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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Your siggy with Perez reminds me of the radio show I heard this morning. He revealed that he "somehow" got a copy of Britney's new album (although it doesn't come out until December) and only liked 2 songs on it that were ballads. He also mentioned that Kate Hudson was flirting, hitting on, a female model during some event. Just as it seems trendy to adopt babies, make babies, it seems Hollywood ladies are also finding momentary lesbo-lapses. :blink:


ahaha:naughty: cant say i didnt see that coming.

i love perez!

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Howdy, I finished my third session of root canal therapy this morning and am pleased that after, 6 weeks, I finally have a proper tooth with no temporary fillings :D




Can there really be that many lesbians popping up everywhere, or are half of them just pretending because its fashionable ??? (my brothers wife just left him for another woman :blink:)

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I KNOW I am going to have that problem. I am very good at putting my foot in my mouth so for anything stupid I ever say to anyone, I hereby apologize in advance.

And some people are very good at getting offended quickly. :wink2:

There are subtitles?

Oh. I AM slow.

That give me an excuse to watch it again!

Like I needed one.

hahah! I just watched it again. Must be up to my fifth time.

...And I have officially decided that the only thing I don't like about MFC so far is the smiley limit. I like smileys

We all hate that. We work around it by using *das* *wink* etc..

Do shorter MQs - then you get to use lots

And it will boost your post count!

I've done whole posts in smilies

I haven't done that for a while.

Did you watch Supernatural last night, you Bailey's lover? You are such a girl!

I love supernatural! But I forgot it was on. :tears: Was it good? I bet it was. *waaaaaaaahhh*

Hubby has been torrenting all the the Xena episodes, so we've been watching a fair bit of Ted Raimi just lately, so it was a giggle to see him last night. You know the story of how Bruce Campbell used to babysit him when he was growing up, don't you?

Yes!! hahahah! Good old Bruce *das*

Which season of Xena are you watching?

Really? Hmmm, well, we all picked it in the Aussie thread, didn't we? I remember saying to my son "Gee that looks like Luna Park!' Hey, that could be something for the Melbournites to play up in the petition to Mika...

"Come see the original place that gave you your stage setting for PDP!"

I just said to Bec before that there's a good chance he'd already been to Luna Park when he was over here.. But if not we'd be happy to take him to Bogan Central, he'll be needing an interpreter who can translate english to Boganish..

Damn! I missed Silver in the end cos I was doing that damn huge MQ.

That was an impressive MQ!!

You've got to be kidding me, haven't you? Why, US of course! Mika coming will involve MFC meetups for sure! I mean, by the time he actually gets his butt over here, you'll probably have named half of us as the god parents of your children!

hahahah!! so true.

Ooooh...pretty cakes. Hello Aussies! I recognize chicadee, but haven't had the pleasure of meeting Zoidy or Olivia237. Hello, welcome to MFC, I see you both have gotten quite acquainted already as I read through a few of your posts.


I stalk this thread from time to time, but I'm harmless really, (especially since I'm on the other side of the world).

Hello Darhlingk!! :wub2:

Hollywood ladies are also finding momentary lesbo-lapses.



Good eveningk you lot

Hurro Daughtahhhhhhh!

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I slept in to 2 and the dogs retaliated over their skipped breakfast by attempting to cover every square inch of floor with rubbish from every bin they could find.


And I finally got another reply from vet-in-osborne-park (omg, did I even mention this here?? Well, I applied for a live in position at a vet in Osborne Park (Which is North of the River, aka; very far away from where I am now)) She said the position should start around beginning of December, but they could "work around" holidays or commitments, so I told her I am away until mid January, and that I have a dog and a bird, and then she didn't reply for ages, but she replied now and asked if I could meet her after exams! If mid-January was too late or I couldn't bring my Ambrose she surely wouldn't want to meet, right?

Congrats OKD on your 6000th post


How did you get to 8000? You used to be WAY below me :naughty:


I am so happy that he's in the final ...Now he just has to win...


Oh, who is in the final with him?


Heh, well the blog part has been going on for quite a while...


Have you seen the blog thread? it's where people freak out over the periods between blogs, and fangirl over new ones.


It's all I've been thinking about ever since but I can't buy it because I went and spent all my money on plastic jewellery to match my glasses




Luckily JB had it in abundance. Yay for JB.


Did they have the hardcover one or just normal version?


And you should be proud! Congratulations!!

Although my first thought was that it looks like tomato soup




...And I have officially decided that the only thing I don't like about MFC so far is the smiley limit. I like smileys


Bleh, tell me about it!


