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I think I miss Mika ...


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This video of yours is still one of my top 3 favourite live Mika vids EVER. I'm so glad you captured and shared it. :blush-anim-cl:




Hi Bienie! Nice to see you again!:wub2:


It's one of my favourites too.:mf_lustslow:


And you have to go to a gig in the future...you're pics and clips are just so :wub2::wub2::wub2:

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Hi! :bye: Welcome back!



My favorite Mika vid is also yours :blush-anim-cl: But I think I've already told you this a while ago :naughty:


And Happy Ending is definitely not one of my top 3 songs, but he's just freaking amazing here:





Indeed, he is! I hadn't seen it yet, so beautiful

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Thanks all! Great to see the reactions! :biggrin2:



And you have to go to a gig in the future...you're pics and clips are just so :wub2::wub2::wub2:


And I'm the only one that can do such a thing of course :mf_rosetinted:




But thanks :wub2:




@ guylainem123 : haha, I don't know what it is .. It wasn't really a break either .. just .. too busy real life? I don't know :aah:



@ STEP___ : don't do this! :aah:

I also saw there's a parking space nearby ... :mf_rosetinted:

I'm gonna see if I can get the day off on the 11th ... :fisch: A bit short notice tho, so I have no idea if it's gonna work :aah:

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Hi! :bye: Welcome back!





Indeed, he is! I hadn't seen it yet, so beautiful




My personal favourite of my own videos is Relax I think.

Wonderful, wonderful moment :wub2:




(but that whole show was wonderful :aah: )

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My personal favourite of my own videos is Relax I think.

Wonderful, wonderful moment :wub2:




(but that whole show was wonderful :aah: )


Hate his voice :mf_rosetinted:

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Thanks all! Great to see the reactions! :biggrin2:




And I'm the only one that can do such a thing of course :mf_rosetinted:




But thanks :wub2:




@ guylainem123 : haha, I don't know what it is .. It wasn't really a break either .. just .. too busy real life? I don't know :aah:



@ STEP___ : don't do this! :aah:

I also saw there's a parking space nearby ... :mf_rosetinted:

I'm gonna see if I can get the day off on the 11th ... :fisch: A bit short notice tho, so I have no idea if it's gonna work :aah:


I told you about Les Ardentes quite some time ago I think :mf_rosetinted:

But still, please tell to your boss it's extremely important you go :teehee:

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welcome back Bienie! :huglove:

I suggest you go and see Mika if you can :wub2:

we don't need to be on the forum every day or go to every Mika gig in order to be fans :wink2:

Obviously RL is more important :original:

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