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Quite harsh review (dutch) about TBWKTM 06-10-'09


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I don't think the review itself is worth commenting, so let me just state how much I despise people who make such homophobic and pitiful comments suggesting that the shadow of being caught in a public toilet with their pants down is hanging over each and every gay man in this planet.:sneaky2:



Well sad, and I really agree!:thumb_yello:


That was my first thought as well when reading that part. I couldn't believe they said that.


Wouldn't it be enough to criticize his music….?:boxed:


quite ironic it's a dutch review but amsterdam is sold out first:teehee:


And isn’t Holland just like my own country supposed to be guarding the rights for LGBT people too…..:aah:

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I feel like that man didn't get the point of Mika's music at all. Like he listened it once, very quickly, without paying a lot of attention. He presented Mika like some very well calculated pop product. And only purpose of those is profit. And I have never got that kind of impression when it comes to Mika.

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You're right, that's not a kind write-up.


I don't know if The Boy is as good as LiCM. I am unable to be unbiased.

Mika made it; it's lovely is my opinion.....


......But I had kind of wondered about the bi stuff.


When he was reported as 'gay' it was not unexpected at all but a little bit of me wasn't 100% sure. The 'bi' thing rang more true with me.

And then I wondered if he was trying to keep everyone happy.


i) what would I know and can anyone ever label another?

ii) does it matter and is it any of my business?


However, if as this reporter is implying, it's only a matter of time before someone does a 'kiss and tell', I'm suddenly surprised that it hasn't already happened.


Mika makes a big thing of having close trusted people around him. So they wouldn't go to the press, but these jilted ex's that litter his lyrics??? They know who they are and yet don't seem to have been to the tabloids. (GOOD)


These are exactely my thoughts too Ruth!

I too wondered when the first ex would/ will stand up and starts saying mean things...

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These are exactely my thoughts too Ruth!

I too wondered when the first ex would/ will stand up and starts saying mean things...

I've thought a lot about that, and especially lately, since he's been more open. I keep listening to his interviews and saying through my clenched teeth, "Shut up Mika!" because ONE DAY SOMEONE will go to the press!!!! I dread it happening, but I'm sure that some day it will!

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This person obviously doesnt get Mika!! I'm not too worried though, i've read plenty of really nice reviews where the critic obviously GETS Mika and what he is about. What is important is that his true fans love his album, i know i do. There isnt a single song on there where i thought he was trying to hard. 'Mika i love your album'!!!!!

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I've often wondered about that. Perhaps they have their own reasons to keep quiet (eg good enough careers of their own, and family they don't want to embarass)


I often suspect the "kiss & tell" types are on the look out for people to kiss and tell about - it's certainly true with the girls who hang out in nightclubs with footballers.


alternatively, the "relationship" may have stayed in Mika's head (I see you -style :wink2:) and they are blissfully unaware :roftl:


:blink:quite possibly!!:roftl::roftl::roftl::roftl:

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I am a fan of Mika's.

I really like LICM & TBWKTM.

But - I have read enough reviews now that I can at least understand where the authour is coming from whether I agree or not.

Imco Lanting - the authour of this scathing critique - doesn't like Mika's music & doesn't like Mika.

He/She should excuse her/himself from writing a review for that very reason.

The dislike also reveals itself when talking about Mika's "approach" to sexuallity.

What I really admire about Mika's real, sincere & strong stance on sexuallity is the belief in "No labels."

Mika has put it out there - why label & limit yourself??

He has said "Don't!

Reading this review by this authour was a waste of time.

I didn't learn anything other than the dislike for Mika everything Mika by this sad person.

I agree!

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I've thought a lot about that, and especially lately, since he's been more open. I keep listening to his interviews and saying through my clenched teeth, "Shut up Mika!" because ONE DAY SOMEONE will go to the press!!!! I dread it happening, but I'm sure that some day it will!


Oh I dunno, might be a relief then we could all forget about his sexuality!! Although he probably wouldn't comment and then people would say ho, hum the person was probably lying anyway...