Argh! Why can I not get my signature thingy to work!!


What's it from/of?


Hey, that could be something for the Melbournites to play up in the petition to Mika...

"Come see the original place that gave you your stage setting for PDP!"


Good idea!


But I lose track of where I was up to! And I can't be bothered going back to try and find it. I just usually cut out everyone else's smilies and any unnecessary pics...


I do it all in a big MQ and then count down seven smilies, copy the rest, post that, then open a new reply, paste the rest in, and count down seven smilies again. Usually I will cut down the smilies until they reach multiples of 7 though.


It's taken me a while to love Hamish and Andy as well, but I actually do now. Although I prefer them on the telly than the radio, strangely enough.


Um, because they're hot? :naughty:


So... I just had to go rebalance my washing machine cos the towels had wrapped themselves around the agitator in such a solid block that I could see clear down the sides all the way to the bottom, which I've never had happen before.


That happens to me at work all the time :mad3: I suck at washing.


I've never actually listened to Hamish and Andy on the radio. They're on in the afternoon right? I don't even know what station they're on.


No idea what station for you, not Nova though, but they're at 4-6.


I should broaden my horizons but I spend so much time on this one alone, what else can I cut out of my life to make time for more? I will though, I'll just have to cut out eating as well as sleeping I suppose


:roftl: Both! *eats peanut butter out of jar instead of making lunch*


Actually I am a bit worried about what I am going to do if, I mean WHEN he comes. Gotta stay positive. I know my husband will go to one show with me but what if he plays more than one? I only have one friend that likes him and she lives in Perth. Who is going to stalk him with me??


Psht! The Mikamite tour is planned down to the bus decoration and tour tshirts. Who is your Perthian friend? Why isn't she here?


I've never seen this online Mika interview before. It's just a little one, but apparently it was really early... Thought I'd share in case I'm not the only one who hasn't seen it.




Interview was a bit boring, but this nearly made me pee my pants: "here's the chat we had with him way back when he could happily walk the streets without people running up to him and shouting, "Oh my god, it's Mika!" and trying to touch his bits."


(my brothers wife just left him for another woman )


Broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown, Oh Biiiiiiiilly Broooooooooooooown!


I just said to Bec before that there's a good chance he'd already been to Luna Park when he was over here.. But if not we'd be happy to take him to Bogan Central, he'll be needing an interpreter who can translate english to Boganish..


Good point. It was probably/defininitely him who came up with the clown face, and it was obviously copied directly from Luna Park.

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Howdy, I finished my third session of root canal therapy this morning and am pleased that after, 6 weeks, I finally have a proper tooth with no temporary fillings :D


It was weird to read, "I've finished my third session of root canal therapy this morning and am pleased." For some reason, my brain didn't take in the whole thing and I thought you were happy you'd had root canal surgery. I was gonna ask if you were feeling OK!


And it will boost your post count!


So that's the cunning and devious plan I should be using to get my post count up is it?


I love supernatural! But I forgot it was on. :tears: Was it good? I bet it was. *waaaaaaaahhh*


It was OK, not a great one. But what made me think of you was that this liquor store got broken into and what was stolen was Amaretto and Bailey's and Dean goes "It has to be a girl". So, you are such a girl!


Yes!! hahahah! Good old Bruce *das*

Which season of Xena are you watching?


I think we are on season 2.


I just said to Bec before that there's a good chance he'd already been to Luna Park when he was over here.. But if not we'd be happy to take him to Bogan Central, he'll be needing an interpreter who can translate english to Boganish..


Never occurred to me that he might have seen it already... I keep forgetting that he went to Melbourne.



And I finally got another reply from vet-in-osborne-park (omg, did I even mention this here?? Well, I applied for a live in position at a vet in Osborne Park (Which is North of the River, aka; very far away from where I am now)) She said the position should start around beginning of December, but they could "work around" holidays or commitments, so I told her I am away until mid January, and that I have a dog and a bird, and then she didn't reply for ages, but she replied now and asked if I could meet her after exams! If mid-January was too late or I couldn't bring my Ambrose she surely wouldn't want to meet, right?


I don't know if you mentioned it already, but that's not too far away from my parents. I hope you get the position.


Oh, who is in the final with him?




I do it all in a big MQ and then count down seven smilies, copy the rest, post that, then open a new reply, paste the rest in, and count down seven smilies again. Usually I will cut down the smilies until they reach multiples of 7 though.


I've thought that I should do that, but I can never be bothered...


