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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Awwwww ... I heart you OKD !! Kissing an elephant !!!




Cheat! Though you can take credit for the 'artwork'.




And here are the pictures I took this morning! (because that other one was one my dad took, and I am obviously just a far better cake photographer)






And I had a little mishap with the cream at first:



Beryl is any breed you wish her to be !!


:roftl: Okay, Angora then!


Hehe ... *closes eyes & hopes to open them with schmexy results ... tho' any of our tree will make me vereee happeee thank yeeee !!! *


Even Ambrose?

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Hehe ... *closes eyes & hopes to open them with schmexy results ... tho' any of our tree will make me vereee happeee thank yeeee !!! *

Very risky!! :roftl:


And here are the pictures I took this morning! (because that other one was one my dad took, and I am obviously just a far better cake photographer)






And I had a little mishap with the cream at first:


I love that we photoshoot food here :naughty:

And pusseh and cream.. *MV*

Even Ambrose?



I have a large chat box which is handy for when MSN breaks down..


Ain't it cool? I'm on there now btw.. Just a warning. I may say hi.

Or not. *hmph* It's on my myspace page, but I didn't realise all the cool smileys available until I checked it out in superdoopah form. There's even a das smiley!

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Very risky!! :roftl:



I love that we photoshoot food here :naughty:

And pusseh and cream.. *MV*




I have a large chat box which is handy for when MSN breaks down..


Ain't it cool? I'm on there now btw.. Just a warning. I may say hi.

Or not. *hmph* It's on my myspace page, but I didn't realise all the cool smileys available until I checked it out in superdoopah form. There's even a das smiley!


Ooohhh ... should I take a look ??!! :das:

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I love that we photoshoot food here :naughty:

And pusseh and cream.. *MV*


I love that we photoshoot everything here :naughty:




I know, inscest! :shocked:


I have a large chat box which is handy for when MSN breaks down..


Ain't it cool? I'm on there now btw.. Just a warning. I may say hi.

Or not. *hmph* It's on my myspace page, but I didn't realise all the cool smileys available until I checked it out in superdoopah form. There's even a das smiley!


It froze btw! It shunned me, not me shunned you! It completely closed the window :crybaby:


I'm going to bed now! Work tomorrow! Ft. study afterwards :naughty: And possibly buying my bag for Costa Rica ft. my dad possibly paying if I bring him.

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haha! Beeyankarghh came by to look, but now she's being a snob. *hmph*

It's pretty cool. A bit delayed in sending compared to msn.

Have a look! muck around with the smileys if you want. I've always thought it would be a good idea for when MSN goes down, and MSN carked it on me tonight so I went here for a look. blah blah blah.. But watch out for Mike.. he lurks.. because there's a Rubik's cube :fisch:

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Ooohhh ... should I take a look ??!! :das:


All the animations ganged up and attacked my computer :naughty:


10 days until I leave! And today I got my international plane tickets! And a letter from my project leader! (who's written english is pretty shocking ... *hopes she will be able to understand him because her spanish knowledge doesn't extend past "hola"*)

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haha! Beeyankarghh came by to look, but now she's being a snob. *hmph*

It's pretty cool. A bit delayed in sending compared to msn.

Have a look! muck around with the smileys if you want. I've always thought it would be a good idea for when MSN goes down, and MSN carked it on me tonight so I went here for a look. blah blah blah.. But watch out for Mike.. he lurks.. because there's a Rubik's cube :fisch:


:roftl: *hmph*

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I think I can go to bed now that the noise coming from the spareroom is quiet. Have Niece Melzy (kobiii) and Niece Melzy's friend staying. Niece Melzy's friend has Scene girl hair.. I pointed and laughed. :naughty:


Goodnight Laydees! :bye::huglove:

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haha! Beeyankarghh came by to look, but now she's being a snob. *hmph*

It's pretty cool. A bit delayed in sending compared to msn.

Have a look! muck around with the smileys if you want. I've always thought it would be a good idea for when MSN goes down, and MSN carked it on me tonight so I went here for a look. blah blah blah.. But watch out for Mike.. he lurks.. because there's a Rubik's cube :fisch:


:roftl: I'm there !! Still too slow to answer ... pfft ... anyway ... will be cool when all other net mediums go down ... :thumbdown::bleh:

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Morning everyone.


6am should be abolished, it is not a good time. Its cold and early *whines a bit*


Even the kittehs don't like 6am.


On a plus side my cold is getting better but my voice is a bit off. But it should get better when it warms up a bit


And now I'm off to work to get breakfast before I start :bye: Catch you all at a more reasonable time

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Morning everyone.


6am should be abolished, it is not a good time. Its cold and early *whines a bit*


Even the kittehs don't like 6am.


On a plus side my cold is getting better but my voice is a bit off. But it should get better when it warms up a bit


And now I'm off to work to get breakfast before I start :bye: Catch you all at a more reasonable time


Happy McMorning Becs - have a good day!

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.... & then deeply sedate yourself again & come to Oz to visit us !!!: ... Heheh ... you & Silv should travel (whilst drugged) together !!!


