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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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My friend made this. I have no idea what it is or why she made. It's some kind of dedication to the extremely bitchy, rude and horrible sheep woman/examiner that every single person in the universe hates :naughty: (That's why the guy who holds the sheep for bleeding always helps people, because he hates her too)





One of those sheep looks suspiciously like a goat to me :sneaky2:

Edited by silver
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btw, I can't keep up tonight. :naughty:

Hey all!! :bye:


I can't keep up even when you people aren't here :lmfao:


It's a stick on tattoo or MAYBE it's real :shocked:

Go check out RAK1's siggy.


:mf_rosetinted:Stick on


I'm sick and really cheesed off at MFC for some reason.


I need a hug :lmfao:


Have another hug :huglove:

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Good morning! I think my monitor is just about to die on me. It keeps flickering off for a second every couple of minutes. It was doing it occasionally yesterday but husband said he fixed it. Apparently not. Ooh, it just did a big one :shocked:


...Must try and type this fast before it dies completely...


Now you have a willing audience. Let it rip.


:naughty: This could take a while... Perhaps I will save it for when my computer isn't threatening to explode on me :bleh:



You know, that was actually pretty good! I love spastic dancing and bright colours :mf_lustslow:


Me too, obviously!



:lmao: I love retarded animal stories.

Ah, I have plenty of them!



That's nice of you to let me keep him... maybe if you're lucky you can have him sometime...

Aw, that's so sweet of you. Most people would want to share their husbands around :naughty:

Maybe you could just send him over for the day to teach my Sanity guys some customer service skills.

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I have a feeling she wasn't interested in coming back... the poet woman was Margaret something... came from Tassie... All I can see in my head of her is saying "Did someone say threesome?" after Paul said " I thought we were supposed to be a threesome" to Mikey and Julie...



The auction ends in less than an hour... It's called Book, and it's short stories written by DAAS...



Trust me, you'll be happy you never saw that... I think it was in the Flacco and Sandman special at the Melbourne Comedy Festival (must've been around 2000)...


Yeah! Margaret Scott! I liked her. I can't believe I've never heard of that book :blink: I am starting to have vague flashbacks. I think I might have actually seen the naked Sandman thing after all. I suspect that perhaps I had just repressed the memory until now.





That's cool... my comment is pretty stupid, but screw it... I'm sure he knows me as the girl who said on video that she liked his hair...

Is that the one on You Tube? I hope I'm thinking of the right video... That's probably the exact thing I would have said too :blush-anim-cl:




No doubt you can give her some good tips... :naughty:


:woot_jump:I WON I WON I WON I WON!!! :woot_jump:


I don't think I've been that nervous since I went on Ticketmaster to buy Kooks tickets... and when I bought Mika tickets!




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My spelling becomes horrifying when I am sleep deprived (which is always). Usually I read through my MFC posts a few times to try and pick up on them though :roftl:

But the spelling mistake in the same sentence as saying school is pointless = classic combination :roftl:

The other day when I was writing out notes I tried to write "Horse" as the title of my page and instead I wrote "Hores". With a texta. This was no typo. :eek:


I had to type out a list of names yesterday and made one of my common errors - automatically typing "Mika" instead of "Mike" :doh:

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Indeed. :naughty: Lesson 1: Intention. Do not whine to get pity or attention, the true benefit of whining comes from venting, getting a weight off your chest, and expressing yourself. :thumb_yello:


Future installments will be released if there is demand. :naughty:








I got all screwed up with copying & pasting because of smiley issues... I think I may have typed more and accidentally deleted it. Oh well, I suspect that I talk too much and have little of value to add anyway so it doesn't really matter :bleh:

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I got all screwed up with copying & pasting because of smiley issues... I think I may have typed more and accidentally deleted it. Oh well, I suspect that I talk too much and have little of value to add anyway so it doesn't really matter :bleh:


That's the spirit :thumb_yello:

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That's the spirit :thumb_yello:





Is it morning again already, Pam?


Yes, I think the MFC withdrawls have well and truely kicked in. I've been awake since 5am and spent the next hour lying in bed telling myself that I really SHOULD go back to sleep and not go on the computer so early but by the time I'd convinced myself it was time to wake up so I should have just gotten out of bed in the first place :bleh:


What time is it over there?

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Yes, I think the MFC withdrawls have well and truely kicked in. I've been awake since 5am and spent the next hour lying in bed telling myself that I really SHOULD go back to sleep and not go on the computer so early but by the time I'd convinced myself it was time to wake up so I should have just gotten out of bed in the first place :bleh:


What time is it over there?


Just coming up to 10pm - I'm just off for something to eat (food having been delayed due to being still numb after visit to dentist).

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Just coming up to 10pm - I'm just off for something to eat (food having been delayed due to being still numb after visit to dentist).


Oh, poor you. I hope it doesn't hurt too much, dentists are horrid.

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Hello All!





It could be just a fad, bisexual chic has gone in an out since the 1920's. Or maybe as social acceptance (very) slowly increases more people are becoming comfortable with publicly expressing their true selves, who knows.


I hope it's the latter and not done for publicity. There's enough insincerity in non-celebrity, relationships already, don't need any new cases to add to the list.

