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im interested. what are your opinions on ghosts?


Do you believe in ghosts?  

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i believe in ghosts.

i hate two [that we know of] "living" in my house. one, an inidan chief, and one an old lady. between 1 & 2, in my sisters room, the old lady sits on the edge of her bed. just watching her. and the other, the indian chief, walks up and down on the pathway between my bedroom and the bathroom at night. sometimes he will open my door all the way or slam it. and i know its not the heater or ac being on making it shut or something, so its quite wierd. ive also had nightmares where he comes in my room, but instead of watching over me, he sometimes attacks me. and it gets all cold and everything when i wake up from those nightmares.


my cousins house is haunted, and it is by an "evil ghost" and it makes her house smell like rotting eggs. and when she burns white sage it makes the ghost really angry apparently.


in my aunt and uncles house theres a ghost there. and she redecorates the house. and moves things around.


when my dad goes to like hotels or inns or something, he always stays in the haunted rooms. and this one time he told them to show themselves, to see it they were really real there, and then later he felt something on his face, and he looked in the mirror, and there were fingernail scratchmarks down his cheeks. then in the middle of the night, all the drawers started opening and closing and everything.



and in some pictures we have, when we blow them up on the computer, there will be orbs on them


those are some of my familys ghost experiences i know of :]

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This is so not the thread I need to read before spending the weekend on the Queen Mary.


This summer, I'll be spending a weekend on the Queen Mary with a whole ton of my friends. Apparently, it's haunted and full of ghosts.


I once spent a month sleeping in a basement that was supposed to be haunted, but I never saw a ghost. I should certainly hope I never see one. So, I'm guessing/hoping I won't see any on the Queen Mary simply because I don't want to.


Do I believe in ghosts? I believe that people see and experience all kinds of things that I hope to avoid in this life. It doesn't matter to me if those things are real, delusion, or just plain made up.


One night, I was walking past a 100 year old Catholic cemetary with a friend of mine. I loved that place because it was full of beautiful statuary and crumbling headstones. My friend scared the dickens out of me by saying she could see ghosts wandering through it. She wasn't the kind of person to make up stories or play tricks. She honestly saw something. I could see it in her face. She was scared.


It scared me to see her so frightened. I pointed my face and my eyes at the cemetary because she begged me to look. It was dark and cold and the last thing in the world I wanted was to see a cemetary full of ghosts. I didn't see anything because I didn't look for anything. I didn't want to see anything.


I don't know if there were ghosts. I know she saw ghosts. Why she saw ghosts didn't matter to me. She was someone I cared about. I wanted her to not be afraid, so I prayed with her because it gave her courage.


Why, yes, I did avoid giving a direct answer to the question :wink2:


o really? have fun there :D



oh wow, that can be freaky. i dont think i would ever catch myself near a cemetary at night! i would have been freaking out! lol.

o thats good u did that with her :)


my friend thinks im crazy for believeing in them. but idc :]


i read on a website that everyone is there for their funeral. theyre above where their feet are, watching everyone, and everything.

i also read that right in your moment of death you see the light and there is like 4 seconds you have to go to the light. and then its decided if you go on or if you stay [feel like its not time to leave the world].

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I don't believe in traditional "souls back from the dead" type ghosts , because it is in my nature to be sceptical. I am an atheist - I don't believe in gods and life after death and that sort of thing.


That doesn't mean to say that people don't have experiences that they can't explain and that can frighten them. I can't explain them either :naughty:


Maybe RT is right - you have to want to see ghosts, or be somehow susceptible to them, for them to appear.

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This is so not the thread I need to read before spending the weekend on the Queen Mary.


This summer, I'll be spending a weekend on the Queen Mary with a whole ton of my friends. Apparently, it's haunted and full of ghosts.



Queen Mary the boat in Los Angeles?

Please tell me more!:wink2:

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I do, to some extent... I too am an athiest, (how ironic that I go to a catholic school...), but I do believe that there is something out there. Although I have no idea what it may be...


I've had no personal experiences with ghosts, but both my mother and father have.


When I was very little (around a year old), we owned an old corner store, which had a house attached. Aparently they used to hear footsteps inside (the floors wee wooden), and when they went to investigate, there was no one there.


Also while we were there, my dad had an old piano he used to play, and one day, he was playing, and the piano started rocking. not just moving with the music, full on rocking back and forwards. As soon as he stopped playing, the rocking stopped. Apparently he went green with shock... :naughty:


The house we're in now isn't anywhere near as old as the house I was born in, but when we first moved here, my mum woke up one night to find a young girl with really long dark hair staring at her from the foot of her bed. At first she though it was me, cos at that stage, I had way long hair, but then she realised that the girl's hair was out, and I never slept with my hair out, and this girl was alot shorter that I was. Mum blinked a few times, and the girl faded away...


haha, all this ghost stuff is creeping me out now... I'm almost afraid to turn around!

