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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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For some reason in that photo he reminded me of Michael Pitt in Hedwig and the Angry Inch.




It does look a bit like him!


I wrote it on the smiley website thinking it would censor for me

So I had to go back and do it again.


Smiley website? Link?


I love listening to my dog sleep. He does the weirdest little barks in his dreams.




That one was put to good use in the Knitting Thread days.


What ever happened to that thread?


OMFG....I did not need to see Kyle Sandilands in lycra

*runs off to gouge out eyes*


OMFG, AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED THAT DICKO WAS WEARING MIKA'S EXACT SAME RED TUXEDO TSHIRT!???!?!?!!?!?!? It had the exact same stitching, the exact same buttons at the back, it was the exact same shirt!! And he completely ruined it for any picture/video of Mika wearing it :lmfao: They must sell it in Australia too, interesting...


It's relative perspective - when you are approaching a thread, all the posts seem very close together, but when you are in the thread you can see the posts are far apart (in time, that is)


No, everyone just stops posting when she steps in *pbs*


My goodness, there's hail hitting my window and collecting in ice blocks. What a stark contrast to yesterday that was so sunny everyone was out gardening, walking, riding bikes, and a girl even rode a pony down my street.


Holy crap, it's just like summer! Girls riding ponies down streets left right and centre!


Does anybody remember me showing you that French singer, Soko, ages ago? Well I still really like her and she's coming to Australia!


But all of her shows are only for over-18s.


Oh! Now you mention it I do vaguely remember. But now you mention it, that Soko was going to be at that Byron Bay festival I was going to go out of my way to go to to get my Kooks fix, which I am now not going to, and which was cancelled anyway and is now going to be in Brisbane. http://sunsetsounds.com.au/ She's on the same day as the Kookies! If you are maybe possibly at GC at the same time, even though I have no idea where the GC is in relation to Brisbane :naughty:


Anyway, I've spent the last two and a half days sorting out my Itunes. I've made sure that every song is labelled exactly how I want it and I've entered in the year that EVERY SINGLE song was released. That's 897 songs folks! And then I just went to sync it all to my ipod and I forgot that I don't have a lot of the videos that were on there on my computer! So now I've lost most of my videos.


*shuffles off to youtube*


Naww, that sucks about deleting the videos. I reorganised and renamed my Kooks song collection the other day, 701 songs :fisch: But I didn't date them :naughty:


Well. He has awesome glasses that are le sexy...he has a sense of humour, good taste in music AND plays jazz piano. He's been teaching me German... And did I mention that he's hot?

Thing is, I'm not the only one who's after him. Although one girl in the same class who was flirting with him seems to have realised that I mean business and has backed down a bit.


Is his name Franz? :das:


Hello Oakie Doke...





Oh yay! I was thinking on the previous page, ":sneaky2: I'd better get one of those!"


Wonder no more....Powderfinger and Shakespeares Sister! *slaps you hard*....how could you not know Powderfinger


OMG you put the clock back in you av...YAY!


Okay, I'm ashamed too now. But you should be ashamed for not noticing my avatar, seeing as I changed it back to the clock the day after you came in and scolded me about it, which was roughly 4 months ago.

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Oh, my, god.

I was totally pissing myself the entire time of catching up with this thread. Hilarious.


I don't do tanned - I do "pale and interesting" in the summer, and "not quite dead" in the winter.

It was destined to fail. Just look at the front page news, the first thing you see is a photo captioned with "OMG!!!!!!!!!! sooooooooooooooo sexy!!!!".

In 2008 say no to Hilary S**** on DVD and say yes to Hilary Clinton...
Because I was an IRMer and want mika's babies
Yes, water from the several oceans that separate Australia and the USA. I'll pour it into my modem to try to send it to you.
Definitely innocent! I just did another facebook quiz and it came out angel as well....soooo many facebook quizes can't be wrong
I think I'm allergic to air or something.



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I have a feeling that Oakie Doke's MQ is going to be very long. :roftl:


Oh noooooooooooooo... How long has she been "replying" for?? :naughty:


Okay I'm getting seriously scared about the length of ODs mq now *bites nails* :naughty:


Seriously a few hours SD? :shocked:


:roftl: Sheesh guys, it was only 4 hours :fisch: :rolls_eyes:

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You got excited about him talking about creating a very limited edition something based on a drawing half drawn by him that you deep down feel like you are going to be the one who wins :smth:


Erm not really...




However, if he were giving away Martin as a prize then I would be a very happy fangirl... and would be sharing him with Margaret... :das:


I seem to be going through a number of weird obsessions lately. Now I have a crush on the young Anthony Perkins (the guy who played Norman Bates in 'Psycho').