Um, because they're hot? :naughty:


Are they? Gee, I hadn't noticed.


The Mikamite tour is planned down to the bus decoration and tour tshirts. Who is your Perthian friend? Why isn't she here?


Yes. Good point. Get her onto here pronto!


Interview was a bit boring, but this nearly made me pee my pants: "here's the chat we had with him way back when he could happily walk the streets without people running up to him and shouting, "Oh my god, it's Mika!" and trying to touch his bits."


Well, I didn't claim the interview was that interesting, just that I'd never seen it before. But yes, that did make me laugh.

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I don't know if you mentioned it already, but that's not too far away from my parents. I hope you get the position.


Where are they?




Hmm, okay. I think I liked Mark better, but it doesn't matter because Wes will win anyway *fangirl*


Also meant to say, there is a thread called Grumpby/Bitchy/Sad pics of Mika (or something very similar) that has some funny photos in...


I was just in it! :naughty:

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G'evening, folks. I just spent the afternoon watching Pathology, a film about a group of forensic pathology residents who become flawless killers. Super creepy. Very sado-masochistic. Yet hot. I'm glad I decided to not watch it late at night. *shudder*


Well, lets all guess who added that one :fisch:

Whoever it was may also like to know that 'unsuccessful' has two 'c's. :fisch:


Ooooh ... that reminds me of this oldie but goldie ...



Who made it? :naughty:





Your siggy with Perez reminds me of the radio show I heard this morning. He revealed that he "somehow" got a copy of Britney's new album (although it doesn't come out until December) and only liked 2 songs on it that were ballads. He also mentioned that Kate Hudson was flirting, hitting on, a female model during some event. Just as it seems trendy to adopt babies, make babies, it seems Hollywood ladies are also finding momentary lesbo-lapses.
Can there really be that many lesbians popping up everywhere, or are half of them just pretending because its fashionable ??? (my brothers wife just left him for another woman)

It could be just a fad, bisexual chic has gone in an out since the 1920's. Or maybe as social acceptance (very) slowly increases more people are becoming comfortable with publicly expressing their true selves, who knows.

Edited by SuperTwat
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Who wants to see my pride and joy?

(Yes, I can still be proud about something I aquired through not totally honest means, thank you very much)











Well done! *pats on back*


Lady Godiva!


That's her!


I can't believe I forgot a fellow Hanson fan's name!


No, I completely forgot that it was even out until they were talking about it on GNW last night! It's all I've been thinking about ever since but I can't buy it because I went and spent all my money on plastic jewellery to match my glasses. Now I'm trying to decide if I will run out and get it next week or if I can wait until Christmas and ask my husband to get it for me...




Ooh! Send him to my store! My Sanity guy is an ass. I went in and asked and he didn't even offer to order it in. He just grunted and said "We don't have it". Luckily JB had it in abundance. Yay for JB.


Bug hubby for it... I'm sure if you hint about it enough he'll buy it for you...


Mine offered to order it in... I told him that Mum was going to buy it for me, and he said it would be better to get it soon...


And I'm keeping my Sanity guy... *huggles Sanity guy*

Unfortunately for me we don't have JB... comes with living in the country so I'll get over it...


I don't think you missed much on GNW last night, it wasn't that great. Although they did have Ronan Keating on which was nice. He seemed a bit scared the whole time.


Hubby has been torrenting all the the Xena episodes, so we've been watching a fair bit of Ted Raimi just lately, so it was a giggle to see him last night. You know the story of how Bruce Campbell used to babysit him when he was growing up, don't you?



Poor baby! *pats Teegs then remembers her own sorrow*



Urgh! Sorry, but Flacco is one of the people I DON'T miss from the old GNW. I do miss Paul doing more singing though... *sigh*



Really? Hmmm, well, we all picked it in the Aussie thread, didn't we? I remember saying to my son "Gee that looks like Luna Park!' Hey, that could be something for the Melbournites to play up in the petition to Mika...

"Come see the original place that gave you your stage setting for PDP!"


Yeah, I remember Bruce saying about that... I think he mentioned it in commentary for Evil Dead...


I watch it more for a perve on Paul... it's not as good as before cause Julie's not there... I loved Julie!


I love Mikey too... He's adorable...


I miss Flacco, but I don't miss Sandman... he told the same jokes over and over, and it wasn't even funny the first time... I started to like Flacco when he and Paul were singing backup in a song for Sandman and they went to kiss... then they almost kissed again when Flacco sang The Rose... They were the start of my slash writing!


