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Tough Times


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Hello Everyone...:mf_lustslow:


It sure has been awhile since I've last posted. That's probably because I've been up to my a** in alligators..... coping with an over-abundance of misfortune, trauma and just plain bad f***ing luck. But I have survived once again to tell my tale... and have actually taken THAT to a whole new level by starting to pen my memoirs. After all.... 'YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!!!":wink2:


I've also modified the expression of "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger". My rendition of this is "That which doesn't kill you makes you crazy." :boxed: At least I haven't lost my sense of humor, as dark as it may be.....:naughty:


Yesss... these are exceptionally hard times for everyone. Unemployment is at a ridiculous high and a lot of people are finding their homes in foreclosure. Scary, scary stuff. Obviously one needs to prioritize... assess what we NEED as opposed to what we WANT... and never lose sight of our goals and aspirations. So many people place so much emphasis on superficialities and monetary acquisitions. But at the end of the day we need to realize that our health and our relationships are paramount to a lifetime of well-being.


I guess these concepts resonate so deeply with me because all my life I have struggled with health issues. I've also, unfortunately, been involved in some highly abusive relationships (not anymore, thank god!) But I got to walk away with my dignity intact and a protective barrier instilled - a.k.a. being selective and setting boundaries. The health problems, unfortunately, are a lot harder to resolve.


Without meaning to sound trite, I have always managed that, when dealt lemons to make lemonade. But that doesn't mean I necessarily LIKE lemonade. Sometimes it actually makes me gag.:thumbdown:

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:bye: welcome back - sorry to hear your health problems are continuing, but I think you will overcome them :thumb_yello:


And you are right about reassessing priorities. A lot of people need to realise that life is about what you are, not what you have.

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:bye: welcome back - sorry to hear your health problems are continuing, but I think you will overcome them :thumb_yello:


And you are right about reassessing priorities. A lot of people need to realise that life is about what you are, not what you have.


Welcome back. :flowers2:


Thank you so much, silver and violet_sky.:huglove:


Yesss...... things have sure been crazy for me. I have this internal bleed, and I've been losing a lot of blood for quite awhile. That makes me dizzy, light-headed and weak, so I started having a lot of falls. That resulted in all kinds of injuries (fractures, abrasions, bruises, stitches, bruised ribs on BOTH sides)... which didn't help the bleeding, only made it worse... so I sustained more falls and more injuries..... a vicious circle. I eventually had surgery in January to try and stop the bleeding... only I lost even more blood and ended up needing a transfusion. Now I'm being closely monitored... and may need more transfusions... To top everything off, I live alone and I've really been having problems managing anything.... But being the stubborn fool that I am I have been fighting through it all.... Oh well.... they say "only the good die young"... so I guess that rules me out! LOL!:wink2:


Having all this adversity has just made me realize how inconsequential most things are. "Don't sweat the small stuff" - so true! And with all this crap going on I've become very grateful for the things that most people take for granted. I'm so thankful to have a warm, dry apartment (I NEVER want to live under a bridge! No bathrooms! LOL!) My space is my own safe haven which I don't have to share with any abusive roommates. And then there's my sweet and wonderful Cali-Cat - who constantly showers me with unconditional love. As well - not having a job is finally a GOOD THING! I don't have one to lose! LOL! And finally - I thank the lord for my sense of humor - they say that laughter is the best medicine..... sure beats crying - only there's a place for tears, too.... a natural cleanse/detox.


However, my heart goes out to all the homeless people in the world ... they really do live life one day at a time... I also really empathize and comprehend the daily painful struggle the chronically ill have to endure. As well, I feel deeply for all those lost souls who constantly have to face abuse and domestic violence (Man, can I ever relate to that!!!)


So there's a lot of pain going on here - but also a plethora of reflection...... Is it any wonder I'm writing a book?