Am I insane or does anyone else find him attractive?


In that pic he is kinda cute... in an old fashioned way...


The following pic however... not exactly...




But look at those intense eyes...


Good morning Silver...I thought it was about time we left you a gift





Ooooooooooh... purple jeans!




Look at those legs!!!













OMG... did I just fangirl myself? :blink:


This has turned into a "post a picture of your favourite guy" thread! Everyone's seems to be slightly more normal than mine.




That's cute...


Seeing as we're posting pics of good looking men...






If i were a fangiruly troll I would make a thread saying "ZOMG MIKA SHOULD POP OUT OF A CAKE!"


what!? who said topless?


Ooooooh... my b'day is coming up after all...










If Mika's unavailable I could settle for Adam jumping out of a cake... I would quite enjoy licking the cream off his...




Wait a minute...







Fan fic idea!


I Respect Mika.

Can you believe that Kelzy joined that?


Yeah... it was around the time she joined... she didn't know better...




I didn't... I said I respected him, but didn't need to join a group to prove that...


Me too! If i kept going, I'd be so shhhuuunnnnnned.



Were you a YFUAYFMer?



*sobs in secrecy*


OG... that was sad...


I chose to not be a hypocrite and flit between the 'IRM' and 'Mikagasmic' threads like most of the IRM members did. It was just an ego rub to say 'I respect him as a person and not a sex object therefore I'm a better person than those who don't' that was rarely really put into practice.


I enjoyed looking in the Mikagasmic thread... and the knitting thread was amusing in its day...


Though I never was as chickeny as a lot of the other girls... the original Girls thread comes to mind...


I'm watching The next Karate Kid ft. Hilary S****.

I like Hilary S****.

Does anyone else like Hilary S****?

Hilary S**** is really good in this movie. Mr Miyagi Rocks!

Hilary S****'s name in this movie is Julie. Random Hilary S**** trivia for you all.

Ok, I go watch Hilary S**** in The Next Karate Kid now and wait for all of you Hilary S**** fans to wake up.. Happy Daylight Savingks.










Hilary S****...


I love Hilary S****... esp in Buffy... "Get out of my facial"..


Actually, I watched that and when Hilary S**** said that, I immediately thought of Twatty...




*worships Hilary S**** and her retro yellow leather jacket*


Q: hows the weather in aussie-land?


Frigging cold and wet... we drove back from Sydney today and it went from sunny to overcast to sunny to overcast to sunny to overcast to cold...


And a lot of that was in the Mountains... ooooooh! I saw The Edge theatre today!


Yes, water from the several oceans that separate Australia and the USA. I'll pour it into my modem to try to send it to you.




If that bl**dy Sophie doesn't get booted of Idol this week, I will be one grumpy little s**t!


Marcia Hines needs her eyes checked telling her that she looks like Agnetha too....poor Agnetha! I knew that Abba Idol week was going to be a big mistake.


I missed Idol last night... and tonight too... and I thought Sophie was the worst... and unsurprisingly, they all chose very well known songs...


Why oh why did none of the boys do Rock Me???


And Fernando was wrecked... I hate the original but it's even sh!tter...


It's relative perspective - when you are approaching a thread, all the posts seem very close together, but when you are in the thread you can see the posts are far apart (in time, that is)


Or we just dislike her...


Now who was it that said that Mika had no





*wants to touch Mika's arse*



Too bad he's not wearing leather... having no arse works for him cause he can wear leather better than someone with an arse...


Though he'd never look better than Bono or Edge in leather..


Ah - nearly forgot - my assistant who's moving to Brisbane, her husband has a job in Logenlea (?), they want to live within 20-30 minutes drive from there. Any suggestions for nice areas to live?




Can't help there...


Bono and Alicia Keys are singing 'Don't give up' on Oprah (channel 10)

(No nosejob or shannon present)


I yelled out quite loudly when I saw that bono was on Oprah...


I seriously want a pair of high tops that say Bono on the side...



Actually, I squealed like a fangirl when I saw a glimpse of Bono singing on stage ft Adam in the background...


Does anybody remember me showing you that French singer, Soko, ages ago? Well I still really like her and she's coming to Australia!


But all of her shows are only for over-18s.


Don't know who she is, but damn...


Argh, yes! So much! If Mika does ever decide to come back to Australia he had better do all ages gigs. Otherwise I will be very angry at him.