I love Luna Park! Bogan Central! It's jam packed full of awesome! :naughty:



Guess what I found! DAAS's Book! It's there and I bidded on it! :punk: I'm still highest bidder! I plan on getting it...


I agree. I loved Flacco on DAAS Kapital but once he got together with the Sandman it ruined him. I am SO glad they ditched the Sandman for the new GNW but yes, more Paul singing would be lovely


Well and truly ruined him... Actually, Flacco makes an appearance on the DVD with Richard's cheerleaders...


Actually, Dave Hughes is someone I would want to punch in the face!


Yes, I didn't appreciate the Sandman terribly much. I kept wanting to slap him and tell him to get a grip!


I wouldn't mind punching him in the face... he deserves it!


I wouldn't mind slapping Sandman either... I was scarred for life when he went naked...


Woo hoo!

Actually I am a bit worried about what I am going to do if, I mean WHEN he comes. Gotta stay positive. I know my husband will go to one show with me but what if he plays more than one? I only have one friend that likes him and she lives in Perth. Who is going to stalk him with me??

Best not to think about it right now I guess. Besides it's not like he seems to be in too much of a hurry to visit us anyway


You have us to stalk him...


We're all planning on going around Oz when he comes back, and we were talking about stealing the Priscilla bus and using it to stalk Mika... you're more than welcome to come along!



You sound like a whining Aussie already!


I guess I'm lucky then that he isn't doing much at the moment except NOT blogging. Oh, now I'm just getting mean. Of course recording an album is nothing. I will try and get to some other threads in the next few days. I probably won't be on much tomorrow but Thursday I will definitely try.


That's your right as an Aussie... we are allowed to whine... He's shunning us!


Actually, would you like to help out with our petition book to get Mika to tour here?


We're doing a petition, and a book telling him about Australia, Asia and New Zealand..


The link to the petition is in my sig, and there's a link to the ideas thread on the first page of the petition thread..


Tanya's the one organising the Victorians information...


You've got to be kidding me, haven't you? Why, US of course! Mika coming will involve MFC meetups for sure! I mean, by the time he actually gets his butt over here, you'll probably have named half of us as the god parents of your children!


Damn straight!


Ooooh...pretty cakes. Hello Aussies! I recognize chicadee, but haven't had the pleasure of meeting Zoidy or Olivia237. Hello, welcome to MFC, I see you both have gotten quite acquainted already as I read through a few of your posts.


I stalk this thread from time to time, but I'm harmless really, (especially since I'm on the other side of the world).


Very harmless...


They're both new... Olivia's been around for a few days longer than Pammy, but they're new and fitting in well... least we haven't scared them off yet! :bleh:


Howdy, I finished my third session of root canal therapy this morning and am pleased that after, 6 weeks, I finally have a proper tooth with no temporary fillings :D




Can there really be that many lesbians popping up everywhere, or are half of them just pretending because its fashionable ??? (my brothers wife just left him for another woman)


Some of it is people being fashionable, but a lot of people really do like women...


Thank you Katy Perry! :sneaky2:


Yes!! hahahah! Good old Bruce *das*

Which season of Xena are you watching?


Bruce! :das:


Love Bruce!

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G'evening, folks. I just spent the afternoon watching Pathology, a film about a group of forensic pathology residents who become flawless killers. Super creepy. Very sado-masochistic. Yet hot. I'm glad I decided to not watch it late at night. *shudder*


Awesome! I saw one about some med students who's human dissection body was some psychotic killer who's ghost then kills most of them :original: Can't remember what it was called.


Whoever it was may also like to know that 'unsuccessful' has two 'c's.



I love Luna Park! Bogan Central! It's jam packed full of awesome!


Where's the Sydney one? :das::naughty:


Guess what I found! DAAS's Book! It's there and I bidded on it! I'm still highest bidder! I plan on getting it...



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When I was on before, I could hear ripping sounds coming from the kitchen. I conveniently chose to ignore them. then when I eventually went in there I discovered my insanity cat had ripped up my birth certificate. :shocked: but :roftl:



Ooooh...pretty cakes. Hello Aussies! I recognize chicadee, but haven't had the pleasure of meeting Zoidy or Olivia237. Hello, welcome to MFC, I see you both have gotten quite acquainted already as I read through a few of your posts. :naughty:


I stalk this thread from time to time, but I'm harmless really, (especially since I'm on the other side of the world). :bleh:


Hi! Nice to meet you :original:




And it will boost your post count!


