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Things I DO like...

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Well, We already have a thread about things we don't like, so I figured we should be positive and have a thread about things we do like.

I suppose it could help MFCers get to know each other more blah blah blah and It can just be fun! :aah:


I'll start:


I like art - Drawing is something I've always done. Only in the past few years have I gotten good at it :naughty:


I like Music - I teach myself guitar and piano & my dad gives me the occasional drum lesson. (he used to be a drummer in a band)


I like reading - I spend most of my time reading :roftl: So much so that my sisters call me a bookworm. My favourite book ever is Breaking dawn, the last book in the twilight saga.


I love sleeping - I am so lazy it is unbelievable :roftl: I really do enjoy lying in bed for half the day. It annoys my parents, but I do get away with it.


I like Dr Who - David Tennant is my favourite actor; he's lovely. :blush-anim-cl: It's an amazing TV programme and when I'm older I'm going to somehow buy a life-sized TARDIS and have that in my house.


I like funny people - I just adore people who can make me laugh. My best frined James is one of the funniest guys I know :teehee: He really makes me giggle.


I like Asia - As a whole, I think it's an amazing continent.


I like being a vegetarian - I think it's funny when I annoy the heck out of people with my incredibly boring speaches :aah:


Alice xx

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- Singing

- Dancing

- Acting

- Drawing

- Reading

- Writing

- Daydreaming

- The internet

- Roses and Tulips

- Hot sunny days

- Summer clothes

- Holding hands

- Tight, meaningful hugs

- Random days out

- Disney films

- Vanilla icecream with strawberry sauce and a flake! ^^

- Travelling / being abroad

- being away from home

- eating (:roftl:)

- laughing

- making people laugh

- having lots of energy


- Satsuma's lol

- Italian food

- picnics

- Walking

- children

- Loud music in the car



That's all I can think of right now xDD

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-rock out to music

-play music




-walking a long the shore

-nightly walk on the beach

-looking at the stars

-looking at the clouds


-Italia :wub2:

-Italian ice cream

-watching football and figure skating

-cooking/baking/making cakes



-movies/tv shows

-lovely smells


-driving my car when the weather's nice, and my favorite cd's playing

-waterfalls, babbling brookes, mountains

-snow :wub2:

-holding hands


-fall, colors changing

-people who are passionate and ambitious


-jewelry in general

-lipgloss by revlon: super lustrous, color: nude







-long relaxing baths

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I like:


  • Cows
  • Tea
  • Chocolate
  • Snow
  • Water
  • Green
  • Trees
  • Singing in the shower
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Laughing
  • Stupid jokes
  • Discovering new things
  • Travelling
  • Music
  • Drawing (and art in general)
  • Notebooks
  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Bags
  • Sun
  • Soft toys
  • English



Other things as well, but I have enough already :naughty:

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-Hugging people

-I like it when I receive a really good grade

-Hanging out with friends



-Animals in general (well, except for most insects)


-Going to gigs (not that I've been to much yet haha.)

-Reading books and magazines

-doing stuff I'm good at


-The sunset



-The moon


-Days in spring or summer when it doesn't rain, the sun is shining but it's not too warm


-Funny icons I randomly find on Photobucket

-Pychedelic stuff

-Nail art


-Discovering new things

-Finding new songs before the mainstream

-Watching programs where artists perform live

-Watching documentaries or Dr. Phil like programs about problem kids (like abused kids or druggies)


FOOD: Chocolate, chocolate pudding, whipped cream, icecream, banana's, mandarines, pineapples, prumes, melons, peaches, frites, hamburgers, soup, hotdogs, chinese, pizza, pasta, pie/cake, chicken, quiche.


DRINKS: Orange juice, tea, chocolate milk (preferably with whipped cream haha), fruit juice, wine, cider, rosé.

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When, at Stansted airport, I found three books from two of my, for the moment, favourite authors to a much better prize :kachinga: than in any book store in London!

Jodi Picoult and Joanna Trollope.

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I like:


  • Cows



Other things as well, but I have enough already :naughty:

i thought i was the only mad person who liked cows :naughty:

they're so cute and lovely.


i love tea


socks, gloves, scarves and hats/beanies

my ipod

ice cream

dresses and skirts


i like drawing though i'm not very good at it...i just call it modern art :naughty:

i love owls




animation movies

coloring pencils

spring flowers

red dry wines

klimt and kandinsky's art

oh and of course Mika

and good old cartoons

and board games


and i could go on forever, really :roftl:

i'll be back later, for sure :naughty:

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i thought i was the only mad person who liked cows :naughty:

they're so cute and lovely.


Hehe!! Everybody thinks I'm crazy when I tell them I love cows:naughty: Well I AM crazy I guess.... and so are you:roftl:

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Next to Mika and his music, I like:


- when it is very cold and sunny at the same time

- snow

- Australia

- New York

- travelling

- cheese

- chocolate

- Lost and Sawyer (Josh Holloway)

- to laugh

- to ski

- Damien Rice

- Harry Potter

- sleeping until noon

- feel the sun on my skin

- cuddling

- watching movies

- The Little Mermaid

- Margarita's

- ...


BTW ... I like this tread :)

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