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My spelling becomes horrifying when I am sleep deprived (which is always). Usually I read through my MFC posts a few times to try and pick up on them though :roftl:

But the spelling mistake in the same sentence as saying school is pointless = classic combination :roftl:

The other day when I was writing out notes I tried to write "Horse" as the title of my page and instead I wrote "Hores". With a texta. This was no typo. :eek:

hahaa! if you can tell, i get the same way :roftl:

I'm sick and really cheesed off at MFC for some reason.


I need a hug :lmfao:

haha im sorry


Good morning! I think my monitor is just about to die on me. It keeps flickering off for a second every couple of minutes. It was doing it occasionally yesterday but husband said he fixed it. Apparently not. Ooh, it just did a big one :shocked:


aww thats not good. hope it gets better

Hello All!



hey suzy,, how are you

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Oh yes! I have quite a few actually!


There's Bruce, Bono (I share Bruce and Bono with Kelz), Adam (I don't have to share him! :das:), Paul, Brendan and Sanity guy...


OK, so which one of those offered to buy PDP for you, huh?


But... But... it's hot (okay, so I might be on my own here)!


Yeah, I think you're definitely on your own!


Actually, I think it was the one I saw before... :blush-anim-cl:





:woot_jump:I WON I WON I WON I WON!!! :woot_jump:


I don't think I've been that nervous since I went on Ticketmaster to buy Kooks tickets... and when I bought Mika tickets!


Congrats! Now you'll have to tell us if it's any good. How much was it in the end and did you have much competition?


I've had a very productive evening. Instead of any form of study I have changed my email alert to Luke telling me that he knows I want to make love to him :naughty: And then I got Petra to email me like 40 times so I could listen to it


Who's Luke? Oh, wait... Is he from The Kooks?:naughty:

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Are you watching Xena? :wub2: With shattered legs and crippled soul I went East - to lose myself in vengeance


I don't know this one.


The Debt!!!!!!!!! I Frckuing Love those 2 episodes.


You've lost me.


And Borias :das: He makes me squee..


I still don't know what you're talking about!


Yep!!! Although I still don't understand how Xena manages to jump out of that pond up the wall


Marton Csokas is FREAKING hot!!! I prefer him as Borias with that hot accent, this hairstyle and these clothes from the other character he played in Sacrifice. "You're going to die now, Xena, and THAT'S a statement of fact." *punches* :stretcher:!!! I still haven't watched Triple X though. Hm.


Never heard of him!


Look at this! http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=59ZX5qdIEB0


And also this! (Because not one person commented on the spelling, so I can only assume no one watched it when I posted it the other day) http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=XgJjuy4SmMI


The flute guy was interesting... Gee, I'd never let you guys come near my tent! And what was the deal with catching the tadpoles? What were you planning to do with them?


I can't believe that I forgot her wise sayings - I knew these episodes by heart.


He was in the second part of the Bourne Identity and in the first part of Lord of the Rings (but very unsexy with a long blonde wig in LotR)!


You threw me for a minute with the LOTR reference. I thought you were talking about Karl Urban! I was going to say I thought he looked pretty good as Eomer!


Yeah that would be where I saw him..


:das: and a little :tears:

I found some Lao Ma quotes:

To conquer others is to have power. To conquer yourself is to know the way.


The entire world is driven by a will, blind and ruthless. In order to transcend the limitations of that world, you need to stop willing, stop desiring, stop hating.


And now, I go to sleepz! :bye:


And thankyou for that youtube that set my mind at rest. I had no idea what you were talking about. Hubby seems to have watched most of Season 1 without me, so if he turns up in Season 1 I've got no clue. And he's been known to watch episodes of this season without me too *hmph*

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I had to type out a list of names yesterday and made one of my common errors - automatically typing "Mika" instead of "Mike" :doh:




I got all screwed up with copying & pasting because of smiley issues... I think I may have typed more and accidentally deleted it. Oh well, I suspect that I talk too much and have little of value to add anyway so it doesn't really matter :bleh:


You did read what I told SD the other day, didn't you? The amount of crap that gets talked about on this forum... why worry about whether what you have to add is of little value?


Yes, I think the MFC withdrawls have well and truely kicked in. I've been awake since 5am and spent the next hour lying in bed telling myself that I really SHOULD go back to sleep and not go on the computer so early but by the time I'd convinced myself it was time to wake up so I should have just gotten out of bed in the first place :bleh:


I used to routinely get up at 6am so I could get an early start on the forum and particularly so I could catch up with all the Europeans in the Oldlings thread. (Don't know if you've heard about this one, but it's a thread for people 30 and older. They talk A LOT!) Since moving to this house, it just doesn't seem to work the same way.




I'm sorry. I also passed it to Dishpig, and now the both of us are going through Ricolas like there's no tomorrow.:bleh:


So, you've gotten close enough to pass on your germs! How's it all going?


Oh... They are doing a reminisce on the radio of one of the old Fleetwood Mac albums (I think off hand that it's Rumours). Hubby is a HUGE Fleetwood Mac fan, this just makes me feel guilty to be enjoying hearing it when he's not here!

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