Ah that is a good idea. I was supposed to make it to 5,000 posts today... I don't quite think I'll get there :bleh:


I slept in to 2 and the dogs retaliated over their skipped breakfast by attempting to cover every square inch of floor with rubbish from every bin they could find.


:shocked: Naughty puppies! I'm sure my Charlie would be insanely jealous of their feast if he knew about it.

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Oh, who is in the final with him?



Luke. they played both singles and Wes' was about 8 million times better :biggrin2:




Have you seen the blog thread? it's where people freak out over the periods between blogs, and fangirl over new ones.


I have! :roftl:


Did they have the hardcover one or just normal version?


Normal :(

I went to two different stores just in case but they were both the same. Is the hardcover one even being released here? Maybe Myer will have it. I'll check tomorrow.





What's it from/of?



Jarvis... It should be working now. It kept coming out all teeny but it seems to be ok now.



I do it all in a big MQ and then count down seven smilies, copy the rest, post that, then open a new reply, paste the rest in, and count down seven smilies again. Usually I will cut down the smilies until they reach multiples of 7 though.


That's exactly what I did this morning... And will do when I post this. Except the multiples of seven. I'm not that organized :bleh:



No idea what station for you, not Nova though, but they're at 4-6.



That's what I thought. I usually listen to Akmal, Cal Wilson & Ed whats-his-name when I'm in the car at that time. They should be on on later so I can listen to them instead of bloody Merrick & Rosso. I can't stand them!



Psht! The Mikamite tour is planned down to the bus decoration and tour tshirts. Who is your Perthian friend? Why isn't she here?


Oh that's a relief... Now I just need to find a babysitter. I doubt a screamy 4 year old would be welcome, despite how Mika obsessed he may be :bleh:

Eh, my friend likes him but probably not enough to spend any time on here :( I might be able to convince her to come to Melbourne to see him though. She usually doesn't need much convincing.

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"here's the chat we had with him way back when he could happily walk the streets without people running up to him and shouting, "Oh my god, it's Mika!" and trying to touch his bits."





And now I'm being booted off the computer :thumbdown:

Ni ni all... And I bet there have been a whole lot of new posts since I started typing this but I’ll have to read them tomorrow…Unless I can manage to steal the computer back when NCIS comes on later.

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When I was on before, I could hear ripping sounds coming from the kitchen. I conveniently chose to ignore them. then when I eventually went in there I discovered my insanity cat had ripped up my birth certificate. :shocked: but :roftl:


OH MY GOD! :lmfao:!! Of all the things :roftl:


:shocked: Naughty puppies! I'm sure my Charlie would be insanely jealous of their feast if he knew about it.



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Normal :(

I went to two different stores just in case but they were both the same. Is the hardcover one even being released here? Maybe Myer will have it. I'll check tomorrow.


I went to Myer yesterday, they didn't have it at all :no:

I guess it looks like JB is the only place that actually has it, and only normal :crybaby:


Jarvis... It should be working now. It kept coming out all teeny but it seems to be ok now.


:blink: Who?


Oh that's a relief... Now I just need to find a babysitter. I doubt a screamy 4 year old would be welcome, despite how Mika obsessed he may be

Eh, my friend likes him but probably not enough to spend any time on here I might be able to convince her to come to Melbourne to see him though. She usually doesn't need much convincing.




And now I'm being booted off the computer

Ni ni all... And I bet there have been a whole lot of new posts since I started typing this but I’ll have to read them tomorrow…Unless I can manage to steal the computer back when NCIS comes on later.


Naw, okay. I think I should go and study. I am so going to fail physiology :crybaby:

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god im going crazy! ive been trying to read breaking dawn all day, and ive only read 200 pages. i cant focus for like 2 seconds!i should have at least 400 pages read! and everything bothering me! ibe got the fan on high, the window open in front of me (blowing wind in) and i feel like im laying outside in the middle of summer!

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Okay, I have had a stroke of brilliance. In History my friend and I are making a powerpoint about popular culture in the 1950's and I had the idea to have 'Rock Around The Clock' playing in the background. And I just put it on there and it works excellently!


No, just the evidence of it. :naughty:


:roftl: Of course.

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Where's the Sydney one? :das::naughty:


Under the Harbour Bridge... are you thinking we should go? :das:


I went to Myer yesterday, they didn't have it at all :no:

I guess it looks like JB is the only place that actually has it, and only normal :crybaby:




Naw, okay. I think I should go and study. I am so going to fail physiology :crybaby:


Sanity can order it in... though they don't have it in the store...




You need to think positive!

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