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I have just managed to prove myself as the biggest idiot ever. A few months back, I decided to treat myself. I worked 9-5 every day of the holidays and got in 2 hours of study each night as well. So as a treat, I splashed out (MAJORLY splashed out) and brought myself an unnecessarily fancy MP4 player. It was lovely; I was so pleased with it. Fantastic sound, heaps of space, and it looks nice too. Worth the money, I wouldn't have to buy a new one for years.

Until today.

I brought it a few months ago and yesterday got back from an exhausting week-long camp. When I got home I found out a close friend of my mother's had died and her funeral was today. I had no clean clothes, so in a hurry I gathered up all my clothes and dumped them in the machine. No prizes if you guess what happened, I ruined my MP4. The screen is a funny colour and it won't turn on. When I found it I actually cried; all that money and all those hours working are just wasted.

But somehow I think I'm more upset about the whole sudden funeral then the MP4.. but I'm overtired from the camp, upset about all that money suddenly GONE, and then that lady died… I need cheering up.

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I have just managed to prove myself as the biggest idiot ever. A few months back, I decided to treat myself. I worked 9-5 every day of the holidays and got in 2 hours of study each night as well. So as a treat, I splashed out (MAJORLY splashed out) and brought myself an unnecessarily fancy MP4 player. It was lovely; I was so pleased with it. Fantastic sound, heaps of space, and it looks nice too. Worth the money, I wouldn't have to buy a new one for years.

Until today.

I brought it a few months ago and yesterday got back from an exhausting week-long camp. When I got home I found out a close friend of my mother's had died and her funeral was today. I had no clean clothes, so in a hurry I gathered up all my clothes and dumped them in the machine. No prizes if you guess what happened, I ruined my MP4. The screen is a funny colour and it won't turn on. When I found it I actually cried; all that money and all those hours working are just wasted.

But somehow I think I'm more upset about the whole sudden funeral then the MP4.. but I'm overtired from the camp, upset about all that money suddenly GONE, and then that lady died… I need cheering up.

*hugs* That is awful!


I've heard about people putting their iPod through the wash and I don't know what I would do if that ever happened to me. :blink:

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i was browsing MFC, thinking about other things and like "ho hum" and suddenly the notice thing that tells you you have a PM came down the screen and bounced. i wasn't expecting it and i jumped up and was like "AAAH!"

oh. its just a PM.

then my mum stuck her head in and goes "what was that?" and i said "oh, i got a email" and she gives me the weirdest look ever and goes away again.

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