*turns around* Okay, nothing there... :naughty::roftl:

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I do. My mom and I both have quite a few ESP tendancies, it's a bit scary :naughty:

We had to resort to having a parapsychologist have a look at our house who confirmed that there was a high level of paranormal activity or something... it's all a bit strange.

There have been quite a few random things... for example recently while my mom was sleeping a lightbulb fell out and smashed on the floor which wasn't too weird, so she cleared it up and replaced it and then every night that week the same thing happened across 3 differents rooms in the house.

Another time 3 battery operated clocks in the same room all stopped working at exactly 3:33am for no apparent reason. Countless times we've both woken up and seen a figure in the bedroom, always partly hiding behind the open door with our dog whining or growling in the direction of the figure...

My mom bought the house from a family friend after the old man who lived there passed away. The first night she slept in it she saw the old man in the bedroom next to the bed and she actually 'heard' him say 'just checking you're settling in' and walked out (she never saw him again)

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Yup, that's the one :punk:


About 300+ goths are going to take over the Queen Mary for a weekend. There will be bands, booze, vendors, and as much fun as can be crammed into one weekend.


This will be the 15th year of this event, which is held in a different city each year. I was able to attend the 6th year (Seattle,) the 13th (Portland,) and the 14th (Ybor,) so this will make my third time in a row.


I still have to book my room, which might be hard to do because I know they were filling up fast when I talked to my friend (who is one of the organizers this year) last November.


I usually share a room with one of my friends, but she's got romance this year. So, I'm pretty much out of luck for a roommate because I won't share a room with a stranger and all of my friends are sharing their rooms with spouses/lovers. This being old and single thing does tend to suck on occasion :wink2:



The boat I mean. :naughty:

Did you know this is the "sister boat" to Titanic?


Walking in to that boat was like entering a time machine!:thumb_yello:

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Coming from a family that seems to have a history of crazy paranormal experiences, it wouldn't make much sense if I didn't believe in ghosts. My mum and my aunts and uncle all lived in a house that was rife with paranormal activity when they were young, and the things that happened in there were so f***ed up that my mum won't let things like ouija boards or voodoo dolls in the house letalone let me and my brother use them. She also gets really freaked out by ouija board stories, probably because it was a ouija board session that caused the paranormal activity in that old house to go from just plain freaky to totally insane. It's also been said that my great grandmother (on my mum's side) was a medium of some sort, and that my grandma had some odd experiences connected with that.

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i think i believe in ghosts , but sometimes i'm not sure.

i lost my mother 6 years ago and always thought she would visit me one day. i don't think she ever did but i had some dreams about her. when i dream about her it's like she is back

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I do, to some extent... I too am an athiest, (how ironic that I go to a catholic school...), but I do believe that there is something out there. Although I have no idea what it may be...


I've had no personal experiences with ghosts, but both my mother and father have.


When I was very little (around a year old), we owned an old corner store, which had a house attached. Aparently they used to hear footsteps inside (the floors wee wooden), and when they went to investigate, there was no one there.


Also while we were there, my dad had an old piano he used to play, and one day, he was playing, and the piano started rocking. not just moving with the music, full on rocking back and forwards. As soon as he stopped playing, the rocking stopped. Apparently he went green with shock... :naughty:


The house we're in now isn't anywhere near as old as the house I was born in, but when we first moved here, my mum woke up one night to find a young girl with really long dark hair staring at her from the foot of her bed. At first she though it was me, cos at that stage, I had way long hair, but then she realised that the girl's hair was out, and I never slept with my hair out, and this girl was alot shorter that I was. Mum blinked a few times, and the girl faded away...


haha, all this ghost stuff is creeping me out now... I'm almost afraid to turn around!

*turns around* Okay, nothing there... :naughty::roftl:


Like my above post???????

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another picture of her/it. i realised she was stalking me when, on the 1st week of the second term at school, we were doing ghost stories and on he powerpoint, was this picture....


last night. i couldnt sleep, even with pdp on! then my cat came n and lyed on my bed. then, my chair for he dressing table moved twice and he cat meowed he brush and comb started moving on the dressing table, i looked away and looked back, and her face was in the mirror! (my dressing table is in front on my bed) and wat scared me was he fact was that i couldnt see my face through her or anything, her face was where mine was from my bed!


this isnt about this girl, although it could be.- there has been loads of bad accident in the ame place down this road where ppl have swerved cos of this girl in the road, and there hasn been this girl there. whats freaky is is near where i live.


the other night, my lightbulb ent purple and flickered off, then wouldnt turn on then when we changed it, the lightbulb worked, but part was burned and something was wrong with it cos it buzzed really loud!!!

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