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My heart goes out to you. :huglove:


Gosh, you have been through hell and back...and back again. I might be speaking for more than just myself by stating that you really put a lot about life in perspective. And you, my dear, are the ultimate surivor. I'm glad you found the way to come back to the MFC and let us know you're getting through these toughest of times. Welcome back. :thumb_yello:

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welcome back calicojasmine!





My heart goes out to you. :huglove:


Gosh, you have been through hell and back...and back again. I might be speaking for more than just myself by stating that you really put a lot about life in perspective. And you, my dear, are the ultimate surivor. I'm glad you found the way to come back to the MFC and let us know you're getting through these toughest of times. Welcome back. :thumb_yello:


Glad to see you back!

And, you're SO right -- Laughter is IS the best medicine!



Thank you all!:mf_lustslow:

Yesss, it continues to be quite the ride. I hope my book will help others understand the heartbreak of medical misdiagnoses and its' subsequent traumatic, chaotic and tragic repercussions.

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CALICO! :huglove:


I'm so sorry that all of this bad luck fell upon you, you are one of the most undeserving of that kind of sh*t! :wub2:


PM me if you ever need to talk :flowers2:


Thank you so much!!! Yeah, the bad stuff has been going on all my life. It's gotten pretty old, you know? Sometimes it's REALLY DIFFICULT to make any sense from it all... such a struggle... especially going through it all pretty much alone.... But somehow, for some crazy reason I keep getting through it... and I keep having these close calls... I guess my work here on earth isn't done yet, and I'm here for some kind of purpose......


Speaking of "close calls" - 2 weeks ago I went to see my GP... I took a cab there..... I had no sooner gotten out of the cab there was this MASSIVE accident..... a pickup truck which had struck a pedestrian a few blocks away was fleeing the scene at an outrageous speed... This hit and run then smashed into 4 vehicles (including the cab I had just exited), totaling every car it struck. He then proceeded to crash in a head on fashion (he crossed the lane and was in the oncoming lane) - he was going SOOOOO FAST THAT HE WAS ACTUALLY AIRBORNE!!!!! Then crashed at such a velocity that one of his tires came flying off, sending it just past where I was, and landing 2 BLOCKS FROM THE ACCIDENT SITE!!!!!!!


You CAN'T make this stuff up!!!!!!!


Sometimes I think my internal bleed is from the horseshoe that is lodged up my ass.........:wink2::naughty:

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Wow, your previous posts are really food for thought. Guess this will occupy me for quite a while during the day. It's true, though, that when we lose something, be it our job, our health or a beloved person - it helps us be thankful for what we still have.

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Hello!! Hello!!! I had wondered what cliff you'd fallen off. BecaUse it would just be your luck for one to crumble beneath you. Nice to see you again.


Let's drink. :cheers: (lemonade in beer mugs of course) :huglove:

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Wow, your previous posts are really food for thought. Guess this will occupy me for quite a while during the day. It's true, though, that when we lose something, be it our job, our health or a beloved person - it helps us be thankful for what we still have.


Loss really is a 4-letter word.....:thumbdown:


Hello!! Hello!!! I had wondered what cliff you'd fallen off. BecaUse it would just be your luck for one to crumble beneath you. Nice to see you again.


Let's drink. :cheers: (lemonade in beer mugs of course) :huglove:


Or, as in my case, transfused directly into my veins.......:wink2:

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I often think I have set my sights too low, trying to be content with what I have, but really, it's the only way not to become bitter and twisted.


Not that I can't manage a bit of bitter and twisted,:wink2:and it would be nice to have more, but what do we really need at the end of the day? And as they say, you can't take it with you.

Like you say, be thankful for what you do have, and take pleasure in small things.