Frankly I just can't understand why anyone who's studied him would think he was anything other than into guys and against labels (quite rightly) and why anyone on this forum should have a problem with that! Why put 'admit' to being bisexual - you don't read someone 'admitted' to being heterosexual.


He must have excellent taste in partners to pick people who don't do kiss and tell, good for him! That's the really surprising and impressive thing to me...

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Oh I dunno, might be a relief then we could all forget about his sexuality!! Although he probably wouldn't comment and then people would say ho, hum the person was probably lying anyway...


Frankly I just can't understand why anyone who's studied him would think he was anything other than into guys and against labels (quite rightly) and why anyone on this forum should have a problem with that! Why put 'admit' to being bisexual - you don't read someone 'admitted' to being heterosexual.


He must have excellent taste in partners to pick people who don't do kiss and tell, good for him! That's the really surprising and impressive thing to me...


Yes. Ditto.

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ICalculated coming-out

Mika’s new record came in the album charts at no4. Mika is hot. Lots of fans will have bought the cd blind, probably thinking of the hits from 2 years ago, and inspired by the glamhit We Are Golden. In the video we see Mika in his boxers dancing hysterically for minutes in his adolences boys room. That made me think of a recent interview in which Mika admitted being bisexual. Real musicfans know what that means. Lots of artists before Mika had such a calculated comingout. Mika’s statement again seems to be an attempt not to hurt the tender souls of his teenagergirlsfans; everybody happy. Mika needs the criticless fancrowd too much if it comes on buying his record.




tbh, do we really care? if he's happy, we're happy right? these critics need to wake up from grump land and stop casting long dark clouds over the very little happiness life has to offer :shun:

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I hated that ridiculous review. Totally RUDE. And obviously the person didn't get the music or the message. If there even IS a message - who cares? It's music, for singing along with, dancing to, listening to - and in that respect - BRILLIANT!


As for Mika's personal life, this is the trade-off of fame. He is intelligent enough to know this and the timing of the "bisexual" comment was not accidental. It was planned for one (or several different) reason(s):



1. Mika may have felt pressured by business interests regarding the "gay" question. Gay popstars do not do so well in the USA for instance. Even Queen stopped touring in the USA in the mid-eighties. And Freddie was not even "out" (though everyone knew) and he never discussed it with any American media outlets. The suits might have told Mika to "pick a middle ground" since his fan base is predominantly female.


2. Mika may have been instructed to do a David Bowie. Bowie changed so many times over his career that the only way he can know what his sexuality is would be to have Iman tell him. In a similar way this could peak interests in Mika as a bit of a curiosity and then in later years he could marry some gorgeous model and have a couple of kids. Who knows?


3. Mika could be gay as a goose and have decided it would not behoove his future as a major popstar to have snugglebunnies with a guy considering his female fan base. Thus the bisexual comment gives the girlies hope without denying a part of himself.


Being a popstar means that you will be viewed as an object of sexual interest and fantasy to many fans thus there is no real way to get around this consideration. I would say - don't become a popstar if you don't want fans to desire you and be interested in your personal life, specifically your sexual proclivities. Mika could have always stayed in opera or been a composer, producer, music teacher - whatever. So ultimately this is Mika's choice - he wants this and he has to pay the piper. Only he knows if it is worth it to him. It may be right now - perhaps in a few years it won't be. (I hope that is not the case but everyone does deserve to live as they choose.)


To me personally I would have difficulty identifying with a gay popstar since I am not gay myself. This would not lessen my enjoyment of their music but it would effectively neuter the fantasy aspect for me. Which is ok if I don't find an artist attractive, compelling or fantasy-worthy.


And Mika for me is ALL THREE, so I am happy no matter what his reasons for the declaration are - subterfuge, lavender-washing, attention-seeking, business-pressured - makes no nevermind to me.


Believe me this kind of thing has kept an active Gerard Butler adoration going with me for years! Ignorance can be bliss.

Edited by riotnikki
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