I'll bitch slap him for you...


hi! wats up?


i just went through a nightmare! my neighbors were over to watch desperate housewives, then we talked and looked at some projects of my moms students, then my mom sis me and all them went out, my sis went back in the house, me and two of them (the other one was their mom) were sitting in the street, and then they went home and i picked up our dog to bring her in the house. then i pick some stuff up, then i go up to my room, and theres a pile of stuff on the floor, so i lean over to pick it up, and off my head jumps a HUGE black cricket. and i hate bugs. like scared of them as much as i am of clowns. and i start screaming for my dad and im crying, and it slowly hops under my bed, and my dads like "just let your cat get it" and my sisters laughing at me, and im sobbing, and i run to my mom like a little girl and then my dad eventually gets it and drops it in the hallway, and he thought he stomped on it, then my sister starts walking away when it jumps off her arm. she started screaming and my dads laughing at her, then flushes it down the toilet. but i serioulsly cant handle bugs, like im shaking right now


*resists the urge to post Pennywise the clown pics on here when she's on*


*dances in confetti* *shimmies in with corn chips & passes around*


Which just reminded me... I must get that moving pic for you...


'Pussy' and 'sex'.


Not a G-rated conversation, clearly.




Then again, I don't expect anything different from you!


Okay I'm getting seriously scared about the length of ODs mq now *bites nails*


She's not the one you should be worried about...

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Why do we just have seven smileys?


(Aim of this post:

1) get out the old smileys-discussion

2) say hello

3) quote Bianca

4) show off new signature)




OMG, your new signature is so ****ing awesome!!! And you used the same picture I posted in my MQ *pbs* *pbs*


And no, there is also :floor:, but I specifically decided to leave it out because it really didn't fit with the lineup. Oh crap, I forgot :lol3:...


Hello, *quotes you too*

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Tegan! You're back! How was it? Is there a report on AMF?


Why do we just have seven smileys?


Actually, I use 4 smilies ...

OH SEVEN!!! You mean the smiley limit?? AMF has no limit :cheerful_h4h:


If Mika's unavailable I could settle for Adam jumping out of a cake... I would quite enjoy licking the cream off his...


Wait a minute...


Fan fic idea!




I missed Idol last night... and tonight too... and I thought Sophie was the worst... and unsurprisingly, they all chose very well known songs...


Why oh why did none of the boys do Rock Me???


And Fernando was wrecked... I hate the original but it's even sh!tter...


Am I really the only one that noticed the shirt??


I yelled out quite loudly when I saw that bono was on Oprah...


I yelled out loudly when I saw Dicko ruining Mika's shirt.

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Tegan! You're back! How was it? Is there a report on AMF?




Am I really the only one that noticed the shirt??




I yelled out loudly when I saw Dicko ruining Mika's shirt.


I iz... and it was good... and yes there is... no photos yet... well, none from me yet...


Probably... I never saw it... all I've seen is the add with the phone numbers...


Yeah, but the main difference is that mine was a happy yell, your was a disgusted/upset/angry/shocked yell...

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Oh! Now you mention it I do vaguely remember. But now you mention it, that Soko was going to be at that Byron Bay festival I was going to go out of my way to go to to get my Kooks fix, which I am now not going to, and which was cancelled anyway and is now going to be in Brisbane. http://sunsetsounds.com.au/ She's on the same day as the Kookies! If you are maybe possibly at GC at the same time, even though I have no idea where the GC is in relation to Brisbane


Naww, that sucks about deleting the videos. I reorganised and renamed my Kooks song collection the other day, 701 songs :fisch: But I didn't date them


Yes, I know about the festivals that she's appearing in. But I was hoping to go to one of the normal gigs. I'm not exactly a festival person. Oh and just to let you guys know, I'm not going to be at the Gold Coast at the same time as you all. We're apparently going over Christmas. :thumbdown:


Wow! 701 songs just by the Kooks?? That's a lot for a relatively new band. And I thought my collection of 324 Queen songs was impressive. :naughty:


I'm the only one insane enough to date my songs.


In that pic he is kinda cute... in an old fashioned way...


The following pic however... not exactly...


But look at those intense eyes...


I'll bitch slap him for you...


He is cute! :wub2:



And that photo is creepy. That bit in Psycho was very disturbing. "I wouldn't harm a fly.." The part of Norman is amazingly acted.


Haha, thanks! :naughty:

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Okay. Hmm. Seeing as you imply that I should know what was making a beeping sound at random minutes I am going to have to assume she had an alarm that she was pressing snooze on? But who sets a "going to sleep" alarm?