Both drugged! We'd miss our stop :roftl:



One of the questions was "How can you tell a pig is in oestrus?' and one of the options was "She is standing on one leg." :lmfao:!!!!


Standing on one leg :floor:



Oh god, I SO wanted to. And I hovered over it for a bit before coming to my senses and realising it would be marked by a computer, no one would see the joke of it, and I stood I higher chance of getting it right by randomly picking one of the 4 other answers (I didn't know the actual answer : naughty:)


And the answer is: it doesn't matter,as long as the boar knows, that's OK:wink2:


Good Moroning Silvestro .... : huglove:


Good Moroning Happikins :wub2:


Morning everyone.


6am should be abolished, it is not a good time. Its cold and early *whines a bit*


Even the kittehs don't like 6am.


On a plus side my cold is getting better but my voice is a bit off. But it should get better when it warms up a bit


And now I'm off to work to get breakfast before I start : bye: Catch you all

at a more reasonable time


Hi/bye :bye:

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:crybaby: This is so slow today. Unless it's just my computer. I've been trying to post this for about an hour. Oh well.

Good morning :original:



Oh yes... I love Tim... Did Tim ever go on GNW???


I know Rich did a few times, but I don't know if Tim did...


He was on one episode that I can remember. I think that was the only time.

What does he do now? He never seems to have much luck with his TV shows. Poor Tim :(






Is she an ex-friend because she was a cow to her ex?



Well, if I find a copy of it on CD, I'll burn one for you...


:roftl: Nooo, she's an ex friend because she was a cow to everyone. I really put up with her for much longer than I should have but the final straw was when she had a hissy fit because i missed her party a couple of weeks after my brother died :shocked:


She was just a tad self obsessed :naughty:


Oh, and if I ever find it, I'll burn it for you too :wink2:






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st wanted to have a tiny little rant about something. I was at the shops today. Have done the grocery shopping and put it in the boot. Am putting my toddler into the car. The carpark is on a bit of a slant, and there is a mischievous wind about, gusting and dropping, gusting and dropping. I hear the lady who owns the car next to me arrive and wait for me to finish strapping in my toddler. As I'm doing it, the wind catches my door and I hear it hit her car. I curse the wind and try to move faster getting my daughter buckled in. The wind gusts again and I make a belated grab for the door. It hits her car again. Neither time was hard, but when I close my door I notice two small white marks on her silvery blue paintwork. I turn around. She says to me "Your car door hit my car." She looked really familiar and I thought she was joking with me. I say "The wind caught it." Slight incredulity in my voice cos she was there the whole time and saw it. She says "You should have held onto the door." I raise an eyebrow and give her a look. I say "Whilst strapping my daughter into the car?" She says "I'm sorry" in that tone of voice which has no apology in it whatsoever. I say "I did try to grab it the second time. All I can do is apologise." I walk around my car, get in and drive away.


Neither of us yelled at each other or were rude, but I very much felt like shaking her and saying "You've got to be kidding me don't you? My child's safety is of more concern to me than your paintwork. Don't be so precious about something that was a very small accident." I also wondered what she wanted me to do about it. Why did she bring it up? I was about to apologize to her when she spoke first. Did she want something more of me?


I just wondered what the general opinion was... Was either of our attitudes unreasonable?


Of course she was being unreasonable! Your daughter is way more important than her car and it's not as though you did it on purpose. You don't control the wind. I think you handled it very well... I was in a similar situation a while ago and I was not nearly so composed :blush-anim-cl: Some guy came back to his car while I was strapping my son in and the door wasn't even touching his but he goes (in a really rude voice) "Do you want a panel beating bill?" ...I was already having a bad day so I gave him a lecture about how he needs to learn some manners and if his car is so precious perhaps he should learn to park on his side of the line. So yes, under the circumstances, you handled it brilliantly :thumb_yello:


When I was younger I liked Tim the best, but the older I get, the more I'm aware of Paul's magnetism. He's VERY sexy. And, to my surprise, married to a woman. I'd always thought he was gay!


I wonder if anyone, anywhere, ever liked Richard the best.



I always wondered about Paul's gender preference .... & since I didn't 'know' ... I was happy to 'assume' that he was Bi ... !!


Me too… Actually, I don’t think I ever thought about it in any great detail. I just thought he was but I don’t know where the thought came from.




My cake! I got little marzipan (or something) hearts on special for on the side


That looks so cool. You did well with the icing, I can never never get those little writing icing tubes to do what I want them to

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today was pretty much hell


we did nothing in first period

in second period i thought i was perfectly awake, but i crashed halfway through the class

and in band, there were 2 of us sleeping with our heads on the stands

then i walked to a gas station for lunch and got a coffee drink

and then in PE we went on a 4 mile nature walk (a lot of up hill) and i felt like passing out, and i alsocould have fallen asleep there, it was so hard not to!

then i saw the guy i like for the first real time today since he found out i liked him, and i like avoided eye contact. :(. im stupid.

and then i couldnt say bye to my friends because my sister was yelling at me on the fone, so i wont see them for a week!

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