux à la fois

Un accomplissement de gentil garçon, je sais

Suis-je assez calme?

Pourquoi tu n'm aimes pas pourquoi tu n'm aimes pas

Sans me coller des blâmes


je prends les poses de Grace Kelly

mais pour toi ça ne suffit pas

alors je chante un peu comme Freddie

mais que faut-il que je sois?

un légionnaire, un tortionaire pour être ton idéal

un mec un peu sale, un peu comme michael, un bandit toujours en cavale

suis-je assez in?

suis-je assez clean?

mais que te faut-il encore?pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour qu'un beau jour tu m'adores


Comment te charmer?, comment te charmer?

Comment t'empêcher de dire

De changer d'avis, de changer d'amis

De ne pas chercher à séduire

Pourquoi tu ne m'aimes pas (x2)

Pourquoi tu ne t'aimes pas toi

J'me fais tout petit je fais tapisserie

Et tu repeins tout chez moi


fais ce que tu veux de moi

je serai tout ce que les autres ont envie que je sois pour toi


Pourquoi tu ne t'aimes pas toi (omg if he says that that's really bad french lol)


Pourquoi tu ne t´aimes pas, toi? is absolutely totally perfect french


(but we both know already that we dont speak the same french you and me so....in revenge "Sans me coller des blâmes" is not really that good, it should be "sans me coller de blâmes" anyway who cares about grammar and stuff, really)


i dont get the "accomplissement" part though

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He actually says - i think - Pourquoi tu te n'aimes pas toi?

But I corrected the sentence cause i think he just messed up when singing that line.

I think he means "the ultimate nice guy" when he says "accomplissement de gentil garçon". But again i'm not 100% sure that's what he says :naughty:

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He actually says - i think - Pourquoi tu te n'aimes pas toi?

But I corrected the sentence cause i think he just messed up when singing that line.

I think he means "the ultimate nice guy" when he says "accomplissement de gentil garçon". But again i'm not 100% sure that's what he says :naughty:


well he does say that en fait... oral dyslexia


i get it now@accomplissement "le mec sympa par excellence" he meant or sthg

i hope he will change it though because it ruins the end of the first verse since it doesnt mean anything in french at all unless we try to figure out

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It must be a great change to do it in French - (and other languages?) - this is the song he will have to perform at every gig for the rest of his career, so it's a good way of freshening it up.

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and btw who is that michael? is he refering to his own self , lmao, what a schizo really, Alice--


There's no Michael :wink2:


Je prends les poses de Grace Kelly

Mais pour toi ça ne suffit pas

Alors je chante un peu comme Freddie

Mais que faut-il que je sois?

Un légionnaire, un tortionnaire pour être ton idéal

Un mec un peu sale, un peu comme ma gueule, un bandit toujours en cavale

Suis-je assez in?

Suis-je assez clean?

Mais que te faut-il encore?

Pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour qu'un beau jour tu m'adores

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There's no Michael :wink2:


Je prends les poses de Grace Kelly

Mais pour toi ça ne suffit pas

Alors je chante un peu comme Freddie

Mais que faut-il que je sois?

Un légionnaire, un tortionnaire pour être ton idéal

Un mec un peu sale, un peu comme ma gueule, un bandit toujours en cavale

Suis-je assez in?

Suis-je assez clean?

Mais que te faut-il encore?

Pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour que tu m'aimes bien, pour qu'un beau jour tu m'adores




well you see i wasnt that wrong, he is refering to himself...ma gueule, michael, what difference does it make really? lol. im sure that someday he will speak at the third person when he will speak about himself... you´ll see, he is megalo enough.


anyway, thanks a lot for ma gueule:naughty:


btw how the L do you say ma gueule in english??? my ****ing face??

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Tks a lot for the lyrics!!


Like it very much in French, it's nice and amusing, so I thought it was worth converting it: hope you'll enjoy it as well!


I've made 2 MP3s out of 2 videos, they are not so bad, especially the 1st one


1) one from Sariflor's video (better) http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=38034345



(mirror) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F6Q4EOLP



2) from YT:



(mirror) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RA3YQ485

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