OD have you never heard of the speaking clock thing.... its something you can ring and get the time :blink:


"At the third beep, it will be 9 54 and 10 seconds beep, beep, beep....."


:roftl: Sheesh guys, it was only 4 hours :fisch: :rolls_eyes:


Only 4 hours... you say that as if its no time at all :naughty:

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I iz... and it was good... and yes there is... no photos yet... well, none from me yet...


Probably... I never saw it... all I've seen is the add with the phone numbers...


Yeah, but the main difference is that mine was a happy yell, your was a disgusted/upset/angry/shocked yell...




*goes to look*

*taps foot waiting for pictures*


*accepts excuse*


:lmfao: Yes, exactly :naughty:

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Yes, I know about the festivals that she's appearing in. But I was hoping to go to one of the normal gigs. I'm not exactly a festival person. Oh and just to let you guys know, I'm not going to be at the Gold Coast at the same time as you all. We're apparently going over Christmas.


Ah, yeah that sucks. Christmas will be exciting though! And yeah, that's why I ditched the festival to go to Melbourne with Tanya :naughty:

I've never even been to a festival, but I imagine they're scary, and less-good :naughty:


Wow! 701 songs just by the Kooks?? That's a lot for a relatively new band. And I thought my collection of 324 Queen songs was impressive.


I'm the only one insane enough to date my songs.


Yes :naughty: But they're mostly live. *checks* Yeah, minus the "Live" folder it's only 258. But the Kooks are pretty ridiculous with how many songs they write, there are like 5 new B-sides with every single *FG*


Yes, yes you are!

He is cute!



Awww, that one totally makes up for the last one :wub2:


OD have you never heard of the speaking clock thing.... its something you can ring and get the time


"At the third beep, it will be 9 54 and 10 seconds beep, beep, beep....."


OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay then, I see now :naughty:


Only 4 hours... you say that as if its no time at all



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Ah, yeah that sucks. Christmas will be exciting though! And yeah, that's why I ditched the festival to go to Melbourne with Tanya :naughty:

I've never even been to a festival, but I imagine they're scary, and less-good :naughty:


Yes :naughty: But they're mostly live. *checks* Yeah, minus the "Live" folder it's only 258. But the Kooks are pretty ridiculous with how many songs they write, there are like 5 new B-sides with every single *FG*


Awww, that one totally makes up for the last one :wub2:


Yeah, it should be good. I can't wait to go shopping somewhere other than here. And I've never been to a festival either, but I'm too scared of being squished.


*goes to check her Queen folder* 206 of mine are studio versions and the remaining 118 are live. And that's almost all they EVER released (except for the instrumental songs on the Flash Gordon album which I don't particularly like) That's in 20 years of existance! :shocked:


The Kooks have released how many more songs than than in how many yeas? :naughty:


I know! I can combat every scary Norman photo with a cute Anthony one! But I'm annoyed because I can't find any of his films to download, other than Psycho. I've seen clips of them on Youtube and they look really good. :thumbdown:

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Hello OKD ... did you already say hi to me in your MQ ... or did I miss it .... pffft ...


:roftl: Hello HK!


Hello Okd!

Hoopla Teegs!!


Group hug time :naughty:


*group hugs*

OMG Dicko in Mika's top is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl:


*throws up a little bit in her mouth*


Yeah, it should be good. I can't wait to go shopping somewhere other than here. And I've never been to a festival either, but I'm too scared of being squished.


Mmhmm, I've already planned that I will be bringing one "going out-y" outfit to Costa Rica, because there will be some "going out-y" things, and I will wear that when I see The Kooks in Sydney, and then when Tegan wants to take me to these multi-storey shopping centres and such I will look for a second outfit to wear to the second show, because I soo can't wear the same thing twice :naughty: I'm excited! Multi-storey shopping centres!


*goes to check her Queen folder* 206 of mine are studio versions and the remaining 118 are live. And that's almost all they EVER released (except for the instrumental songs on the Flash Gordon album which I don't particularly like) That's in 20 years of existance!


The Kooks have released how many more songs than than in how many yeas?


