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Mika in the swiss newspaper "24heures" - 03.09.09


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I've just found an article about our men in the swiss newspaper "24heures".


For the one who understand french, here is the link: http://www.24heures.ch/actu/culture/mika-haut-2009-09-02


I've tried to translate it into english but, as I don't even understand 100% of what this journalist is trying to say in french :teehee:, I'm not sure that it does make any sense :roftl:. So if anybody wants to correct the translation, it's a good thing I guess :aah:


anyway, here it is:


MIKA, always higher


With the upcoming release of his second album, « The Boy who Knew too Much », the Bee Gees’ hidden son is about to leave his mark with his groovy falsetto voice. Analysis of a phenomenon.


He is coming back with a second album! His frivol pop, even rubbish for some people, didn’t stop at least 5 million of buyers (7 taking the less cautious estimations under consideration) of Life in cartoon Motion, his first masterpiece released in 2007. This, considering the temptation of free internet downloads, represents an exploit reached by very few artists except Coldplay or the Black Eyed Peas.


In less than two years, Mika became the new icon of a lightweight, colourful and un hanged-up pop, competing with the greatest artists and pulling thousands of fans into his gigs (He played on the main stage at Paleo festival in 2008). And, as one should never let a good “soufflé” fall down, the singer with the church bard gone astray voice will be here one more time with a second album, The Boy Who Knew Too much, from the 18th September. In brief, you should better make love him because, unless being deaf, you will not escape it. Here is the proof by five:


The golden unconcern

It is said that it is the crisis - at least in heads. Thus, for lack of betting on the ambient gloom by rereleasing one’s complete Joy Division, one should bet on artists who offer to run from greyness thanks to an artificial paradises of exhilarating pop. Mika, who got known with tracks as Relax, Take It Easy or Happy Ending, is once again going to open the box of colours with a dominant ingot as his first single, We Are Golden, announce since several weeks. Gold is always in, even in pop.



Safe Values

Glittering as a new coin, Michaël Holbrook Penniman (his real name) did not reinvent the wheel and it is so much the better for him because the (large) audience does not like to be (too much) surprised. The young international star does not thus change his prestigious references: The Bee Gees, Freddie Mercury, Elton John and, but it is not certain, Pet Shop Boys. Artists whom we are tired of buying "highlights". Any new material comes just at the right moment.


An artist, a real one

Mika, it is cool and sparkly, but it is not conceived in an industrial laboratory. The young unpredictable talent only owes his fate to his stubbornness. Hours locked with his piano, a passage by Royal College of Music of London, conflicting relationship with his first label, happy tendencies for the auto mockery. No doubt, Mika made iridescent pop - and assumes it-, but it is an artist, a true one. Moreover, it is necessary to be one of them to confide his Album Art and costumes to his sisters Paloma, Yasmine and Zuleïka.


A Playboy

His brown curls fall delicately on his forehead and his slender body, ready for emancipated dance steps, makes the rest. Gays have already adopted him but Mika is a 26 years old playboy who doesn’t choose his camp. Approached as homosexual, he does not confirm nor deny - in spite of the song Billy Brown which evoked the question on his previous album. It is cunning in order not to alienate a public of young girls who can then continue to dream about him as a prince charming and additionally to buy his records.



For sure, Mika is talented but his ascent would never have been so inexorable if his career had not been very carefully orchestrated. In order not to be too much forgotten between his two albums, the singer brings out an EP of 4 titles, Songs For Sorrow, richly illustrated. Even better, to accompany The Boy Who Knew Too Much, the young artist invents his own version of the loyalty Cumulus Card of Migros* where it is question of collecting "Magic Numbers" in every purchase of Mika products. The purpose of the operation? Win a private concert. And get dressed for life with Mika T-shirts?



* Migros is one of the most famous supermaket in switzerland]


To tell the truth, reading it in french, it gives more the impression of a journalist trying to put as many expressions and sophisticated vocabulary as it might be possible in an article than something really interesting about Mika...


but, as articles about him are quite rare in the french part of switzerland, it's always good to see him in the local newspaper!! And even more to share it with you :thumb_yello:

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Merci beaucoup, Nanou! :pbjt:


I read this article out loud in French - and stumbled upon a couple of expressions. :aah:


But besides the author's attempt to sound as sophisticated as possible, it is after all a very positive article. There no way to avoid Mika. :thumb_yello:

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the young artist invents his own version of the loyalty Cumulus Card of where it is question of collecting "Magic Numbers" in every purchase of Mika products. The purpose of the operation? Win a private concert. And get dressed for life with Mika T-shirts?


So true, eh? :roftl:


Thanks for posting, and for translating! :flowers2:

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