OK enough of that, I off back to the (sour) apples thread. :ap_rosetinted:

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I’m not sure we have been talking before now but I wish you welcome back and the things you’re writing in here really gives me a lot to think about!:wub2:


I know what you mean. I often feel like I have too much time on my hands.... to think..... and remember..... not always the best thing to do.... but I really want to make a difference for others. I guess I'm just trying to save others a lot of the grief I've encountered over the years. Kinda like a cookbook for the mind, if that makes any sense at all......:naughty::wink2:

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I often think I have set my sights too low, trying to be content with what I have, but really, it's the only way not to become bitter and twisted.


Not that I can't manage a bit of bitter and twisted,:wink2:and it would be nice to have more, but what do we really need at the end of the day? And as they say, you can't take it with you.

Like you say, be thankful for what you do have, and take pleasure in small things.


OK enough of that, I off back to the (sour) apples thread. :ap_rosetinted:

I don't get it :blink:

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I often think I have set my sights too low, trying to be content with what I have, but really, it's the only way not to become bitter and twisted.


Not that I can't manage a bit of bitter and twisted,:wink2:and it would be nice to have more, but what do we really need at the end of the day? And as they say, you can't take it with you.

Like you say, be thankful for what you do have, and take pleasure in small things.


OK enough of that, I off back to the (sour) apples thread. :ap_rosetinted:


I don't get it :blink:


I think that what babs is saying is that in order to not be constantly let down by unfulfilled and/or unreasonable goals, one needs to set their sights a little lower.. after all,no expectations, no disappointments..... And in the long run the things that really matter the most are not so much about objects and monetary acquisitions, but about the simple things in life which most people take for granted - health issues, matters of the heart and the simple, creature comforts which enable us to thrive as human beings.


I think the Rolling Stones capture this concept so eloquently: -


"You can't always get what you want - but if you try sometimes you just might find - you get what you need......." :thumb_yello:

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hi, calico. it's very good to hear from you again, though not good to read what you wrote.

I'm so sorry and I'm sure everything I can post would just sound superficial and vane, but pls do hold on. you're a lovely person and you deserve the best you can get.


yeah, economic crisis is spooky, it's everywhere and this 2009 has not started off very good (to say least..) here too.. same about health problems. when it comes all together, it's hard to say "at least I am healthy", or "at least economy goes good" and stuff.. :boxed:


if things are just a tidsy bitsy brighter though, that's always smt that cheers up incredibly much, isn't it? as you rightly posted, one learns the real values and priorities.


I also don't like lemonade: but maybe one can add some sugar to it..? :blink:


a hug

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hi, calico. it's very good to hear from you again, though not good to read what you wrote.

I'm so sorry and I'm sure everything I can post would just sound superficial and vane, but pls do hold on. you're a lovely person and you deserve the best you can get.


yeah, economic crisis is spooky, it's everywhere and this 2009 has not started off very good (to say least..) here too.. same about health problems. when it comes all together, it's hard to say "at least I am healthy", or "at least economy goes good" and stuff.. :boxed:


if things are just a tidsy bitsy brighter though, that's always smt that cheers up incredibly much, isn't it? as you rightly posted, one learns the real values and priorities.


I also don't like lemonade: but maybe one can add some sugar to it..? :blink:


a hug


SURE! Some sugar ....... just what we need for our teeth to rot!!! LOL!:wink2::naughty:


Hope you're relatively okay and hangin' in ...... it sucks to be sick......... :thumbdown:


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Progress Report: :punk:


If anyone cares, that is.... :wink2:


The Good News: :thumb_yello:

I managed to walk approximately 12 blocks today!!!


The Bad News: :thumbdown:

I may have strep throat.... going to the clinic tomorrow...


But More Good News:

I'm ALWAYS FIGHTING BACK!!!!! :wink2::thumb_yello:

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well, sugar gives you decay, but also strenght. perhaps cause I always lack sugar, I do miss some LOL we can always brush teeth to provent decay anyway :das:



feel slightly better now, thx. but 2009 didn't exactly start off a good way.. :blink:


great to hear you're feeling a little better. hold on, it's hard, I know, but a new day everyday is smt to cling to.



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