2-3 years! Since 2006 sometime :bleh:


*goes to get her database that she made :fisch:



Inside In, Inside Out


See The World

Sofa Song

Eddie’s Gun

Ooh La

You Don’t Love Me

She Moves In Her Own Way

Match Box


I Want You

If Only

Jackie Big Tits

Time Awaits

Got No Love

Live At Abbey Road Acoustic


Sea The World

Sofa Song

Eddie’s Gun

Ooh La

You Don’t Love Me

She Moves In Her Own Way



Jackie Big Tits

Time Awaits

Eddie’s Gun (Osaka)

Naïve (Osaka)

She Moves In Her Own Way (Osaka)

California (Osaka)



See The Sun

Always Where I Need To Be

Mr Maker

Do You Wanna


Love It All

Stormy Weather


Shine On

Down To The Market

One Last Time

Tick Of Time

Bonus Track


Watching The Ships Roll In

Eaten By Your Lover

No longer

Fa la la

Nothing Ever Changes

By My Side

Hatful of Love

See The Sun (Alternate Version)

Brooklyn (Home Demo Version)

Itunes Bonus Tracks

Bad Taste In My Mouth



Always Where I Need To Be

Always Free

Mrs Thompson

Walk Away

Something To Say

Slave To The Game

Eddie’s Gun

Bus Song



Hiding Low

I Love That Girl

Tea & Biscuits

Ooh La

Ask me

I Don’t Mind

She Moves In Her Own Way

Do You love Me Still

Give In

In My Opinion

Shine On

Come On Down

Luby Loo

Sofa Song

Be Mine

Put Your Back To My Face

Something To Say

You Don’t Love Me

Lonely Cat

Slave To The Game

The Window Song


All That She Wants (Ace of Bace)

Crazy (Gnarls Barkley)

Despair In The Departure Lounge (Arctic Monkeys)

For Lovers (Pete Doherty)

Just Like A Woman (Bob Dylan)

Kids (MGMT)

Roxanne (The Police)

Sweet Jane (The Velvet Underground) & Beast Of Burden (The Rolling Stones)

Victoria (Kinks)

Violet Hill (Coldplay)

Young Folks (Peter, Bjorn and John)

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Demos and Such

Always Where I Need To Be (Demo, I guess)

Belly love

Disappear (Live)

Do You Love Her

Don’t Go

Don’t You Leave Me

Hard To Bear

I Already Miss You (version 1)

I Already Miss You (version 2)

I Wanna Be There

I’m On Your Side

Luby Loo (Live)

No Need For Territory

Oil (Live)

Princess Blue

Pull Me In

Pull me In (Live)

Put your Back To My Face



The Clouds Are Falling Around Me

The King and I

This Situation

When She Was Mine

When She’s In Town

First Demo

Sofa Song

Her Own Way

Naïve (1.618)

Tell Them From Me


Pull me In

Something To Say



Lesson No3

Bus Song

If Only

In My Opinion


Not including live or acoustic :naughty: (and that's the songs that I have, not the songs that exist :naughty:)


I know! I can combat every scary Norman photo with a cute Anthony one! But I'm annoyed because I can't find any of his films to download, other than Psycho. I've seen clips of them on Youtube and they look really good.


Haha! *pbs*

Aww, that sucks, are they at any movie stores or anything?


And OMG! *runs off to photoshoot something that is totally awesome*

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:shocked: Wow. That's.. a lot.


Haha! *pbs*

Aww, that sucks, are they at any movie stores or anything?


And OMG! *runs off to photoshoot something that is totally awesome*


Well I haven't checked yet. But I doubt it.


I'm going to hazard a guess and ask if the photoshoot has something to do with Ambrose..?

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(They only gave me one of them though :naughty:)


For Costa Rica! I sent out like 40 letters asking for money a few weeks ago! WoooooO!


*wonders why no one can ever spell her name, especially as they were just copying it off of my letter...*

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Wow. That's.. a lot.


Well I haven't checked yet. But I doubt it.


I'm going to hazard a guess and ask if the photoshoot has something to do with Ambrose..?


Yes, yes it is *FG*




But it should have. Ambrose should have been in the picture. I apologise. To Ambrose's fans and to Ambrose himself. And to the cheque, which is now lonely. *inserts a picture of Ambrose from today to make up*


(He was eating grass, if you were wondering why the funny face. He considers himself a bit of a sheep :smth: )






Oooooh, I forgot to show my poster pictures!!!


It's not finished, both because I ran out, and because I got annoyed at the irregular patch I'd left myself and couldn't figure out how to fit in my remaining stuff. And I left some gaps specially for when I get my hands on more posters of that shape/size :naughty:


Figure 1: http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll134/oakie_doke/P1060758.jpg

Figure 2: http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll134/oakie_doke/P1060765.jpg

Figure wow-my-room-is-so-neat-and-organised: http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll134/oakie_doke/P1060766.jpg


My genius design of hiding the obvious I'm-a-Mika-fangirl posters:


See, I see them perfectly, but anyone who comes in my room doesn't *pbs*

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